Author's Note: Hey, ya'll, jasonstoneface here! Just so you know, from this point on, the heroes in Carl's universe will be referred to as Superman 1, Jason 1, etc. The heroes from my universe will be known as Superman 2, Jason 2, etc., so as to avoid confusion on who's who. Okay? Okay.


"Where are we?" asked Sabrina.

"You are on the Animarium," answered Princess Shayla as she approached the five young women.

Superman 1 stepped forward and said, "And you have been chosen to help us save reality."

"Superman?" asked a surprised Kris. "The JLA? And the Titans?" Noticing the large group of teenagers with them, she asked, "But who are you kids?"

"And what do you mean by 'save reality?'" asked Kelly.

"Well, believe it or not, we're the Power Rangers," answered Jason 1.

Adam 1 spoke up for his team, saying, "The seven of us are the Zeo Rangers."

Keith then said, "And we're the ThunderCats."

"That still doesn't explain why we got these bracelets," said Julie. "One minute, I'm wrapping up a photoshoot, the next I'm here."

An image of Zordon 1 appeared near the fountain, saying, "WELCOME, POWER ANGELS."

"Power Angels?" asked Sabrina.


"The Reality Gems?" asked a clearly confused Jill. "But I heard that this 'Lord Zedd' character was converted to the side of good. And for that matter, why are there two giant talking floating heads? Are you twins or something?"

"Not exactly," said Tommy 1. "You see, Lord Zedd was converted to the side of good. But the Lord Zedd we're facing is from another dimension. As for the floating heads, both of these guys are known as Zordon. One of them is our mentor from this dimension, the other is from the dimension that the other Zedd came from."

"That's right," came another voice. The newly-ordained "Power Angels" jaws' dropped as they saw lookalikes of the Rangers, the JLA, and the Titans approach. Tommy 2, the one who had just spoken, continued. "The whole bunch of us are from Zedd's dimension as well."

"We know this might be a bit confusing for the five of you," said Wonder Woman 2. "But we hope that you can learn to adjust. We know this isn't easy for you. None more so than any of the Power Rangers."

The Power Angels looked at the heroes from both universes with amazement and confusion. Finally, Kris said, "I've got to sit down."

Jill quickly joined her, saying, "There, there. Take it easy, little sis." She just smiled and put an arm around Kris' shoulder as Sabrina, Kelly, and Julie looked on.

Wonder Woman 1 looked at Zack 1 in desire. The touching of the red Reality Gem brought out some feelings she thought long buried. Now, Zack was 22, and she was only 4 years older, but he was still a teenager in the world's eyes. But she still couldn't help what she felt.

Zack 1 walked over to Diana. "What's up?"

"Considering I nearly tried to inhale your face after touching that gem…a lot. Zack…I don't know what to think anymore…all I know is that I would like to be with you, not just being in bed with you…but actually being with you." Diana inched closed to Zack slowly. "We have a lot to talk about."

"I have been nuts about you since we met. I'm a little nervous too, so let's just take this slowly and see where it goes, ok?" Zack ventured.

"Famous last words. But, they sound good to me. Let's go, friend." Diana spoke up, as they rejoined the others.

On the moon, Lord Zedd was searching Earth via a beam from his visor. He said to himself, "Rita said I have a wife and daughter who is a Ranger here in this dimension. She also said I was converted to the side of good. That is unacceptable. I wish to see this 'Larry Zedden' for myself." When he finally found who he was looking for, the sight made him want to gag. He saw Larry Zedden and his wife Leslie sitting on the couch at their home eating popcorn and laughing as they were watching TV. "So it's true," said Zedd to himself as he switched off his visor. "I have become weak. Well, I think it's time I paid Larry a little visit." He said nothing else as he teleported out.

Rita had watched Zedd the whole time from a distance. When he was gone, she walked into another room where Lex Luthor was working on his battle armor. Rita said, "He's gone to pay his human self a visit. How do you suppose we deal with him?"

"All in due time, Rita my dear," said Luthor. He didn't even bother to look as her as he worked.

"He says he killed me in his dimension and that you're also dead," said Rita. "I don't trust him."

"Neither do I, Rita. Neither do I," said Luthor. He finally looked at Rita as he continued. "But I say we work with him, if only temporarily. Every good businessman knows that sometimes you have to make a deal with the devil."

"But what will we do if, or rather WHEN, he double-crosses us?" asked Rita.

"That's what the modifications to my armor are for," said Luthor reassuringly. "With what you've taught me about magic combined with my own scientific and technical expertise, we'll be ready for anything."

"But aren't you worried about the fact that you're dead on his world?" asked Rita nervously. "Or the fact that I am, as well?"

For once Luthor smiled as he asked, "Why should I? That's his world, not ours. Besides, once we have the remaining Reality Gems, it will no longer matter, will it?"

As Lex's point sank in, Rita smiled and said, "Oh, Lexy. For a moment, I wasn't sure whose side you were on."

"Story of my life," said Lex as he and Rita leaned in for a kiss.

Back on the Animarium, the Power Angels were doing their best to adjust to their new situation. Rocky 1 walked up to them with a smile on his face and said, "So, you ladies are cops?"

"We were," corrected Sabrina. "Jill, Kris, Kelly, and myself all went to the Police Academy, Jill, Kelly, and I in L. A., Kris in San Francisco."

"But even after earning our badges, we were reduced to low-risk assignments. Desk jobs, directing traffic, handing out parking tickets, etc," added Kelly.

"We wanted to make a real difference in the field," continued Jill. Referring to herself, Kelly, and Sabrina, she said, "So when Charlie called us up and offered us the opportunity to be his own team of private investigators, we jumped at the chance."

"I was in the same position," said Kris. "There was a time when Jill left to race in Spain, and I took her place. When she came back, I returned to the SFPD, only now they let me do real work, considering all I did as one of Charlie's Angels."

"I never went to the Police Academy," said Julie. "I went to a top modeling school. Plus, unlike the others, I actually have a criminal record. But thanks to the others, as well as my probation officer, I was able to straighten my life out. Eventually, I was able to earn a license as an investigator after Charlie gave me a temporary one that allowed me to work for him. I enjoyed being an Angel, but when Sabrina wanted to come back, I voluntarily stepped down. Besides, I make more money as a model anyway, but I do keep in touch with the others."

"Wow," said Rocky 1. "No offense, but I think you're too hot to be detectives."

"You know who the first one was who ever said that to me?" asked Sabrina.

