Transdimensional Archives


Disclaimer:Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers are owned by Saban, Inc. The series that I’m crossing over is not mine, but I’m not going to say what it is here (see, I hate spoilers, so I just can’t resist making you wait until the actual story.) Joseph’s fighting style is from the video game Soul Caliber, which is owned by Namco. If it’s original, it belongs to yours truly, but you can use it if you ask nicely. If it’s not mine, I’m not making money of it.

Author’s notes: I promised a crossover, so guess what? Yep, you’re getting a crossover! Oh, and this is another continuation, not a sequel (assuming you actually started at the beginning of the series, you already know what I mean.) Also, I’ve established a definite continuity for the little details (Ninja Megazord having a sword, etc.,) that being the little details from MMPR: The Movie. As far as I know, this crossover has been done a couple of times. I can’t remember for the life of me by whom, but they were my inspiration for this, so read ‘em if you find ‘em. Timeline is two weeks after Walkabout. You’ll hit the crossover around page 2, and don’t worry about it being something you’ve never heard of (if it was likely to be that, I would say what it was here.) The title probably gives it away though.

Rated PG for language.

Ranger Files
By Al Solomon

Lord Zedd’s palace

Lord Zedd sat in his throne, his wife pacing about the room.

"Zeddy, you haven’t tried to conquer Earth in two weeks. What’s wrong?" Rita asked.

"I’ve been thinking… maybe we’ve been going about this all wrong, Rita. I mean, every time we attack, those retched Power Brats stop us."

"Well duh, Zedd! Like we’d be sitting up here moping if they never did!" Rita exclaimed in here usually loud voice.

"Well, if the Rangers never existed, where would we attack first?" Zedd asked, his tone of voice saying he already knew the answer.

"I don’t know… one of the major country’s capitals?" Rita asked.

"Exactly! And if we destroyed, what the Hell was it… Washington D. C., there would be chaos in the United States, making it ripe for invasion! And if we’re lucky, the Rangers would get caught up in it!" Zedd continued. "All we need is a monster that can do a lot of damage before the Rangers get there. We might as well send Goldar too."


Angel Grove Youth Center, around the same time

The Power Rangers were enjoying the recent absence of monster attacks, and five of them were laughing happily as Tommy told a story that did not amuse the other two.

"You know…" Rocky piped up when he sensed a break in the others’ laughter. "I think the only reason that Tommy and Adam brag about their win streak against us is because they know that they couldn’t win in anything else!" he finished.

"Yea," Joseph started. "I seem to remember Tommy coming in last several times during the 100 meter dash."

Now Tommy and Adam stayed silent as the others laughed. This was now a common practice after their weekly two-on-two basketball games. Kimberly, Aisha, and Billy watched as Rocky and Joseph tried to futilely defend themselves against their no-win streak, while Tommy and Adam reminded them that they had won again.

Their laughter was cut short when Tommy’s communicator went off.

"I knew it was too quiet…" The White Ranger remarked as they huddled into their usual corner.

"We read you Zordon." He whispered after checking to make sure no one was watching.

"Rangers! Come to the Command Center immediately! There is an emergency!"


Command Center

"Ayeyaiyai!" Alpha yelled as he ran around frantically.

The Rangers arrived in their usual rainbow of colors, and Joseph in his green flame.

"Rangers!" Zordon boomed. "We have a serious problem! Lord Zedd has launched an attack on Washington D. C. You must stop him! Alpha has already sent your Zords to a secluded area outside the city should you need them."

The Rangers glanced at the Viewing Globe. A humanoid looking monster wearing a hard hat was running around with Goldar, throwing huge explosives at every thing. Twilight had fallen over the area, making the explosions even brighter.

"Good luck, Rangers!" Alpha told his friends.

"Thanks, Alpha." Tommy acknowledged. "It’s morphin’ time!"


F. B. I. Headquarters in Washington D. C., the same time

Special Agent Dana Scully opened the door and walked into the office.

"Good evening, Scully." Special Agent Fox Mulder said, not raising his eyes from the paper he was reading. "You know Scully, I was thinking about visiting California. I hear the weather in Angel Grove is nice. Wanna’ come?"

"Mulder, ordinarily, I might be tempted to say yes. What is it this time? A haunted house? UFOs? Mothmen? Shapeshifters?"

Mulder handed her the paper and a folder. "Power Rangers."

Scully looked at the single paper in the folder. It was a picture of seven costumed figures. The costumes looked similar except for the colors and the helmets. Other than that, the green one had what looked like a shield strapped to his shoulders, while the white one had a gold and black vest. All seven of them had a different weapon, and Scully could tell that the yellow and pink ones were female.

"And how did a gang of costumed vigilantes ensnare your interest, Mulder?"

"Read the article in the paper, Scully." Mulder said. Scully did so.

The article elaborated that the citizens of Angel Grove, along with the police, believe that the Power Rangers protect them from alien invasion.

"And I was just starting to think that this wouldn’t involve aliens Mulder."

"Did I mention we’ve been assigned a case there?" Mulder jokingly asked.

Scully sighed. "No Mulder, you didn’t. What is it?"

"A kidnapping." He replied. "Angel Grove has the lowest crime rate in the country, and the cops over there have no idea how to go about it. So, they asked for help."

Scully felt like inquiring if Mulder had already asked them why they don’t think that the Power Rangers will save the day, when the entire room shook.

"That felt like an explosion!" Mulder exclaimed as he and Scully ran out the door.

The hallway was utter chaos. People were running in every direction imaginable, and the whole building shook again. This time, an explosion was clearly audible from outside, and Mulder dragged Scully out the door, wanting to know what was going on.

