Secrets of a Ninja
By Phoenix Ranger
A small space fighter of unknown origin and design made its way to Earth. The pilot scanned for an area to land. Finding a spot, she headed for the location. Once the small fighter touched down, the pilot activated the ship's stealth mode. The stealth mode rendered the ship invisible to everyone, and that included all forms of sensors and scanners.By Phoenix Ranger
The pilot then scanned the area to see what to expect from the inhabitants of Earth. She quickly learned what the people of Earth wear, how they talk, etc. After accumlating the necessary data, the pilot exited the ship. To any who have ever heard of a Power Ranger, would have thought that she was one. And they wouldn't be to far off the mark, because she is a Power Ranger, just dressed differently. Her outift is a tight fitting two piece outift of red and black. Looking around, the mysterious Ranger demorphed into a young woman wearing a red shirt and black jeans. In a blink of an eye, she was gone.
Andros and the other Space Rangers were all gathered at the Surf Spot. They were waiting for the other Rangers to arrive. While they waited, they ordered some food. After their food had arrived, they were soon joined by Zhane.
" Where is everyone?" Ashley asked looking at Zhane.
"Rocky and Ariel said they had somewhere to go, but didn't say where. They did say that they would see us later," Zhane spoke as he stole some of Andros' french fries, and getting a nasty glare from the Red Ranger in the process. "Richelle, Ecliptor, and crew have to make some sort of adjustments aboard the Cyberfortress, but they'll be down in a little bit. Krista and her team went to test their new Gliders. Tommy and Kat should be here in a few minutes with Adam, Tanya, Apollo, and Polaris."
At this point, Andros noticed a red haired woman enter the Surf Spot. He could tell that there was something about her that sort of made her stand out from everyone else. Maybe he was just being paranoid or something, but there was something familar about the way she moved. I think I've seen her somewhere before, the Red Space Ranger thought silently, then he turned his attention back to his friends.
Ten minutes after Zhane had arrived, Tommy and Kat arrived with Adam and Tanya in tow. They explained that Apollo and Polaris had wanted to explore a little more of Angel Grove by themselves. They decided to move everything outside where they would be less cramped. Adam pulled a football out of his gym bag that he was carrying. He tossed it to Tommy. Soon they had a game going. While they played none of them saw the mysterious redhead watching them closely. Almost as if she was examining them.
"TJ!" Carlos yelled. The Blue Space Ranger turned towards him. "CATCH!!" The Black Space Ranger tossed the football to TJ, who caught it. Just as he was beginning to run, TJ was tackled from behind by Zhane and Tommy. The ball flew out of TJ's hands and went sailing right into the hands of the Red Cyber Ranger, Rocky DeSantos.
" Hi, guys! What's new--" Rocky was suddenly tackled by Adam and Tommy. All three went crashing to the ground. "Nice to see you, too." Rocky looked at his teammates with an irritated look. "Would you mind getting off of me?" Adam and Tommy obliged, and stood up, in the process, helping Rocky to his feet as well. Adam and Tommy looked at Rocky with mischevious looks on their faces. "I guess since I'm holding the ball, you two want me to pick a side." Rocky pretended to take a long time to think, and tried to make it look like it was a hard decision to make. "I guess I'm on your side." Ariel decided to play on TJ's team. When both teams lined up again, Ariel blew Rocky a kiss and a wink.
"Hey, no flirting between players," Cassie remarked.
Just as Zhane was about to throw the football, Darkonda, a squad of Quantrons, and a new addition to Eclipse's ranks known as Iceheart attacked the Rangers. The unmorphed Rangers went on the defensive and took on the Quantrons. Andros and Tommy teamed up against Darkonda, while Ariel faced off against Iceheart.
The mysterious redhead who had been watching the Rangers play football got up from where she was sitting and disappeared behind some trees.
"Do you really think that the two of you can defeat me?" Darkonda laughed as he sent blasts of yellow energy at Andros and Tommy. Even though they were now morphed, the blast sent to duo flying.
The evil bounty hunter laughed as he watched the two Rangers land hard on the ground. Then suddenly, he was attacked from behind and sent flying. Darkonda landed hard against a picinic bench. Darkonda got angrily to his feet. Turning around, he came face to face with his attacker. Before him stood a red and black-colored Ranger, whose helmet bore the resemblance to a dragon. "Who are you?" he growled menacingly. The strange Power Ranger remained silent. Darkonda readied his sword. "Doesn't matter. Soon, you'll be dead."