"Who?" asked Rocky 1.

"My ex-husband," answered Sabrina.

"Oh," said Rocky 1 as he took the hint and wisely decided to back off.

Elsewhere on the Animarium, the two Flashes stared at each other. Finally, Flash 2 said to Flash 1, "So, Barry,. . . um, how are things?"

"I can't complain," said Flash 1 with a shrug. "How's life treating you on your world, Wally?"

Flash 2 smiled and said, "I can't complain." Rubbing the back of his head, he continued. "Look, Barry, I know this is something you may not want to hear, but there was a time when you came back on my world."

"I'm listening," said Flash 1.

"Well, after you came back, I continued to call myself the Flash," said Flash 2. "After all, Jay still does. As you can see, I updated my costume a little bit."

"Yes, I did notice that," said Flash 1 with a nod. While his costume was still the same basic red uniform he had worn since he first became the Flash, Barry noticed that Wally's (or at least this version of Wally) costume was more of a crimson color and had a yellow outline around the white circle the lightning bolt was in, the two most obvious differences.

Tentatively, Flash 2 continued. "Anyway, your return was all-too brief. To make a long story short, something happened to the Speed Force, and you ended up sacrificing yourself again to stop it. But if it's any consolation, Aunt Iris went with you. So at least in our universe, both of you are in a better place."

"Good to know," said Flash 1 with a nod. "I hated the fact that I was forced to leave Iris behind during the Crisis, but I had no choice."

Flash 2 then said, "Look, Barry, although you're technically not the Barry that I knew, and I'm technically not the Wally that you knew, just seeing you here, Barry, I mean, it just feels. . . right." The two of them then hugged.

"Ahem," broke in a voice. The two Flashes turned to see RPM staring at them. "Sorry to spoil this kinda-sorta-reunion, but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation." He then asked Flash 2, "So you're still the Flash, huh?"

"Yeah, I am," answered Flash 2. "But, why RPM?"

"Why not?" responded RPM with a shrug. "I always thought Barry and Jay were the real Flashes anyway. Besides, with multiple Flashes, not to mention a whole squadron of GL's, I wanted my own identity, and RPM just seemed to fit, seeing how it does have to do with speed. Linda helped me design the new costume."

The Geo Rangers and four of the Thundercats stared at each other in amazement. Al spoke up first, asking, "Alright, so you're the Partridge Family, right? Rock stars?"

"Yeah," answered Keith tentatively. "And you're the Fosters and Lamberts."

"That's impossible," said Mark as he shook his head. "You can't be real."

"We could say the same thing about you," responded Tracy.

Finally, both groups said, "But you're just TV characters!" They stopped, realizing they were all thinking the same thing.

After the shock wore off, Chris said, "You guys were from a show called 'Step by Step.' It lasted for seven seasons. Although for some reason, you, Brendan, were never seen or even mentioned during the final season."

Brendan looked at the other Geo Rangers before responding, "Well, I did spend a year living with grandma in Milwaukee. Oh, by the way, on our world, your show was simply called 'The Partridge Family.'"

"That's original," said Laurie sarcastically. She then asked, "You wouldn't happen to have a family picture, would you?"

"Yeah, sure thing, babe," said Cody as he took out his wallet.

Laurie took it and the four Partridge kids looked at the picture. It was the last family picture the Lambert-Foster family had taken together before moving to Angel Grove. Laurie shook her head. As she handed Cody his wallet back, she said, "It's just as I thought. Your mom looks just like Chrissy Snow from 'Three's Company.'"

Karen giggled and said, "Yeah, mom gets that a lot. She has the first three seasons on DVD, but her name is Carol."

Tracy then spoke up again, saying, "Hey, Karen, listen, I remember seeing one episode in particular that I thought was funny. Did you really get collagen injections in your lips one time?"

"Ugh," said Karen in disgust. "Don't even mention that! Worst decision I ever made!"

"Second-worst," reminded Al with venom in her voice. Karen looked down in guilt.

Keith, realizing this was a sensitive issue, decided to change the subject. "Hey, listen, um. . . Al, is it?" Al nodded before Keith continued. "I got to know, Red Ranger to Red Ranger, does your dad ever get mistaken for. . ."

"Bobby Ewing?" interrupted Al, finishing his question. "Thankfully, no. But, I've got a question for you, Laurie."

"Sure, let me have it," responded the Pink Cheetah Thundercat.

Al then smiled and asked, "You know anyone named Grace Van Owen?"

Laurie looked confused, until Keith leaned in and whispered [Of course! L.A. Law! Grace Van Owen was one of the lawyers on the show. And she kinda looks like you.]

Laurie looked at both Keith and Al. "You have got to be kidding me."

"It's true," said Mark with a smile. "On our world, there's an actress named Susan Dey who played you and Grace Van Owen years later, so there you have it."

The rest of the Rangers were conversing with their own counterparts. Billy 2 said to Billy 1, "Your Superman said that on this world, I'm a Ranger as well as a Green Lantern. How is that possible?"

"Well, to put it simply, Ganthet gave me a ring, I had a choice to make, and I decided I could be both," answered Billy 1. "Whenever I morph, the white diamonds on my suit are now green."

Looking at his doppelganger, Zack 1 asked Zack 2, "Speaking of green, why are you wearing green, man? No offense, but it looks tacky on you. . . or is it me? Alright, I'm really confused now!"

"Allow me to explain," said Jason 2. "On our world, Zack, Trini, and I left the Rangers to attend the World Teen Summit peace conference in Switzerland. The day we left, we transferred our powers to Adam, Rocky, and Aisha. About a year later, Kimberly left the team as well, choosing Kat to take her place, while she went to Florida to train to compete in the Pan-Global games as a gymnast. About a year ago, Trini, Zack, and I were allowed to come home. Trini went back to Angel Grove right away, but Zack and I decided to tour Europe. On the first day of the Pan-Globals, we reunited with our friends and watched Kimberly compete and win the gold."

"Yeah," said Zack 2. "She was awesome. And as far as me wearing green instead of black, so what? As long as I'm a Ranger, I'm happy. I almost walked away the first time Zordon chose me to be a Ranger, and I wasn't about to make the same mistake twice."

Kat 1 said to Kat 2, "So, let me get this straight: On your world, not only do I take Kimberly's place and eventually date Tommy, but I actually started out evil?"