"Scully, do you see what I see?" Mulder asked to make sure he wasn’t going mad. A big monkey in golden armor was walking around with a sword, ordering a brown creature (for lack of a better term) to hurl explosives at the nearest buildings.

"Yes, Mulder, I see two wackos in funny yet well-made costumes throwing explosives."

Scully was about to suggest that they, as the only sane people left in the area, try to stop them.

"Scully, look!" Mulder pointed to the sky, which was now almost pitch-black from night. Streaks of light organized like a rainbow were heading down to the street, each one a different color. As they landed, the colors materialized, and next to one of them flashed a green colored flame. Scully’s jaw dropped. She looked from the picture in her hands to the figures that formed from the light and back again.

"Ah, Rangers! I was wondering when you would show yourselves!" Goldar yelled. The monster next to him started to laugh.

The Rangers looked to see that it was holding one of Zedd’s grenades.

Mulder and Scully watched as the creature threw the round object at the ground, and suddenly became as huge as the buildings on the street.

"Mulder, don’t say a word." Scully stated.

"Well, there’s something we didn’t need." Tommy commented.

"Guys, I can handle Goldar." Joseph informed his teammates.

"Alright." Tommy replied. The Rangers shot their hands into the air. "Ninjazord power!"

All of them except for Green Ranger vanished in their respective colors.

"I wonder where they went…" Mulder thought aloud as the Green Ranger and the armor-clad monkey fought. A sudden thumping started to sound, and the FBI agents looked up to see a massive, robotic ninja walking towards the monster.

"You know something Goldar, I don’t think I’ve paid you back yet for that concussion you gave me a couple of months ago." Green Ranger said as he dodged Goldar’s sword. Joseph grabbed the saber off of his belt and leapt into the air, moving behind Goldar. He tried to slash as he landed, but Goldar saw him coming and he elbowed Joseph in the stomach as he reached the ground. Green Ranger dodged another attack and used a more straightforward offensive, giving Goldar a vicious roundhouse kick to the head. Goldar let out a blast of flame from his sword, knocking Green Ranger back several feet.

Mulder and Scully had to run to the sides to keep from being knocked down by the Power Ranger. To their surprise, the Ranger stood immediately from what looked like a serious hit.

"That was weak, Goldar. Knocking away and hurting are two very different…"

A sudden crash cut off Green Ranger. The monster had thrown one of it’s explosives at the Ninja Megazord, and it hit the FBI building instead. Massive chunks of debris were falling. Goldar jabbed his sword into the ground and vanished.

The two FBI agents had their gaze fixed upward. More pieces of the building were falling, and would crush them in seconds.

"What, don’t people know how to run in Washington?" Green ranger asked to no one specifically as his right hand came down on Mulder’s shoulder; his left hand on Scully’s. The two FBI agents noticed it just as a flash of green overcame their vision.

Mulder suddenly realized that he, Scully, and the Ranger were on the roof of the FBI building. Green Ranger walked over to edge of the roof.

"Mulder, what just happened?" Scully asked her partner.

"I’d like to know that myself." Mulder replied as he and Scully turned toward the Ranger.

Joseph ignored them and looked over. Tommy had just docked with Ninja Megazord. The monster had apparently knocked it down with it’s explosives.

Mulder was about to ask the Ranger what was going on, but stopped when he saw the dagger in his hand. The weapon looked like it had a wind instrument built into it. Sure enough, Green Ranger raised it and played a six-note tune several times.

Scully gave Mulder a look that just screamed someone should tell him that a flute isn’t going to stop a big…THING… from trashing the city. Before Mulder could say anything, the ground rumbled again, and the Dragonzord stomped into the battle.

The monster turned it’s attention to the new opponent, giving the other Rangers time to get MegaFalconzord to it’s feet. The monster leered at Dragonzord, and pulled out another of it’s explosives.

"Oh no you don’t!" Joseph exclaimed before playing a different tune on the Dragon Dagger. The Zord obeyed it’s new command and whirled around as the monster threw the weapon. Dragonzord’s tail batted the explosive in midair, sending it back to the monster. MegaFalconzord jumped at a building and pushed it self off. A gleaming sword formed in it’s hand, and the blade connected with the monster at the same time as the explosive. The monster itself exploded, lighting up the night for several seconds.

Mulder and Scully watched as Green Ranger sheathed his dagger and disappeared. MegaFalconzord picked up Dragonzord and flew away.

"Our flight to Angel Grove leaves in an hour, Scully." Mulder informed her, as if everything was normal.

Scully sighed again.


Angel Grove Youth Center, the next day

The Rangers once again found themselves at their usual table, discussing last night’s attack as they usually did. After that, the topic changed to a news story the night before.

"Hey, did anyone like, hear about what happened last night?" Kimberly asked. The other Rangers shook their heads.

"Well, it said on the news that this kid… I think his name was Chris… got kidnapped last night by these guys in a black car. He was about our age, to."

"Kidnapping by humans?" Joseph wondered aloud (albeit quietly), remembering when Goldar took his family. "That’s a first for Angel Grove."

Before anyone said anything else, the Ranger’s communicators went off.

"I hate it when Zedd does this every day." Adam remarked as the Rangers went over to the corner.


The Park

Rito Revolto was prancing around the park in his usual dunderhead fashion terrorizing anyone he saw, while Goldar kept a lookout for the Rangers.

"Rito! They’re here!" Goldar suddenly shouted.

"Them again?" Aisha sighed. "Zedd wonders why he always loses."

Mulder and Scully got out of their car and watched the ensuing battle from a distance.

"Mulder, do you actually believe this? There is nothing to suggest that this isn’t just a bunch of kids playing a prank. This isn’t even what we’re here for!" Scully told her partner.

"Oh, come on Scully! I wasn’t about to just drive right past. Besides, how do you explain last night?"

"Mass hallucination." she replied without skipping a beat.

