Disclaimer : Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and all associated... OH PLEASE! Rangers are Saban's, JLA is DC's. Is this really necessary? No action here, this is a summary of the MMPR/JLA bylaws. This is since Redemptions, not the official DCUniverse or the official MMPR universe.
MMPR/JLA Bylaws and Membership by : C.A. Turner
Part One : Bylaws and Charter
First priority : Establish the purpose and goals of the team.
To protect the universe from the threat of evil, Earthborn, or alien. The Justice League, including the Rangers, operates in the best interest of the universe, and tries to avoid political confrontations.
The JLA, including Ranger members, are official recognized by the General Assembly of the United Nations. This allows them to travel and operate freely within any UN member nation without the hassle of passports and visas.
The JLA receives most of its funding from a trust fund that was established by the Wayne Foundation of Gotham City.
To be considered for membership, an applicant or an invited individual had to be a full-time crimefighter, with at least a year's distinguished public service. (NOTE: The active membership has the power to waive any and all of these requirements by unanimous vote on a case-by-case basis.)
Each member is awarded a Signal Device, a membership card, and a plastic identity card. All new members have their bio-patterns punched into the JLA computer, which handles the Oan transporter system in both the JLA satellite and the JLA Watchtower. All members are granted free access to the League's current headquarters, including full living quarters in the satellite, and a free 1,000,000 life insurance policy compliments of the United Nations. Active membership also allowed its recipients full voting privileges.
Members are required to attend regular meetings. Any member, including the Rangers, who is forced to miss a regular meeting is require to file a videotaped excuse. In addition, each member is required to participate in the cleaning and maintenance of the League headquarters.
Any member requesting a leave of absence is required to file a 96-hour advanced notice in order to give the current chairman time to contact alternatives. At the moment, there are only three, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, and the Huntress, but soon, the League, including the Rangers, will embark on recruiting alternate members. Among these are possibly the Power Rangers Zeo.
Normally, the bylaws require that all new members immediately reveal their day-to-day identities to their fellow Leaguers, but in the case of the Power Rangers, one of the rules is that they NEVER reveal their identities to anyone. However, Zordon made an exception in this case, and this was the one time that the Rangers were allowed to tell others who they really are. Alternates are not bound by this clause.
With the exception of the Rangers, because of their teenage lives outside of their heroic personas, each active member takes regular turns manning the advanced surveillance equipment aboard the satellite or at the Watchtower, serving a 24-hour shift, two-third of which were spent directly monitoring the equipment. Members who missed shifts were required to contact their own replacements.
The person on monitor duty is essentially a sophisticated sentry. If that person detects a crime or a disaster, that person would summon the appropriate Leaguers, and dispatch them to deal with the crisis.
The JLA assigns each active member a month in the upcoming two calendar years, during which that person would serve as JLA chairman, with some member taking multiple monthly assignments in order to fill the gaps. The chairman's main duties are to conduct the regular meetings and coordinate all JLA activities during that month.
Any member who formally resigns from the league automatically severed all ties with the team. Thus far, with this team, no one has seen fit to do that, but if anyone does do that, he cannot be reinstated.
The original charter included a clause that allowed the active membership to dissolve the JLA by unanimous vote. Later, the charter was expanded to include a passage that allows the current chairman to disband the League at will, a clause that was invoked by Aquaman when he disbanded the team and replace with them a group of inadequate, egotistical, hard-headed... (SLAP!) Thanks, I needed that. Where was I? Oh yeah! This clause, given the events that led up to When Heroes Fall, was wisely thrown out when the JLA reorganized. In any case, ownership of any and all JLA property would revert to the Wayne Foundation in the event of Dissolution. Fortunately, this doesn't look like that is going to happen soon.
With the addition of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Justice League of America is now a recognized power on Eltare, Phaedos, and other worlds. More secrets and powers for the vastly increased team will soon reveal themselves in the near future.