"Unfortunately," said Kat 2 with a nod. "You're lucky you didn't have that misfortune." She then asked, "You wouldn't by any chance be a descendant of Xena, Warrior Princess, would you?"

This surprised Trini 1. "You're a descendant of Xena? Here, that honor belongs to me. Do you happen to have a chakram in your arsenal?"

"Yes, I do!" exclaimed Kat 2 in surprise. "And I assume you have one, too?"

"That's right," said Trini 1 with a nod and a smile.

Trini 2 then spoke up. "You're Trey of Triforia, right?"

"That I am," answered Trey. "Why do you ask?"

Feeling a little guilty for what she was about to say, she took a breath before speaking. "Well, in our universe, you're dead. You were killed by Scorpina, who used a weapon called the Sword of Kismet. It was such a powerful sword, she was able to completely impale you. She got the sword when a space pirate named Divatox invaded your world, trying to get it for herself. Your people were completely wiped out. You came to Earth and passed your powers to me before you died. I'm sorry." She then looked down in shame.

Trey walked up to Trini 2 and put a comforting hand on her shoulder, as well as lifting her chin so that she looked him in the eye. "Do not be ashamed, Trini. If you are anything like the Trini of this dimension, I can think of no one better to carry on my legacy." This got a smile out of Trini 2 as they hugged.

Changing the subject, Aisha then decided to speak up. "Your Batman said that on your world, I'm a Lightstar Ranger. Who are they?"

"They're JLA reserves," answered Tanya 1. "They are Andros, Zhane, Ashley Hammond, Cassie Chan, Carlos Vallerte, T. J. Johnson, and you."

"Oh, I get it," said Tanya 2. "We have a team like that on our world. Except they're called the Space Rangers. They only formed a couple of weeks ago."

"But how come Zedd still exists in your universe?" asked Jamie.

"Maybe if you explain to us how he became good here, we can answer that," said Tommy 2.

Jenny looked glum and walked away as the others continued to talk. David and Samantha noticed this and followed her. They found her sitting on a rock by herself. David asked, "Hey, why the long face?"

Jenny looked up at David and Samantha. She sighed and answered, "I don't know. I guess it's just that I can't believe I don't exist on your world. I mean, does that make me less of a Ranger?"

"Wait a sec," said Samantha. "You're worried about your value as a Ranger just because you don't exist here? Are you nuts?"

David knelt down next to Jenny and patted her on the back, saying, "Hey, don't sweat it. After all, for all we know, Samantha and I don't exist on your world either."

"Exactly," agreed Samantha. "And yet, you don't hear us complaining about it."

Jenny then asked, "How did you become Rangers?"

"Well, I became a Ranger at the same time the other Zeo Rangers did," answered David. "As for Samantha, well, that's another story."

Sitting down next to Jenny, Samantha proceeded to explain. "You see, for a while, I was a teen model. I came to Angel Grove looking for some semblance of a normal life, but Rita had other ideas. She wanted to make me into an evil Ranger like she did Tommy, but fortunately, Zordon got to me first. I became the Purple Ranger and the rest is history."

This surprised Jenny. "Rita tried to make you evil? Funny, on my world Rita and Zedd tried to do the same thing to me. After my dad was killed by a drunk driver, my mom fell into a deep depression. Tommy and I were both put up for adoption. I was away from my family for three years and when I finally got to see Tommy again, it almost turned into a disaster. Poetry and songwriting helped me deal with the separation a lot."

Samantha seemed to light up at this. "Seriously?" She then laughed before adding, "That is so funny! Sometimes, when I'm beating a monster to paste, I'll throw in a random rhyme!"

David then said, "You know, Jenny, I think we're three peas in a pod. You and I are a sibling to Tommy, and like Samantha, you seem to be a poetic romantic with a great passion for life who was almost brainwashed to the dark side. The way I see it, on your world, you could be the two of us all rolled into one."

This got a smile out of Jenny. "I never thought about it that way."

Samantha smiled again as she and David each threw an arm around Jenny. She said, "Hey, don't complain, never explain. Life's too short for that."

"She's right," came a voice. The three of them turned to see Tommy 2 standing close by. He then got to one knee in front of his sister and put his hands on her shoulders, just as Samantha and David had let her go. "Even if you don't exist anywhere else, you'll always be my baby sister. And you'll always be special to me."

For once, Jenny didn't protest about being called Tommy's "baby sister." Instead, she hugged her brother and said, "Thanks, Tommy." After letting go, she looked at Samantha and David and said, "And thank you, guys. Both of you."

David smiled and patted Jenny on the back again, saying, "Anytime, Jenny. Anytime."

At the Zedden residence, Larry and Leslie Zedden were watching TV when it began flickering along with the lights. Suddenly, the ground seemed to be shaking. Leslie asked, "Larry, what's going on?"

"I don't know, Leslie," answered Larry. "But I don't think it's an earthquake."

Unfortunately, he was proven right as a flash of lightning entered the house. Instantly, Lord Zedd was standing before them. Leslie screamed as she held Larry. Larry looked like he'd just seen a ghost, because in a way, he was seeing one right now. He was barely able to get the words out as he and Leslie looked at their unwanted visitor in fear. "It. . . it can't be."

For several seconds, Zedd said nothing. Finally, he asked, "Larry Zedden, I presume?"

Slowly, Larry and Leslie stood up. He put on his best brave face as he answered, "Yes."

"And is she your wife?" asked Zedd, pointing at Leslie with his staff.

Larry looked at Leslie nervously. Turning back to Zedd, he reluctantly answered, "Yes. Her name is Leslie. What's it to you?"

"So you're what I've become in this dimension," said Zedd in disgust. "Pathetic and weak." Looking Leslie up and down, he said, "Although I must say, you made an excellent choice when it comes to a woman." He then stroked his chin in thought. "I always did want a queen. When I have all of the Reality Gems, perhaps I can make your wife mine. And your daughter, too. Is she here?"

"Unfortunately for you, no," answered Larry.

"Aw, that's too bad," said Zedd. "But still, knowing that she's a Ranger, once I control all of reality, I can make all of the Rangers my slaves! Or better still, I could command a whole army of Rangers to do my evil bidding!" He laughed as he added, "Oh, the possibilities are endless!"

At this time, Phoebe Halliwell got a vision of what was going down at the Zedden residence. "Prue, Piper, we're needed!"

That was all Piper needed to hear. "LEO!" Piper called for their Whitelighter.