"Scully, we were about to be crushed by big chunks of concrete when we suddenly ended up on the roof of a building. If we hallucinated, it had some pretty remarkable physical effects." Mulder retorted, eyeing something in the distance. "We’re not the only ones watching, Scully."

Scully looked to where Mulder had turned to. There were several men watching the battle from the far side, standing around a black car. As soon as Rito and Goldar retreated, the Rangers disappeared, and the men got into the car and left.


Command Center

The Rangers appeared in the Command Center as usual. Joseph took his helmet off and set it down on one of the consoles.

"Zordon," he started, looking at their mentor. "I think we were being watched during the battle."

"I believe you are correct Joseph. Rangers, turn to the Viewing Globe." Zordon instructed. Alpha played back a recording of the battle.

"Freeze it now, Alpha." Zordon signaled. Alpha did so.

"Hey, we were being watched!" Rocky saw. To the far left and right of the picture were people staring intently at the battle.

"That’s different." Adam put in. "People usually try to get away from the attacks."

Joseph looked at the two people who were watching from the left. "Wait a minute… Alpha, can you magnify them?" Joseph asked, pointing to the spot.

"Of coarse!" Alpha replied happily as he enhanced the image.

"I saw those two… in Washington yesterday. They almost got crushed from falling debris. You know, it looks like they’ve got sidearms under their jackets."

"You can tell that?" Rocky asked, impressed.

"Look, their coats look like they have slight padding on one side."

Billy had a hunch. He ran the images through the computer and came out with a single sheet of paper.

"Actually, it’s likely that they do possess concealed weapons." He said, handing the paper to Joseph.

Green Ranger read through the information, and reread one line several times. "They’re feds?" Green Ranger half-exclaimed, half-questioned.

"Why would the FBI be watching us?" Aisha inquired.

Kimberly had Alpha run the images of the four men around the car through the computer, and it came up empty.

"You know, those guys fit the description of the men who were seen in that kidnapping yesterday." She informed everyone.

Aisha now spoke. "Maybe they were watching each other."

"Alpha, has there been anything else regarding last night’s incident on the news?" Zordon asked.

"Actually, yes. The news said that it happened twice again this mourning."

"Well, that would explain why there are FBI agents in Angel Grove." Rocky concluded.

Joseph wasn’t sure. It was too much of a coincidence that it would be the exact same two that he saved. "Maybe… I’ve got a bad felling about this."


The Youth Center

Joseph sat at the juice bar, talking to Ernie.

"You hear about those kidnappings, Joseph?" The bartender asked.

"Yea. Not something you’d expect from around here. I hear that Roger Callaway and Karen Jacobs were the ones taken this mourning." Green Ranger replied.

"You’re kidding!" Ernie exclaimed, placing Roger as a friend of Joseph’s.

"No. You know something Ernie, it’s easy to say that you’re concerned about it when things like this happen. Most people really are. But it doesn’t really hit you until it hits close to you. I’m just glad I can hide it most of the time. Listening to everyone you know constantly giving you the ‘there’s nothing you could have done’ talk over and over is really quite maddening."

"I agree."

Joseph and Ernie turned in unison to the man who had approached them.

Oh, wonderful… Joseph thought to himself.

"You’re a friend of Roger Callaway?" he asked.

"Yea," Joseph replied. "And you are?" he asked, even though he already knew the answer. The man pulled a badge.

"Special agent Fox Mulder, FBI."

"I’ll save you the trouble, Agent Mulder." Joseph started before Mulder could say anything. "We weren’t extremely close. We talked, hung out sometimes. The last time I saw him was two days ago. Does that about cover it?" he finished.

"On that note, yes." Mulder replied. "Although I was hoping I could learn more about those Power Rangers."

I KNEW it… Joseph screamed in his mind. I knew there was more to this.

"Can’t help you there, Agent Mulder. I know what everyone else knows, and from your tone of voice, it sounds like you’ve already talked to other people about it."

Joseph’s expression became gravely serious as his communicator went off.

"You’ll excuse me, I have to get going."

Mulder watched as the teenager got up and left in a hurry.

"He’s right about the Power Rangers, you know." Ernie told the Special Agent. "No one knows all that much about ‘em. But they’ve saved the city more times than I can remember, and that’s good enough for me."

Mulder left the Youth Center. Something about the conversation he just had bothered him. The boy he questioned seemed very perceptive, but it looked like he was about to have a heart attack when Mulder asked about the Power Rangers. And he was more serious about his pager going off then anyone Mulder had ever known.


Lord Zedd’s Palace

"This is almost embarrassing…" Lord Zedd said quietly as he scanned over Earth. "BUT ITS SO DAMN FUNNY!" He suddenly yelled. His wife walked onto the balcony.

"Zeddy, you’ve been watching those brats all day! What’s going on?" Rita asked. Zedd sat down in his throne.

"Rita, I’ve been watching all over Earth for a while now. Did you know that there’s an organization in the US government that hatches all of these conspiracies, most of which the general public either don’t know about or regard as false?" Zedd asked his wife.

"No, Zedd, I had no idea. But WHY DO YOU CARE?"

Zedd cringed at the power of his wife’s voice. "Would you please turn that down!" he ordered.

"Anyway," the Lord of Evil went on. "Most of this conspiracy stuff is petty to us. Alien technology, secret world domination, that kind of nonsense. But when they find something that’s better than what they have, they go to any means necessary to get it. Actually, they’re rather evil."

Rita was fed up. "So what’s the point? What was so funny?" she asked.

"Get this, Rita. They’re after the Power Rangers! They want the Rangers to take orders from them!"

Rita instantly understood what Zedd was getting at. "You mean… after all this time of trying to beat those Power Punks ourselves, their own species is going to do it for us?" She asked in disbelief.