The bounty hunter charged towards his opponent, sword held out. The mysterious Ranger held out her hands. In a flash of red light, a katana with a red blade appeared. She blocked the attack, and sent Darkonda flying again with a roundhouse kick. The bounty hunter landed hard on the ground on his back. With an angry growl, Darkonda jumped to his feet. He looked around, but his opponent was nowhere to be found.
"Where are you?" Darkonda shouted over the various battle noises. "I'll find you sooner of later."
"How about sooner!" the mysterious Red Ranger shouted as she got the drop on Darkonda, and delivering a punch to his chest. The punch sent the villian stumbling backwards a few steps. "This is payback for what you did to my people of Caridis 5."
"I don't remember ever being there," Darkonda remarked casually. "I've been to sooo many worlds. It's really hard to keep them straight."
"YOU helped Dark Specter destroy my world, and for that, you'll pay," the Red Dragon Ranger snarled angrily as she charged towards Darkonda, who teleported away. With her back turned, Darkonda reappeared behind her and sent her crashing into the ground.
"You should be more careful, Power Pest," Darkonda sneered as he planted his foot on the Red Dragon Ranger's back.
"You mean like this?" She grabbed his ankle with her cybernetic right hand and flipped Darkonda onto his back.
Knowing that this was one battle that would take awhile, Darkonda decided that it was better to retreat. "This isn't over," he remarked icily as he and the others teleported away.
"We'd better return to the Cyberfortress," Andros replied as he looked at the others. He then looked at the Red Dragon Ranger. "Care to join us?" The Red Dragon Ranger nodded. Everyone teleported at once. They arrived on the bridge of the Cyberfortress, where they demorphed. However, the Red Dragon Ranger remained morphed. "Who are you?"
"Power Down," in a flash of red/black light the strange looking Red Ranger was replaced by the same young woman that Andros had seen earlier at the Surf Spot. "I am Omnia, Red Dragon Ranger, and sole survivor of the planet of Caridis 5."
"What brings you here?" TJ asked, Omnia looked at him.
"I heard that Eclipse had come to Earth," she replied in an accented voice. "I have come to make her pay for what she and her father's forces have done to my planet and others."
"I saw you before," Andros spoke. It had just donned on him on the other time that he had seen her. "You were on Onyx, weren't you?" Omnia nodded.
"I was there gathering information that I needed," Omnia replied.
"I had heard about the Dragon Rangers before," Andros spoke up.
"Yeah, they were supposed to be some sort of legend that was told to young kids," Zhane interjected. "They were supposed to be some of the best warriors in all of the known galaxy."
"Then I heard rumors that Dark Specter had destroyed them," Andros replied.
"That was partially true," Omnia replied. "He almost did." Then she shifted into her normal look. She then drew back the cloak to reveal a cybernetic arm starting from the shoulder to her fingertips. Then she brushed aside the hair from the left side of her face to reveal a cybernetic eye with a red crystal where the eye should be, surrounded by smooth black metal.
"What happened?" Kat asked.
"Darkonda," Omnia replied as she clenched her cybernetic right hand into a fist. "When Dark Specter's forces attacked, we defended ourselves." Omnia made a snorting sound. "Dark Specter didn't expect to meet the kind of resistance that he did on my planet. He thought that we would all run and hide from the great Dark Specter. Anyway, my team, the Dragon Rangers, were on the front line. The fighting went on for days. At that point, Dark Specter unleashed his total fury on those who resisted by superheating the planet's core. Even though I was badly injured, those who remained placed me into the sole remaining ship." Omnia refused to cry. She had shed tears over her lost loved ones long ago. "The Purple Dragon Ranger programmed the ship to head to Eltar, and then sealed the hatch. I watched from space as my world exploded in front of me." Red hot tears flowed down from her remaining eye. "Half conscious, I arrived on Eltar and was given treatment. I was fitted with the cybernetic arm and eye."
"So what are your plans now?" Andros asked. However, he knew full well what Omnia had in mind.
"I plan to repay those who destroyed my world," she growled menancingly as her left eye glowed dangerously.