Back at the Animarium, the large group of Rangers from both universes had relayed all they knew about Zedd. The visiting Rangers had learned how Zedd was now an ally as Larry Zedden. In return, they had explained how their Zedd had killed Rita and was now more dangerous than before. "Wow," said Zack 1. "It sounds like this Zedd is more ruthless and competent than the Zedd we knew."

"Yeah, he is," said Billy 2 with a nod. "Judging from what you told us about your Zedd, it seems that there was always that part of him that just wanted to be Larry Zedden. A part of him that didn't want to be evil. Not so with our Zedd."

"I just can't believe I don't exist in your universe," said Jamie. "But then again, it seems that Samantha and David don't either, so at least I'm not alone."

Suddenly, a burst of water sprang up from the fountain. As she approached it, Princess Shayla said, "Trouble, everyone."

"What is it?" asked Batman 1.

His answer came a moment later, as an image of Zedd at Jamie's house appeared in the water. "Mom! Dad!" cried Jamie.

"Aw, man," said Tommy 1. "Zedd's not wasting any time."

"We've got to stop him!" exclaimed Jamie.

"Don't worry, we will," said Jason 1 reassuringly. He then turned to the others and said, "Jamie and I will go and help Mr. and Mrs. Zedden. The rest of you stay here in case there's more trouble."

"Just be careful," said Jason 2. "Remember, this is not the Zedd you knew."

Jason 1 nodded at his doppelganger. "It's Morphin Time!"


Jamie commanded, "Go Zeo!"


Once morphed, the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger and the Purple Zeo Ranger teleported into Larry and Leslie's house, standing in front of Lord Zedd. Jason 1 cried out, "Okay, that's far enough, Zedd!"

Zedd tilted his head slightly when he heard the voice of the Red Ranger standing before him. He said, "That voice." He then chuckled before adding, "So, Jason, it appears that in this dimension you're still the Red Ranger." Looking at the Purple Zeo Ranger, he said, "And I must admit, I'm a little surprised to see a Purple Zeo Ranger. In my dimension, there are no Purple Rangers."

"You leave my parents alone, you monster!" yelled Jamie. "Get out, before I kick your rear end back to whatever universe you came from!"

Zedd laughed at the girl's threat. "So you must be my daughter in this dimension. You have courage, I'll give you that. But do you think any Ranger can intimidate me? I fear no Ranger, especially when I have this: the Green Reality Gem!" He pointed it at the two Rangers. It glowed and moments later, vines burst from the ground and through the floor. The vines wrapped themselves tightly around Jason 1 and Jamie.

"I'm stuck!" yelled Jason 1. "Jamie, are you okay?"

Looking at the Purple Zeo Ranger, Zedd asked, "Jamie, is it?"

"Leave my daughter and her boyfriend alone!" yelled Larry as he tried to attack Zedd. Zedd fired his staff, hitting Larry in the chest and sending him flying. "Don't worry, Larry. I won't hurt them. . . yet."

"Larry!" cried Leslie as she knelt beside her husband. "Are you okay?" Larry just nodded and clutched his chest.

Zedd walked over to Jamie and stabbed the bottom of his staff into the floor. He then removed Jamie's helmet and forced her to look at him. He then ran a hand down her cheek and chuckled, saying, "You look so much like your mother."

"Go to Hell," said Jamie defiantly.

"Now is that any way to talk to your father?" asked Zedd mockingly.

"You're not my father," said Jamie. "Larry Zedden is my father! And you're not him! You will never be my father!"

"HEY! Walking visible man kit! Didn't we vanquish you once already?" Prue Halliwell bellowed, sisters Piper and Phoebe close behind her. Using her telekinetic powers, Prue then sent Zedd flying into the far wall, causing him to scream.

Zedd snarled at the Charmed Ones. "Stay out of this, witches!"

Piper waved her hands at Zedd's staff, causing it to explode, sending the pointed end into his foot, and the floor, making him scream for a second time that day. "Make us!"

"We'll see what you have to say once I control reality," said Zedd.

"The hell you will!" Phoebe shouted. It seemed to be for everyone in the room.

"That's sure as hell true! You'll never get the rest of the Reality Gems, Zedd!" yelled Jason 1.

"Try and stop me," said Zedd as he pulled was left of his staff out of his foot and the floor. "Soon, very soon, you will all bow to me!"

"I REALLY don't think so!" Prue finished, using her power…down there.

For the third time today, Zedd screamed in terrible pain and shouted, "You'll pay for interfering, witches!" as he teleported out.

When Zedd was gone, Larry and Leslie approached. "Jamie, honey, are you and Jason okay?" asked Leslie.

"We're fine, mom," said Jamie. "Just hold on. I can almost reach my Zeo laser pistol."

"I've almost got my Blade Blaster, too," said Jason 1. "Stand back." Larry and Leslie did so, as Jason 1 and Jamie blasted themselves free. Prue and Piper went to check on the Rangers while Phoebe checked for any leftover energy from Zedd.

Larry then walked over to the Charmed Ones. "Thank you for your help."

"Hey, you saved both Paige and Leo from that creature you called 'Scorpina', didn't you? We more than owed you one!" Phoebe finished

"Is everyone ok?" Prue asked

"We seem to be, thanks." Leslie told her.

Larry turned away from everyone, muttering, "It can't be. It can't be." His past was coming back to haunt him in a big way.

Jamie walked over to her father and said, "Dad, it's okay. It's not your fault. That wasn't you. He's from another universe."

"Jamie's right, Mr. Zedden," said Jason 1. As he handed Jamie back her helmet, he added, "Come on. We've got to get you out of here. You're not safe here." With that, the party of seven teleported out of the house.

When they arrived on the Animarium, Jason 1 and Jamie demorphed. Seeing the three witches, Brendan asked, "Hey, who are the three babes?"

Seeing the visiting heroes, Piper asked, "Am I seeing double or am I going crazy? What's going on here?"

Green Lantern 1 answered, "Ladies, meet our counterparts from an alternate universe. Visiting heroes, these are Prue, Piper, and Phoebe Halliwell, three sisters, sorceresses, and allies known collectively as the Charmed Ones."

Jason 1 said to Zordon 1, "Zordon, we thought it best to bring Jamie's parents here."


Keith then spoke up, saying, "But our mom and Danny know who we are as well. I think we should bring them here just in case."

"Mom, I can understand," said Tracy. "But why Danny? Knowing him, once he sees this place, he'll probably want to turn it into a resort or something."