"I doubt they’ll actually succeed. Their boss regards them as amateurs.

"But that is pretty funny!" she exclaimed as the two of them broke into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.


The Park, several hours later

Rocky and Joseph walked down one of the many paths in the Park.

"You know, I get the feeling that Zedd’s toying with us." Rocky stated.

"Either that, or he’s just running out of monster ideas." Joseph added with a hint of sarcasm. "I mean, a really big pair of dental pliers. That should’ve been the thing to beat us." He went on, his voice now drowned in sarcasm.

The two continued walking. A few minutes later, a large black car came rolling at a very high speed over a hill, and screeched to a halt in front of the Rangers. The car was effectively blocking their path, and two men wearing black overcoats stepped out.

"Well, there’s something you don’t see everyday…" Rocky commented. The man closer to them spoke.

"You two! Come with us!" He yelled in a matter-of-fact tone.

"What do you want?" Joseph calmly asked. Rocky had a feeling, and he glanced over his shoulder. Two more men were walking up behind them. Joseph heard their footsteps, which they no longer tried to hide.

"It’s simple." The man said. "We want you. Unless you’re willing to tell us who those Power Rangers are, right now. Everyone so far has been extremely uncooperative. And I wouldn’t count on your two FBI friends saving you. I don’t know what idiot assigned them to investigate the kidnappings here, but oh well."

The Rangers let the two men behind them get closer as they wondered what exactly was going on. As they hoped wouldn’t happen, the two men lunged to grab them when they got close.

Joseph spun and backhanded the one behind him, knocking the man out cold.

Rocky cringed as he glanced at Joseph’s attack, briefly remembering when he had been on the receiving end of that particular move. The Red Ranger moved to the side as his would-be assailant lunged. The man overshot, and Rocky spun on one leg, sweeping the man’s feet out from under him with the other. The man was too surprised to catch himself, and his forehead cracked against the cement sidewalk.

"Okay, tough guys, that’s enough!" The first man yelled. He and his companion now had guns trained on the Rangers.

Rocky and Joseph froze, knowing they would almost certainly be shot if they charged the men from their distance.

"Federal Agent! Drop your weapons!" yelled a distinctly female voice from behind the Rangers.

Rocky and Joseph turned to see Special Agent Dana Scully behind them, her weapon raised. The lead man raised his gun to her, but she fired first. The man clutched his chest and fell over. The other man got back in the car and sped away.

"Are you two alright?" Scully asked, watching to make sure the car didn’t turn around.

"Yea, we’re fine." Joseph replied. "Thanks."

The three of them looked down at the two unconscious men lying on the ground.

"Well, that was different…" Rocky commented. Before Scully could ask them anything, their communicators went off. "Uh-oh…"

"We’ll be leaving now." Joseph stated quite matter-of-factly. The Rangers shared a nod and broke into a run, leaving Scully to yell after them to wait, and to deal with two unconscious suspects.


Command Center

"Ayeyaiyaiyaiyai!" Alpha yelled as he ran frantically around the room.

"Alpha! Calm down!" Zordon told his assistant.

"What’s wrong, Alpha?" Tommy asked. Alpha jumped back, he hadn’t seen the Rangers arrive. Alpha had started to calm down, but the sudden surprise started him right back up again.

"Rangers…" Zordon spoke. "Alpha is distraught over the news he just received. It appears that Adam has become the latest victim of the kidnappings in Angel Grove."

At once, the Rangers became painfully aware that Adam wasn’t there.

"Zordon, can’t we teleport him here?" Billy asked.

"No," Zordon replied. "I assure you that I would gladly make an exception to the rules under these circumstances, but Adam is not in possession of his Morpher or communicator. Besides, it would most likely draw more attention to him and to the rest of you."

"Zordon, you said that Adam doesn’t have his morpher and communicator. Who does?" Tommy asked. Zordon knew what he was getting at.

"It seems that Adam was able to ditch them without his assailants’ knowledge. They were found by an FBI agent just after Adam was taken."

"Wait a minute…" Joseph thought aloud. "They probably took Adam right before they tried for me and Rocky… the woman was in the park… that means that Adam’s morpher is with the guy who’s been asking around about the Power Rangers."

No one had time to think on that prospect. The alarm rang.

"Ayeyaiyai!" Alpha yelled, trying to find out what was going on. "Zedd’s sent down another monster!"

The Rangers looked at the Viewing Globe. A massive, upright lizard with a sword was attacking the commercial district.

"Something’s wrong here…" Tommy began, noting once again the utter silliness of the monster. "Zedd hasn’t been serious about an attack in a while. It’s like he’s just trying to annoy us."

Well, it’s not like we can just ignore it." Kimberly added, also realizing that the Lord of Evil had been slacking as of late.


A road in Angel Grove

"Mulder! What are you doing!" Scully yelled as her partner suddenly swerved the car. She had finished telling him about her encounter in the park before they brought the two unconscious men to the police station, and she happened to mention that one of them had said something about the Power Rangers after they had left. Without warning, Mulder took a turn that he almost missed, and sent Scully rolling about her seat.

"You said this has something to do with the Power Rangers, so we might as well see if anything unusual happens during the latest attack."

Scully shook her head. Unusual was already the description for the attacks themselves, something which Scully still wasn’t sure she believed in the first place.

The car suddenly came to a halt a few minutes later, and Scully got out when she realized that Mulder had. The monster and the Zords had just went beyond view, and a sound came from the rooftop of a building.

Mulder recognized the sound immediately, and the two FBI agents ran to the building with the intention of getting on the roof.

Green Ranger played the Dragon Dagger again as soon as the lizard fell from the Ninja Zord’s attacks. Dragonzord stomped over to the fallen monster, and it’s spinning tail drilled a hole through the creature before it could get up. The monster exploded in the normal, yet satisfying fashion.

Joseph looked to see if he was close enough to the edge for anyone to see him, and he unmorphed after he realized that he was on the highest building in the area. A gentle breeze brushed past him

"Damn…that feels good…" he thought aloud, not even realizing that the Dragon Dagger was still in his hand. The day had been uncomfortably hot. It wasn’t that his suit absorbed that much heat, but it tended to get stuffy when the temperature was high. Joseph made a habit of unmorphing before leaving if no one could see him, mostly due to the cooler air at the altitudes of the skyscrapers he often stood on while controlling Dragonzord.

"Ha! Gotcha!" yelled a loud, familiar voice from behind him. Joseph whirled around, seeing the man that ran away at the park. An instant later, there was a sharp prick in his shoulder. Joseph looked to see a dart embedded in his skin, and realized what it was as his legs gave out, followed by his consciousness. He heard the Dragon Dagger clatter to the floor, and his last thought before passing out was of how stupid he was for not hearing the door to the roof open.

"Stop! Federal Agent!" Mulder yelled as he raised his gun to the man leaning over the prone figure on the roof.

The man backed up as Mulder and Scully advanced, until he hit the edge of the roof. Before Mulder could say anything else, the man leapt off the edge, leaving the two special agents to run over and stare down, finding no trace of him.

"He’s still alive. Scully, call for an air-ambulance. I don’t want to risk moving him." Mulder said after checking Joseph’s pulse. Scully did so.

"I wonder what he was doing here…" Mulder wondered aloud as the paramedics lifted Joseph into the chopper a few minutes later. They allowed Mulder and Scully to go with them; the two planned on a serious questioning at Joseph’s first opportunity.

Scully walked behind Mulder, but paused when she felt her foot hit something metal. She looked down, and found herself staring in confusion at the Dragon Dagger. Mulder hadn’t noticed she’d stopped, and she picked up the weapon, shoved it into her purse (while hoping the blade wouldn’t tear a hole in it,) and hurried over.


Angel Grove Memorial Hospital, several hours later

Mulder sat in the waiting room of the hospital, across a group of five teenagers, waiting to be informed of Joseph waking up. Scully had done a blood test herself, and she walked over to where her partner was seated.

"Mulder, I recognized the tranquilizer. He should wake up in the next few minutes." She reported, remembering something else. "Let’s go to his room now. I have to show you something, but not here."

Mulder got up. He had his own discoveries to show her, but he hadn’t gotten the chance.

Mulder locked the door behind them after they entered Joseph’s room. "Okay, Scully. You first."

Scully reached into her purse, pulled out the dagger, and handed it to Mulder.

"I stubbed my toe on it before we got on the helicopter, so I picked it up."

"Isn’t this the flute that that Power Ranger was playing?" Mulder asked.

"Oh, come on Mulder. It’s an ordinary dagger with a musical instrument built into it. I would just like to know what it was doing on the roof of a skyscraper." Scully stated. She looked at Joseph. "For that matter, I’d like to know what he was doing there."

Mulder put the dagger down on the nightstand and reached into his pockets. He handed Scully two objects. One was black and gray, with a belt buckle and a handle folded in on the back. The front had a circular ring of red around the center, the words "Power Rangers" printed in white letters on top of the red. In the center was a golden coin, the image of a frog carved out on it. The other object was what looked like a wristwatch at first glance. In the middle, however, were small three parallel bands of metal crossing a black circle, with three buttons around the edge.

"This is obviously not a watch, and I have no idea what this is supposed to be." Scully informed her partner. She noted that Joseph had an exact copy of the "watch" around his wrist, except his was green.

"The last kid that the kidnappers grabbed ditched these behind a tree. They were already gone by the time I ran over, and I didn’t see who they took."

Mulder’s hand suddenly flew into his inside coat pocket and back out. One end of his handcuffs closed around Joseph’s left wrist, and an instant later, he locked the other one around the bed frame. As Joseph suddenly sat up, Scully realized that he had been wide-awake and was reaching for the dagger that Mulder put on the nightstand.

"Well… that didn’t work." Joseph commented.

"No, it didn’t. What were you planning to do anyway? Stab us?" Mulder asked.

"Actually, I was planning on hitting you over the head with the handle. I don’t like killing people."

Mulder picked up the dagger, realizing that Joseph could reach it with his right hand. Scully held out the smaller of the two objects she had in her hands, and gestured to the one on Joseph’s wrist. "What are these? And don’t say they're watches; they’re obviously not."

Joseph turned toward her. "No, they’re not watches. And I can’t tell you what they are."

"You’re not exactly in a position to say no. We could start pushing buttons." Mulder informed him.

"We all have our secrets, Agent Mulder. This happens to be one of mine. And I strongly advise you not to start pushing buttons." Joseph replied.

Before Mulder could retort, a violent thumping came at the door, as if someone were trying to break it down.

"Open up!" yelled a voice from the other side. "This is the police!" it continued, the door being slammed into harder. "Open the door! We just want the kid!"

"Since when do police try to break down a door before knocking?" Joseph asked, his tone of voice saying that he knew it obviously wasn’t the police.

"Since never." Mulder replied as he reached for the key to his handcuffs, despite the fact that the door was the only way out.

"Forget about that!" Joseph yelled, extending his free hand. "Just give me my dagger!"

"Your dagger?" Mulder asked, confused.

"Hurry up, already! Would you rather deal with them?" Joseph yelled, motioning to the door. It was starting to give way. Mulder handed Joseph the weapon.

"Mulder, what are you…" Scully started to say. She stopped in mid sentence as the blade of the dagger cut through the handcuffs literally like they were butter.