"I understand where you're coming from, Tracy," said Bill. "But he's still your brother, and we still have to protect him."

"I think we should bring dad, Carol, and Lilly here too," said Al. "Better safe than sorry."


"That it can," answered Shayla with a nod.

With that, the fountain sprang up and located Shirley and Danny Partridge. Moments later, they arrived on the Animarium in streaks of white-colored light. "What the heck happened?" asked a surprised Danny, who had landed on his butt.

"Where are we?" asked Shirley. Unlike Danny, she had landed on her feet.

"You're on the Animarium," answered the Princess. "I'm Princess Shayla. You've been brought here for your protection."

Seeing the large number of heroes, Shirley asked in surprise, "Am I seeing double? Why is there two of everybody?"

"To put it simply, mom, some of these guys are from another universe," answered Chris. "Isn't that awesome?"

"Another universe?" asked Shirley. Seeing the Geo Rangers, her jaw dropped. She stuttered, "A. . . are. . . are those the kids from 'Step by Step?'"

"That's them, alright," answered Laurie with a nod.

"But that's just a TV show!" exclaimed Shirley.

"Yeah, on our world, it is," explained Chris. "But on their world, we're a TV show! How crazy is that?"

As Shirley sat down, Bill put a hand on her shoulder and asked, "A lot to take in, isn't it?"

Shirley nodded and answered, "Yes. Yes, it is. But with all the craziness the five of you go through on a regular basis, I shouldn't be surprised, should I?"

The fountain then located Frank and Carol Lambert, along with Lilly Foster-Lambert. Within moments, they too were on-board the Animarium. "What's going on?" asked Carol in surprise

"How did we get here?" asked Frank.

Lilly, however, just looked around. "Wow," she said. "There's two of everybody!"

"What in the world?" asked Carol. "How did this happen?"

"And is that the Partridge Family?" asked Frank. "But that's just a TV show!"

"Mom! Frank!" cried Karen in excitement as the Geo Rangers approached. "Have we got a story to tell you!"

Looking around the Animarium, Danny said, "Wow. Awesome! Hey, we could make this into a resort! Think of the money we could rake in with this place!"

Keith slapped his right hand over his eyes, as Tracy said, "I told you so."

"You must be psychic," said Cody, before letting out a light laugh.

"Nah. It's just that we know him from his past. He is our brother." Chris sighed.

"He's our cross to bear." Laurie finished.

Princess Shayla approached Danny with a frown as she asked, "How dare you use my island to make a profit?"

"Come on, babe, lighten up!" said Danny defensively. "Think of how rich you could be!"

"Yeah, let him explain himself," said Cody with a smile and a brief laugh. His smile then disappeared as he crossed his arms. Now serious, he added, "Maybe this time it won't sound like complete bull-dookey."

As most of the other heroes there stared at Cody with funny looks on their faces, Bill asked him, "'Bull-dookey?'" He then smiled and asked, "Could I use that in my act sometime?"

"Yeah, sure thing, dude," answered Cody before laughing.

Finally, Danny attempted to explain himself. "Alright, it goes like this: People would come from miles around to vacation at a place like this. All we have to do is build some hotels, some beach houses, some concession stands, and charge a nominal fee for everything. We'd be raking in the dough in no time!"

The heroes looked at each other. Finally, Cody said, "Nah, still bull-dookey."

Princess Shayla said, "This place is a paradise, mister. Isn't it enough that you've destroyed most of you own world?"

Danny said, "Look, lady, all I'm saying is. . ."


Now, Danny was afraid. Still trying to convince her that what he had in mind was a good idea, he said, "Look, I just want to help you."

"Oh, really?" asked Shayla with a smile. Pointing behind Danny, she asked, "You want to try telling that to them?"

Danny turned and gasped in fear as the various Wildzords stood over him. They all leaned down and roared at him, causing Danny to scream, "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! I WON'T DO IT! I PROMISE!" He then ran off, causing Keith, Laurie, Chris, and Tracy, along with the Rangers and even some of the Justice Leaguers and Titans to laugh.

Zedd arrived back on the moon, favoring his foot. As he sat down and tried to repair his staff, Rita walked up to him with smile on her face. She gloated, "Guess you're not as tough as I thought."

Zedd growled, "Don't you start that with me. This is only a minor setback. It's going to take a lot more than this to stop me."

"I watched you through the Repulsascope," said Rita. "Those Charmed Ones really did a number on you."

"So I underestimated them," said Zedd. "Big deal. Those witches are going to be in for a rude awakening the next time we meet. A VERY rude awakening."

"Whatever you say, Zeddy," sang Rita as she walked away.

Zedd glowed red as he said to himself, "Just you wait, witch. Once I have all of the Reality Gems, it will give me the utmost pleasure to kill you again."

Back on the Animarium, everyone was getting caught up as Karen hesitantly walked up to Frank. She asked, "Frank, can I talk to you in private for a minute?"

"Sure, Karen," answered Frank. They walked to a spot where they could talk. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"Yeah, there is," answered the Pink Wind Ranger. "You know how we told you we're looking for the Reality Gems, right?" Frank nodded before Karen continued. "Well, after Kat, Aisha, and I got through shopping, we were walking to the Youth Center when we had a run-in with Star Sapphire. She's one of Green Lantern's enemies. She had half of the red gem. We stopped her and I picked up the gem off the ground. But it affected me and I went to the park where Al was practicing with Jason. I kissed Jason right in front of her."

"You what?" asked Frank in surprise. "You tried to steal Al's boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I did, but that's not the worst of it. After I kissed Jason, I. . ." Karen looked at the ground in shame before finally confessing. "I punched Al."

This surprised Frank even more. "You punched her? Karen, what were you thinking?"

"That's just it," said Karen. "I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry, Frank. I really am, but I don't know what to do!"

Frank let out a deep breath. Finally, he crossed his arms and said, "Well, first of all, you need to tell Al that you're sorry, not me."

"I seriously doubt she's going to forgive me that easily," said Karen.

Frank put a hand on Karen's shoulder and said, "Hey, she will . . . eventually. But, if you want to help your own cause, you're going to have find some way to make it up to her."

"I know," said Karen. "But what?"

Frank smiled and patted her shoulder. "Don't worry. You'll think of something. Now come on, let's get back to the others. Besides, I want to know more about this 'Patrick Duffy' who played me and Bobby Ewing." The two of them shared a laugh.