The FBI agents had to rush over to stop Joseph from falling. He apparently hadn’t recovered fully from the tranquilizer.

"Damn tranquilizers… won’t let me cast a spell either…" Joseph complained to himself, much to Scully’s confusion. Joseph pointed to the objects that Scully was holding.

"Just make sure you hold on to those, and to me."

The special agents, having just made sure Joseph could stand, set their hands on his shoulders.

Joseph reached to his wrist and pressed one of the buttons on his "watch." Mulder and Scully saw nothing but green as they disappeared.


Command Center, a few minutes later

"Joseph, what are you doing?" Zordon asked as Joseph and the two FBI agents appeared in the Command Center.

"I’m sorry Zordon. They were in danger because of me."

Mulder and Scully were oblivious to Joseph’s explanation and theory that the government was after the Power Rangers; they had already started to look around in disbelief. Scully turned to the front of the room, Mulder to the back.

"Mulder…" Scully breathed out as her jaw hit the floor.

Mulder was busy looking around at the room. He was on some type of large, circular catwalk. In the back was a tall, futuristic double door.

"Mulder. Look over here" Scully tried again.

The room was huge and circular, with light-ringed columns around the perimeter. In his immediate area was a little robot running around a slew of consoles. The equipment was far more advanced then anything he had ever seen.

"MULDER!" Scully screamed. Mulder looked where Scully had been staring and jumped back when he realized what exactly he was looking at.

"Yea, Zordon has that affect on people." Joseph remarked before looking at his mentor. "Don't ya, Zordon?"

Zordon sighed, realizing that it would be best to let the FBI agents take a second to realize that they were indeed looking at a floating head in a tube of energy.

"Alpha, summon the other Rangers." Zordon spoke. "They are probably still at the waiting room in the hospital."

Mulder recognized the "other Rangers" as the five teenagers that he noticed in the hospital’s waiting room.

The Rangers instantly frowned when they saw the two FBI agents, not to mention Joseph leaning on Alpha for support (the tranquilizer still hadn’t completely worn off.)

"Rangers…" Zordon said. "It would appear that we have a problem. It would seem that the perpetrators of the kidnappings in Angel Grove are after you specifically."

"It’s amazing how all the small things never click." Joseph stated. "The guys in the park demanding to know who the Power Rangers are, choosing a victim on top of a skyscraper, and Adam ditching his morpher and communicator when he was taken."

Scully glanced at the objects in her hands. "Couldn’t you just… bring him out like he did with us?" she asked, trying to avoid the classic Star Trek "beam out" phrase. assuming she wasn’t losing her mind, it was the logical thing to do.

"Because we would have gotten Agent Mulder." Joseph answered; forgetting that Scully didn’t know what she was holding.

"The teleporter requires something to lock onto." Billy explained. "Either the Power Coin or the communicator, both of which were in Agent Mulder’s possession by the time we knew Adam was missing."

"We have to do something!" Aisha exclaimed.

"And we can’t just sit around waiting for them to come for us." Tommy added.

"That probably won’t take long." Mulder thought aloud, pondering the interrogation methods of people like the ones they were dealing with.


Lord Zedd’s palace

"Hmmm. What are those Rangers up to?" Zedd wondered aloud. He had watched (and laughed) when the government agents took Adam, and he was still quite entertained by the whole situation.

"You know, Zeddy…" Rita piped up. "We should probably send another monster down. Wouldn’t it be funny if we kept them so busy that they wouldn’t know what was going on until it hit ‘em?"

"Actually, they’ve already found out." Zedd replied. "Still, it’s fun to just send down something stupid for the sole purpose of annoying them."

The couple shared a glance and turned to the back of the room, yelling at the same time.

"Goldar! Rito! Get out here!"


Command Center

The Rangers discussed the situation amongst themselves, while Zordon had found the place where Adam and the other missing teenagers were being held, a new airstrip on the outskirts of town that no one apparently knew about. Mulder was still staring around the room, and Scully was still having a hard time believing the whole thing. Joseph had switched from leaning on Alpha to a console so the little robot could do his many tasks while Green Ranger was still recovering from the tranquilizer.

Scully was about to reassure Joseph that the effects would indeed wear off soon, when the alarm rang.

"Alpha, what’s happening?" Zordon asked urgently.

"Ayeyaiyai! Rito and Goldar are attacking again!"

"Zedd hasn’t really been trying lately." Tommy commented as the image came onto the Viewing Globe.

"Nevertheless, you must stop them." Zordon pointed out. "Joseph, stay here. You have not yet fully recovered, and the others are quite capable of handling Rito and Goldar."

"Sounds good to me." Joseph breathed as he tried to rub the drowsiness out of his eyes.

Mulder and Scully watched the battle on the Viewing Globe, and Joseph could finally stand up straight on his own. Tommy wasn’t kidding when he said that Zedd wasn’t being serious, as the armored monkey and sword-wielding skeleton retreated within minutes. Zordon suggested that the two FBI agents and Green Ranger spend the night in the Command Center’s sleeping quarters. The men who tried to break down the hospital door were still looking for them. The special agents reluctantly agreed after realizing it would be safer, and Joseph called his parents to tell them that he was sleeping at a friend’s house.

The others had already went home, and Green Ranger waited until Alpha led the agents to their room to turn to his mentor.

"You know, Zordon, I’ve been thinking… at least one of us should go with them when they leave." Joseph paused to see Zordon’s reaction.

"Please, continue." Zordon urged. It sounded like a very bad idea at first glance, but Zordon had actually thought about it himself, and was curious about Joseph’s reasons.

"Well, we are inadvertently responsible for the danger that their investigation is putting them in…"

Zordon nodded. He hadn’t thought of that, but Joseph was absolutely right.

"And Zedd is almost certainly aware of our situation. He probably finds it more than a little amusing that we’re being hunted down by other humans. I wouldn’t be surprised if his lack of effort in the recent attacks has anything to do with it. Anyway, the point is, if he’s enjoying this as much as I think he is, he would probably blow a gasket if he found out that we were getting help. And we all know how Zedd gets when he blows a gasket…" Joseph trailed off.

Zordon had been thinking the exact same thing. "Yes, we do. And it’s even worse when he targets specific people. Although I doubt very much that Agents Mulder and Scully would agree to the prospect of having a teenager follow them on an official investigation."

Joseph smirked. "Oh, you just leave that to me. Good night, Zordon."


Mulder and Scully’s room, the same time

"Mulder, doesn’t this bother you?" Scully asked, a hint of shock in her tone.

"Does what bother me?" He asked back.

Scully sighed. She wasn’t all that surprised though; it was typical Mulder. The only reassuring thing about the situation was that she wasn’t going to be breaking the law like she thought when Alpha had said "room." It was actually two rooms; a divider with a door stood in the middle.

"Mulder, we have just discovered that seven teenagers supposedly protect the world from alien invasion. They, and most likely you, seem to think that the government is after them for their "powers," and we are about to go to sleep in the building where they apparently take orders from a big, floating head. I’m still not sure whether or not we’re both just completely out of minds."

Mulder rolled his eyes. "Scully, this is not one of my conspiracy theories. You yourself heard those men demand to know who the Power Rangers are, and we’re standing in the proof that they do exist."

Scully admitted to herself that Mulder had a point.


Command Center, the next day

Joseph leaned patiently against the wall across from the door of the room(s) where the FBI agents had spent the night.

Oh boy, are they gonna love this… Joseph thought sarcastically to himself. He often enjoyed the "wait in front of the door" thing, but he knew very well that Mulder and Scully were not going to like his idea.

"Good morning." He spoke casually as they walked out the door. "So, where do we go first?" He asked, pretending that they already knew he was going with them. Mulder picked up on it immediately.

"We are going to drop you off at your house and try to make up an excuse to your parents as to why you never went home last night."

"I don’t have a curfew on weekends…" Joseph retorted. "And besides, I told them I was staying at a friend’s house."

Scully tried to say something, but Joseph beat her to it.

"Look, I know where this is going, so let me finish.

One: two of the victims of these people are friends of mine, not to mention one of them being a fellow Ranger. I will not sit by and do nothing.

Two: Since these people now know who I am, they’ll come after me again. I can’t stay here forever, you know, and I don’t much like the idea of facing down three guys pointing guns at me from 10 feet away.

Three: Lord Zedd is probably busting a gut over this entire situation. I can almost see him watching us from his Lunar Palace and laughing his ass off at the prospect of us being hunted down by our own species. He won't be very happy with you in an extremely short amount of time, if he hasn’t noticed you already."

"And why would… Lord Zedd not be happy with us?" Mulder asked. He didn’t doubt that the Ranger’s apparent archenemy was enjoying the situation (it made sense), but he had no idea why the Lord of Evil would care about him and his partner.

"It’s very simple. Your investigation is directly helping us, and he won’t like it."

"Has Lord Zedd ever killed anyone?" Scully asked. She still found the whole thing hard to believe, and she was trying to make any point that would change Joseph’s mind about his presence being necessary.

"Uh-huh. He slaughtered the people in the area when he attacked himself, and his monsters usually do the same. The Tenga warriors attack anyone to get our attention faster, and that can get ugly too." Joseph answered much to Scully’s dismay.

Mulder and Scully weren’t giving in.

"Let me put it this way." Joseph started. "I’m safer with you, and you’re safer with me. I assure you that any that any protection we give each other is worth me tagging along. And I will follow you whether you like it or not. I’d just as well rather you at least consent to it."

Mulder and Scully gave up.


Angel Grove, not long after

"What’s in that thing, anyway?" Mulder asked, eyeing the pouch on Joseph’s belt that he grabbed from his house.

"Essentials." Green Ranger replied. "You know, maybe it’s just the stereotype, but don’t these unofficial black government guys give up after they screw up once?"

"No, especially not with what their after this time."

Scully rolled her eyes. "Maybe they’re too thrilled about the extra bonuses they’d be getting to give up." She said, knowing Mulder would drag her into the conversation anyway. Mulder hadn’t done his homework.

"What bonuses?"

Joseph realized what Scully meant. "Four ninjas and Billy’s ‘Mount Everest’ IQ. They probably like the idea of having their very own stealth assassins and the modern day Albert Einstein. So, since no one answered me before, where do we go first?"

"I’d like to check out that airstrip." Mulder answered.

"Assuming it’s there Mulder, I doubt they would just let us walk in." Scully informed him.

"Walking in isn’t the only way to actually get in, Agent Scully." Joseph started. The same two men that blocked off Rocky and Joseph the day before walked in front of them. "Although this is not what I had in mind. And do you guys realize how cliche that is?" Joseph finished, noting the men’s entrances. The trio looked behind them to see the third man blocking their way, holding a combat knife. The two in front already had already drawn their guns.

The lead man spoke. "Alright, anything funny this time, two of you get shot, the other has their throat slit!"

"You know, it would be funny if all three of you had knives. I could handle that myself. Guns… well, I guess you have to have one to compete."

Mulder hoped his guess was right as the lead man drew a tranquilizer gun. The setup was actually pretty good. Mulder and Scully could gun down the two men in front, but they would probably be shot in the process without a distraction, leaving the knife for Joseph.

The man shot the dart at Joseph, but the Ranger ducked under it, giving the distraction that the FBI agents needed. As he did so, Mulder grabbed his gun and shot the hand of the man who kept his weapon when the other went for the tranquilizer. Scully shot the other man in the leg.