Soon, the Red Reality Gem began to glow. A portal was opened up. "Now what?" asked Mark.

"Hey, look at this," said Sabrina. The heroes all approached the fountain and saw an image of a pink gem. "That must be the Pink Reality Gem."

"If so, then it's reasonable to assume that the portal will take us to it," said Kelly.

"Let's go," said Batman 2. "We haven't one moment to lose."

"Some of us should stay behind in case anything else happens," said Trini 2.

"I agree," said Wonder Woman 1. "So, who's going and who's staying?"

Isis 1 then chose a team. "I need a good team leader for this, someone who can command on the front line. That person is Wonder Woman…no offense, but I choose our Diana. Next, is your Black Canary, our Hawkwoman, our Kimberly and Trini, your Kat and Tanya, Laurie, Al, and making their first appearance: the Power Angels."

"No guys on our first adventure? I'm kinda disappointed," Jill joked.

"Maybe not. If no one minds, Chris and I are coming along." Keith grinned.

"Sounds good to me," Chris agreed.

"Mind if I join the party?" Cody asked.

"And I'm coming too," Zack 1 spoke up. The way he said it, it really wasn't up for debate, and Keith, Laurie, Chris, Kimberly 1 and Trini 1 knew why.

"Sure. Meanwhile, I'll stay here with Bill and Brendan. Maybe I can talk to Mark in the process," said Tracy.

"A little more aerial support never hurt," said Green Lantern 2. "I'm coming as well."

"As will I," said Batman 2 as he stepped forward, surprising the others. Turning to the Power Angels, he said, "If you're as good of detectives as my counterpart says you are, we should work well together undercover."

Jill looked at the assembled team and then joked, "Dress lightly. Readings say it's in Hawaii. Oahu, to be exact."

"Does anyone have a sarong I can use?" Kelly joked.

"Wow. Nice to have more fashion-ready teammates." Kimberly & Laurie smiled.

"NOOOOO!" Sabrina sighed. "Jill and Kelly are enough, no more fashionistas, please!"

"If we're going to Hawaii, I'm not going to be able to go like this," said Batman 2. "Hal, if you please?"

"Right," said GL 2 with a nod. He then used his power ring to change Batman's costume into beach clothes. And yet, no one could get a good look at his face. He was out of costume, and the Rangers still didn't recognize him.

Little known to any of the heroes, another would be making her debut, thanks to an all-too brief appearance by the Dino Thunder team.

While the heroes were preparing to retrieve the pink gem, Jackie Burkhardt was walking to the Forman house, when she saw Eric and his girlfriend, Donna, along with new friends Connor McKnight, Kira Ford, Ethan James, and Trent Mercer charge into action as the Dino Thunder Rangers. Jackie had been sworn to secrecy, but had found a purple disc, much like the Partridges' morphers.

A nausea swept over Jackie, her vanity and shallowness fading away. –They need me!- she thought to herself. Without ever doing so before, Jackie stood up and bellowed…


Jackie soon found herself in a Purple version of the ThunderCats' uniforms, a Purple motorcycle pulling up beside her. "Let's roar!" she shouted, driving in the direction of the upcoming battle.

Jackie's boyfriend, Steven Hyde, came up to see a purple rush, and found another ThunderMorpher, this one in white. "Now what?" he asked himself.

Carol looked around her while holding Lilly. This was going to take a lot to adjust to, mostly the fact that a show she watched in the 70s was real in this universe. Another Universe! Her children were superheroes, she had a counterpart in this other universe named Suzanne Somers who played both her, and before that, Chrissy Snow on "Three's Company," and now she was talking to Shirley Partridge. She needed to sit down.

To her surprise, Shirley seemed to be taking it all in stride. "A lot to take in, isn't it?"

Carol looked at her and nodded. "How did you take it? How do you take it?"

Sighing, Shirley looked at the younger mom, and whispered, "There are still days in which I freak out when I hear the kids' communicators go off. Of course, they go by it naturally. James was the Blue Tiger before we got married. He gave it all up to raise a family."

Carol looked over at Frank. "Shirley, I nearly passed out one time when Frank said he once considered becoming a policeman. I can barely imagine something like that! How can you watch 4 of your children and your boyfriend race out of the house to deal with God-knows-what?"

Shirley looked at Carol and spoke, "'Mom, if we don't, who will?' That was what Keith told me when they first became the ThunderCats."

Carol then asked, "So, why wasn't Danny chosen?"

"Simple. The first rule of the power: Never use them for personal gain. Let's face it, as much as I love all my children, Danny would be selling everything under the sun." Carol nodded, remembering the three rules that Zordon had told her own kids about when they became the Geo Rangers.

Danny had found his way back when he happened to stumble across the conversation between his mother and Carol. His jaw dropped in disappointment when he heard Shirley's last comment. And the worst part was, this other woman, who didn't even exist in his universe, didn't seem to disagree! But his disappointment quickly turned to anger. 'I don't believe this!' he thought to himself. 'Even my own mother doesn't think I'm good enough to be a ThunderCat!' As his anger built, he walked away as he thought, 'I'll show her! I'll show them all!'

Both Martian Manhunters seemed to be spaced out. Batman 1 approached and asked, "Something wrong?"

"Yes," answered Martian Mahunter 1. "We both picked up a stray thought."

"It came from Danny Partridge," continued Martian Manhunter 2. "It seemed. . . resentful."

Batman 1 frowned suspiciously. He then walked away. Princess Shayla was standing near the fountain when she saw a large, bat-shaped shadow. She gasped as she turned around to see Batman 1 standing before her. He simply said, "We need to talk."

Oahu was, as usual, sunny, warm, and fragrant. The heroes arrived, with Batman 2, undercover as Bruce Wayne, whispering to the others [Be careful, but find that pink gem. The United States doesn't need a tempted state population.]

"Hal, would you mind scanning the general area…" Keith started

"…for any unwanted suprises." Al finished. Both thought about what had just happened and laughed.

"You got it. Ring…sling!" Hal smirked as he did this. Keith and Al were becoming good friends, and he had to wonder would any of the others have such a great bond. GL 2's tone changed quickly. "Westward, towards the beach. A nighttime luau. And some of your creeps plan to disrupt it!"

As one, Wonder Woman 1 & Isis 1 shouted "LIKE HELL!"

Trini 1 stated the obvious. "We stop these fools tonight! Keith, I'm sorry Jason isn't here for this battle."

"If I'm going to be any good, I need to go out and face these creeps without Jason & Tommy," said Keith, his resolve strong. "I have wondered why Tommy doesn't have a protégé. I have a feeling that's going to change very soon."

Chris looked over the front of the building. "I say as soon as we find the Pink gem, we create a device for finding the others…or at least getting us an advantage over the bad guys."

"That might not be necessary," said Kris. "Remember, the red gem has more or less led us to the pink one. We just have to find it."

"But first, we'll need a plan," said Julie.

Wonder Woman 1 looked at Zack 1, then forced herself back onto the mission. "Sounds great. Laurie, Kimberly, Zeus gave these to Artemis, she gave them to me, and I thought you could both use these." They were arrows shaped like thunderbolts.

Both Pink Rangers gathered the new weapons. "Cool." The heroes only had 2 hours to make their battle plans.

"Alright, people, let's get to work," said Black Canary 2.

"Those of us who can fly should scout ahead," said Hawkwoman.

"Agreed," said Wonder Woman 1 with a nod. "Let's go. But try to stay out of sight."

Meanwhile, Jackie Burkhardt, now the Purple Lynx ThunderCat, was speeding towards the ocean. –How am I supposed to get to them to help?- she thought.

That was answered when the motorcycle turned into a JetSki. –That answers that.- Jackie mused, and continued her trip.

Back in Oahu, Bruce was hiding amongst some palm trees, searching for anything suspicious through his binoculars. Kimberly 1 approached and tentatively asked, "Batman?"

Not even bothering to look at her, Bruce simply asked, "Yes?"

Reluctantly, Kim 1 spoke up, saying, "Look, I. . . I know you're Bruce Wayne."

Bruce finally looked at her, asking, "How?"

Kimberly 1 answered, "Well, you were working on a case involving Two-Face, but he was prepared. He had Rita backing him up. The two of them tried to kill you, but I showed up and stopped them. Fortunately, you only sustained minor injuries. Rita high-tailed it out of there while Two-Face was taken back into custody. You revealed your identity to me afterwards, saying I had earned the right to know. Since I'm used to keeping secrets anyway, I've kept your secret ever since. Even Tommy doesn't know."

Bruce nodded, saying, "Good to know. Hopefully, there will come a time on my world where I feel I can trust you Rangers with my secret. But not now." A noise then caught their attention. Bruce stood up and charged forward, saying, "Let's go!"

Soon the heroes were gathered. "They're here," said Keith. "Some of Luthor's cronies from the Legion of Apocalypse are on their way."

"It's time to go to work," said Zack. "It's Morphin Time!"




Keith then stepped up and commanded, "THUNDERCATS, TIME TO ROCK! LION!"



Kat 2 then commanded, "It's Morphin Time!"


Now, it was Tanya 2's turn. "It's Morphin Time!"


Al then commanded, "Geo Rangers, unite!



Isis 1 then turned to the Power Angels. "Alright, this is the first test of your new powers. You ladies ready?"

"As we'll ever be," answered Kelly for the whole team.

Sabrina then said, "Alright, let's give it a shot. ANGEL POWER!" The Power Angels then punched their fists together and the gems on their bracelets glowed their respective colors. In seconds, they were dressed in color-coded jumpsuits.

"Whoa," said Cody. "You babes are totally smoking!"

Green Lantern 2 then said, "And last but not least. . ." He trailed off as he changed Bruce's beach clothes back into his costume.

Satisfied, Batman 2 said, "Let's go."

That night, the beach was full of tourists and V., along with the people who live and work there everyday on the beach. The luau was about to get underway, when the Cheetah, Sinestro, Poison Ivy, Two Face, and groups of putties and Hunger Dogs attacked. "You have a choice! You can give us your money…especially this Pink gem…or DIE!" Ivy snarled.

A Purple flash erupted right in front of the villainess. This was followed by 2 concussive blasts, which knocked out several Hunger Dogs…but not enough. The Purple ThunderCat had made her 1st appearance, and had thrown the bad guys for a loop. "Give it up, creeps!" Jackie shouted with confidence, secretly thinking –How the hell am I doing this?-

"Little girl…you just bought yourself a world of hurt!" Two Face shouted, aiming his shotgun at Jackie…when several flashes of light…and the Red, Pink, and Black ThunderCats, along with Wonder Woman 1 appeared.

"New member?" Wonder Woman 1 asked.

"Never saw her before tonight." Keith spoke up then. He then went to work slashing Hunger Dogs. The Pink and Black Power Rangers joined their protégés in fighting putties…and helping Wonder Woman trash the Cheetah. Laurie looked over at Kimberly 1. "Want to try our new arsenal?"

"Great idea! I'm in the mood for incinerating a few putties." Kim 1 agreed, and the 2 went to work, just as the others showed up.

Al and Cody fought off Putties and Hunger Dogs with their weapons. Al slashed through many with her Fire Sword while Cody fought off both enemy types with his Thunder Staff. As more attempted to surround him, he slammed the bottom of his staff into the ground, sending lightning from the top of his staff in all directions, which took out several Putties and Hunger Dogs.

As Putties and Hunger Dogs attempted to surround Al, she said, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but you ugly muggers have less brains than J. T. and Rich." She then sent bursts of fire from her Fire Sword, incinerationg them. She then saw the nearby fire intended for the luau, and manipulated it to incinerate more.

Seeing this, Chris said, "Whoa! She barbequed them!"

"Boy, am I glad she's on our side," said Keith. As he and Chris battled Putties and Hunger Dogs with their sword and axe respectively, they watched the new purple-clad Thundercat as she worked with a pair of slingshots similar to Samantha's, sending concussive blasts of force into the hordes of enemies.

Chris then asked, "Who are you? Why haven't we seen you before?"

"Um, I think explanations can wait until later," responded Jackie.

"She's right," agreed Zack 1, as he battled skillfully with his Power Axe. "Right now, let's just worry about sending these creeps packing!"

"I'm all for that," added Tanya 2 as she took down enemies with her nunchucks.

From their air, Hawkwoman bashed Putties and Hunger Dogs left and right with her mace. She also blasted several more with her Graviton Pistol. Isis used lightning strikes, winds, and various other tricks to to take out more. On the ground, Black Canary 2 battled both enemy types with her martial arts skills and, when there were too many for her to handle, she took them down with the Canary Cry.

Meanwhile, Trini 1 and Kat 2 battled Putties and Hunger Dogs with their Power Weapons, but more kept coming. Standing back-to-back, they then pulled out their chakrams. Trini 1 then asked, "Hey, Kat, you up for a chakram showdown?"