As Joseph went down, he spun and landed on one knee facing the other direction. All the while, his hand went inside the pouch on his belt and flew back out. A razor-sharp, bigger-than-average shuriken flew threw the air, and the man had no time to react as it embedded itself (almost disappearing) in his skull. The man was dead before he hit the ground.

Scully handcuffed the two assailants that were still alive and called for the police to send a unit down to pick them up. Mulder and Joseph looked at the dead one.

"Shit…" Joseph cursed. "I missed."

"Pardon?" Agent Mulder asked.

"I told you. I don’t like killing people. I was aiming for his hand." Joseph pulled the large star out of the man’s head and wiped it off with a cloth from his pouch. "I’m better with normal-sized ones. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find my normal sized ones. Thanks for catching on, by the way."

The police came, taking the two men and the corpse away. Mulder assured them that Joseph acted in self-defense, and the three were left to wonder how many black suited men were running around Angel Grove when they were told the first two that were caught had never escaped.

"Okay… where were we going?" Joseph asked. He had honestly forgotten when he kicked himself for being such a bad aim. Mulder started to talk, but Joseph’s communicator went off. "Never let’s you finish a conversation." He commented as he pressed one of the buttons.

"What’s wrong Zordon?" he asked after making sure that no one except the FBI agents were the only ones around.

"Joseph, Rocky’s locator signal is broadcasting, but he will not answer his communicator. I fear that something may have happened."

"Yea… I remember quite well the last time it went off…" Joseph breathed out. Scully noted that he had suddenly become tense, as if the information that he had just received caused him to remember some painful memory. She quickly snapped out of her thought as Joseph once again teleported them away, this time in his green flame.


Rocky’s house

The trio materialized on Rocky’s doorstep; Joseph hadn’t even considered that someone might see them. Luckily, no one did.

"Well… that’s different." Joseph stated as he noticed something at his feet. Several discarded cigarette butts were lying everywhere.

"Someone forgot to clean up their calling card." Mulder thought aloud.

"Mulder, just because you see cigarette butts doesn’t mean that he’s been here. Even if they are his, it might be just to get your attention."

"If you two are finished…" Joseph interrupted, having no idea who they were talking about. "Why don’t you see what gets my attention?"

Mulder looked at the door, specifically the part that Joseph was staring at. The lock was blown open.

Joseph pushed the door open, and they walked in. Mulder took a second to notice that Joseph’s footsteps weren’t making a sound despite the fact that the floor was creaking under his feet.

"Man… now I know how Tommy and Kim felt…" Joseph exclaimed as he looked into the living room. On the floor was one of the men in black overcoats, fresh blood pouring out of his head from a concussion.

Mulder checked his pulse, finding that he was still alive. Scully noted the crack on the glass coffee table.

"Must’ve been some struggle." She commented.

"Actually, probably not." Joseph responded. "That’s from the last time Rocky was attacked in here. I guess they never got around to replacing it."

"Must be prone to assaults." Scully joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere as she looked around.

"Who was it last time? The paperboy?" Mulder added.

"Me." Joseph answered, almost rudely.

Mulder and Scully remembered Joseph’s reaction to Zordon’s information, and they shut up. Although curious as to what exactly he meant, it was obvious that it would be better if they didn’t go there.

Joseph passed an open closet, and stopped dead when he felt the barrel of a gun press against his back.

"Joseph?" came a familiar voice.

Joseph turned as the gun lowered. "Rocky! What the Hell happened here?" Joseph asked his friend.

"I had a visitor. I knocked him out a minute ago…" Rocky held the gun up. The butt of the handle was covered in blood. "And I thought the footsteps I heard were his buddies."

"No, just us friendly FBI agents." Mulder commented as he and Scully continued to look for anything of significance.

"They’re letting you follow them?" Rocky asked Joseph quietly.

"Heh-heh. Easier than you would think."

Mulder walked over to the Red Ranger, holding something. "This yours?"

Rocky looked at the red communicator in Mulder’s hand, and looked at his wrist.

"That’s funny…" Rocky commented as he put his communicator back on. "I didn’t even notice it fell off."

"Zordon picked up the location beacon." Joseph informed his fellow Ranger.

"Yea, I tried to teleport when I saw the lock blow open. Guess I hit the wrong

button. I didn’t exactly have time to realize it."

Scully walked down the stairs. "Nothing else out of the ordinary, unless you count

the fact that this is the first time these people have actually broke into a house."

"Maybe they found Rocky out." Mulder pondered.

"Rocky…" Scully started. "Does anyone in your family smoke?"

"Uh-uh. My parents quit years ago."

That’s what I was afraid of. Scully thought to herself as Mulder gave her a glance

that stated "I told you so" something fierce.

"Care to teach me that walking trick of your?" Mulder asked Joseph, half-joking.

"It’s very simple, Agent Mulder. You walk on the boards that don’t creak."


Near Angel Grove city limits, hours later

"Would someone please tell me why we walked all the way up here?" Rocky

demanded to know once he realized that a dull pain was starting to spread through his legs.

Scully rolled her eyes. She and Mulder hadn’t been very happy about Joseph coming along, and they sure as Hell didn’t like Rocky adding to their entourage once they figured out he was in the same predicament.

"Because neither of us could teleport all of us here, and we’re less likely to get noticed walking towards the motel through the field than driving to it." Joseph answered.

Mulder had agreed with his second reason, and wanted to wait until the next day to sneak into the government’s new little airstrip anyway, but he wondered something. "Couldn’t one of you warp with one of us each?"

Joseph froze. "Or, we could have taken one of you each." He said, without skipping a beat. "It’s a perfectly obvious and simple solution. Anyone would think of it in seconds. I mean, it sure beat