Smiling underneath her helmet, Kat 2 answered, "You're on."

They then threw their chakrams, taking out several enemies. The two chakrams bounced off enemies, totems, and even each other before finally returning to their owners once all the enemies in the immediate area were taken out. In the end, Trini 1 caught Kat 2's chakram, while Kat 2 caught Trini 1's. Realizing this, they turned to each other and handed their chakrams back to each other. Smiling underneath her helmet, Trini 1 asked, "What say we call this an honorable draw?"

Kat 2 returned the smile and nodded, responding with, "Agreed."

Sabrina shouted "Angels! Are you ready to get to work?"

Jill, in a Red Bodysuit with dark red boots, shot a burst of fire towards a pack of putties. "You kidding? I was born ready! Kelly?"

The Angel in question was in a black version of what Jill was wearing, and shot a field of total darkness towards her bunch. "A girl could grow to like this! Julie?" Kelly asked

Winds whipped around Poison Ivy and a hapless pack of Hunger Dogs, knocking them off their feet. Julie, in pink, grinned "I'm great! Bree, Kris?"

Kris, the Yellow Power Angel, found herself surrounded by Putties and Hunger Dogs. In response, she sent streaks of lightning into both groups. As Hunger Dogs fell and Putties were incinerated, she said, "Whoa." She then smiled and added, "This is fun."

"Now, for the grand finale," said Sabrina, the Blue Power Angel. She then caused the water from the ocean nearby to erupt in a tide, headed straight for Sinestro and Two-Face. . . but when the water stopped, she saw the two villains protected by a yellow energy dome.

"Nice try, Earth woman," said Sinestro. "But as you can see, your power doesn't match mine."

"But mine does," came a voice. A blast of green energy then tore through the energy dome, striking the ground and knocking both villains off their feet. Sinestro looked up and snarled to see a smirking Green Lantern 2 touch down. . . having no idea he was from another universe. "Hello again, Sin," said GL 2, still smirking.

"Don't call me Sin!" yelled Sinestro as he created a ring-generated bow with multiple arrows in it. It fired, but was easily blocked by a shield shaped like the lantern logo. "You will regret getting involved with this fight, green fool!" He then flew towards Green Lantern 2 and attempted to choke him.

Even as Sinestro attempted to choke him, he managed to respond, saying, "Like I've. . . heard that. . . before!" He finally broke Sinestro's grip with a simple ring blast. After regaining his composure, Sinestro flew towards Green Lantern 2 again, but was knocked out by a single punch via a ring-generated fist. Once Sinestro fell to the ground unconscious, GL 2 removed Sinestro's ring. He then called out, "Isis, catch!" He then threw Sinestro's ring up in the air to a flying Isis 1, who had just blown away some Putties and Hunger Dogs. Turning to see Sinestro's ring in the air, she smiled and fired a lightning blast, destroying it.

Meanwhile, Batman 2 knocked Two-Face's shotgun out of his hands with a batarang. As he held his hand, Batman 2 charged forward and took him down with a single kick. Two-Face recovered quickly and attempted a punch, but Batman 2 caught his fist, frowned at him, and said, "You and your. . . associates are going back to jail, Harvey." He then knocked out Two-Face with a head-butt.

As Wonder Woman 1 was giving Cheetah another beating, Kimberly 1 and Laurie noticed Poison Ivy making her way to one of the ceremonial statues. Realizing her intentions, Laurie cried out, "Kimberly, I think Ivy knows where the pink gem is!"

"We'll stop her!" yelled Kimberly 1 in response. The Pink Pterodactyl Ranger and the Pink Cheetah Thundercat then leapt into the air and fired their thunderbolt arrows, knocking Poison Ivy off her feet and sending her flying.

When she landed, Isis 1 caused some vines to burst from the ground and wrap themselves tightly around the botanical vixen. As Ivy struggled to get free, Isis 1 responded, "Don't bother. My mastery over plants is superior to yours." Ivy soon stopped struggling, realizing she was right.

Soon, the Putties and Hunger Dogs were finished, and the four main villains were rounded up. As some Hawaiian police officers approached, one said, "You saved our luau. Thank you."

"It was our pleasure," said Sabrina with a nod.

Recognizing Julie, another officer asked, "Julie? What are you doing here? Are you part of the JLA?"

Not knowing what to say, Julie just decided to answer honestly. "Not exactly. But I did help them out."

The first officer then asked, "But what could they have possibly wanted?"

"I think I have a pretty good idea," answered Al. The Red Fire Ranger then walked over to one of the totems and pulled out the Pink Reality Gem. "They were after this." She stared at the gem in fascination.

The officer that knew Julie then spoke up, saying, "I don't know what they could have gained from that gem. I've taken it to every expert in Hawaii and no one knows anything about it, not even how much it's worth. It has been in my family for generations, but you are free to keep it as a token of our appreciation."

"Thank you very much, sir," said Laurie. "We're just glad your luau hasn't been completely ruined."

The first officer then said, "Indeed. Even after all that, the set-up is still pretty much intact. Thank you."

"You're very much welcome," said Wonder Woman 1. "Now, I think it's time we take our leave." With that, the heroes teleported back to the Animarium and the luau was soon underway.

Back on the Animarium, the Pink Reality Gem joined the red one. Adam 2 said, "One down, seven to go."

"Hey, we've been on a roll so far," said Flash 2.

All the returning Rangers then demorphed. . . including the new Purple ThunderCat. She then introduced herself. "Jackie Burkhardt. Nice to meet you all. Now could someone please tell me what's going on here?"

"We will fill in as best we can," answered Zordon 1, surprising Jackie. He then proceeded to explain to Jackie what was going on.

Meanwhile, Al approached Jason 2. "Hey, Jase, can we talk in private for a second?"

Jason 2 smiled and said, "Yeah, sure thing." When they were alone, he asked, "What's up? Good job, by the way."

Al smiled and said, "Thanks." She then started running a finger down her boyfriend's chest, surprising him. She continued, "When this is all over, you think we could maybe get a little more. . . intimate?" It sounded almost. . . seductive.

Not liking what he was hearing, Jason 2 slowly backed away, saying, "Al, you know we shouldn't do this."

"What's the matter?" asked Al in surprise. She then frowned and said, "Wait a minute. Are you thinking about dumping me? For Karen, perhaps