Transdimensional Archives


Disclaimer : I do not own the Power rangers nor am I affiliated with them. I do however own the teens who now posses the Morphin' Power and I also Own the Baddies of this series. Not to mention the new Zords and The DragonZords history.

Authors note : I Thank the very Awsome Ellen Brand for the use of her Ideas. Also I thank Selany for the Use of her characters from her Gemini Factor series. Please stop by her site and get her to finish her awsome story. If you want to use any of My Ideas please email me at the convenient mailing link the webmaster has provided. Also my thanks go out to Eileen for Proofing my stories for me. My spelling really stinks, with out her I'd never get these stories up to par.

P.S. Eileen has only proofed this story so far (Part six) all other mistakes are my fault. I thank the webmasters for any changes they've made to spelling and punctuation. Oh and about the mongoose, and "Stealing my moves" Parts sorry but I, Well I just couldn't help myself.

By Shaun M

It'd been three hours since Robert had returned to Earth and still the other rangers treated him as though he'd just arrived.

Unfortunatley the celebration was not to last as Zord-One announced, "Rangers, Robert has returned to us with many gifts. Form a circle around Robert. I'm sure he remembers what he has to do."

Robert began. "As I was told, inside each and every one of us is an animal spirit this animal represents our very nature, Zord-One I'll need a pit of fire in the center of the floor."

Robert stepped back and allowed the floor to split open and fire to rise from the depths of the hole.

"Now Rangers look deep inside of yourselves and summon your spirit animal, let it make it's presence known allow it's energy to flow through you."

Robert opened the bag he'd been carrying and threw a large amount of the dust into the fire before him. Now Rangers open your eyes and behold the power of Ninjetti. Each of the six rangers looked at themselves then at each other Robert walked to Richard.

"Richard, fast and fearsome. Your spirit animal is the Cheetah." Richards eyes beamed as he looked at the gold medalion on his Ninjetti uniform.

Then to Sammantha.

"Sammantha, As powerful as you are beautiful." She blushed. "You are the Panther." Still blushing she smiled idly running her hand across the large medalion on he chest.

"Darius, Brilliant and Strong. You are the Eagle. Darius bowed his head, and smiled.

"Brittany, the spirit of the team, without you we'd all have more than likley quit. You are the Pheonix. You always come back even when no one expects it." Brittanys' face was aglow with her beautiful smile.

"Mike, The night suits you, as it does your spirit animal as the Bat you see without seeing and hear what no one else can." Mike looked to Peter with a knowing smile on his face.

"Peter..." Robert stopped, "Hey Peter what's wrong?"

"I'm some kinda weasel. is this supposed to mean somthing?" Peter smiled as he said it.

Zord-One smiled "There's one on every team."

"Peter let me finish, You face enemies that nobody would expect you to beat, yet you always do. Much like your spirit animal the Mongoose."

"We are no longer just the Power Rangers, We are Ninjetti."

As the fire pit closed the alarms went off alerting the rangers to danger in the city.

"Rangers Jarak has released the Dark Rangers into the city, they are carrying strange equipment I cannot detect it's purpose. Be careful."

"Robert, You must remain behind for this battle to restabelize your powers."

"Go Rangers and may the power protect you." Zord-One concluded and the rangers performed a now very familiar movment with Sammantha in the lead.

"It's Morphin' Time!"

White Cheetah Power.

Black Bat Power.

Blue Eagle Power.

Red Panther Power.

Pink Pheonix Power.

Yellow Mongoose Power.


The rangers were greeted by an unsettling sight six rangers firing on a group of HighSchool kids, One of which was issuing orders trying to get the Teens into the nearby shelter. With School only two weeks away they'd more than likley been shopping for new clothes.

Black Ranger broke the silence by giving the weapons command. "Wrist blasters up, Fire at will!"

Peter, The ranger clown was the first one to say what all of them were hoping he wouldn't. "Which one is Will?"

"Thanks for your help." White Ranger said to the red clad teen as he herded the froightend Teens into the shelter.

"No problem." He replied. "I was driving by and saw these kids in trouble. And, well you know th rest."


Power Dome

Robert watched Richards actions from the power domes monitors. He smiled to himself. "Knew I'd made a good choice."

"Robert, this is no time to be patting yourself on the back. You must finish the Power Regulator." Zord-One almost smirked at Roberts low growl.


Battle Site

Richard was locked in fierce combat with his twin. Meanwhile Sammantha was battling Peter's twin, While Mike and Brittany faced off against the evil Blue and Red rangers.

"AAARRGHGH!" The cry of agony was heard over the clang of weapons and blasts of lasers. Even the Dark Rangers looked away from the fight as the evil Green Ranger tore through Darius and Peters Armor, without stopping he moved in for the kill.



Her eyes wear full of tears, "...How could you do this to me?" She had sobbed. No, he thought as he shook off the words still fresh in his mind. "I have to help the new rangers, Roberts communique sounded urgent, Maybe. Just maybe Tasha could help me with this little problem, After all she does know about my past." "Ready to teleport." The announcment jarred him out of his thoughts. "Teleporting now. Be well My Friend." The familliar tingling sensation shot through his body he thought he could see something in his teleport stream, Black?



Earth, Battle Site

"Peter! NOOOOOO!!" Mike screamed again his accent going thick.

The Green Rangers sword was blocked by something. That something quickly turned into the Phantom Ranger With a single blow the Green Ranger flew backwards and landed on a pile of scrap metal that had once been a Town Bus.

The Phantom spun placed his hands on the fallen rangers and muttered something.


Power Dome

Robert watched the monitors intentley "Who The Hell Is that?" Robert gasped as the Phantom Rahger battled the evil Green Ranger.

However before Zord-One could answer Robert saw the Blue and Yellow Rangers being teleported to waiting Medi-beds. Robert cursed under his breathe as he quickly called up the Medical diagnostic program to check their vital signs.

"Robert they will be all right, Billy has just confirmed our message and says he'll be here right away." Zord-One noticed Robert wasn't paying any attention, Simply watching as the Green Ranger tore his freinds apart one by one.

"No. No More. It's Morphin' Time!" Robert shouted vaguely aware of Zord-One's cry of protest. All he cared about was stopping that Ranger by any means possible.



Battle Site

"Mwa hahahaha." The Green Ranger laughed as he stood watching the badly injured Phantom Ranger gripping an open wound. "You pathetic little Ranger wannabe, Do you really think you can stop me?" It wasn't really a question But the Phantom Ranger answered him anyway.

"I'll defeat you or die trying. As i'm sure the other Rangers will."

Taking places next to and behind the Phantom Ranger the remaining Morphin' Rangers added comments of their own.

"You, and your pathetic phoneys are goin' down." said Black Ranger nursing an already healing shoulder

"Hard." growled White ranger as his armor sealed all open areas.

"And you are not coming back." Pink Ranger chimmed in, the crack in her helmet closing.

"Let's finish this Rangers, Bring up the new weapons." Sammantha said as the Dragon Sheild vanished from her shoulders.

"Red Panther Rapier"

"Pink Pheonix Wrist Bow"

"White Cheetah Laser Whip"

"Black Bat Sonic Blade"

"Phantom Laser-Blade"

"Dragon Dagger to Murasame"

The five rangers looked to see the Good Green Ranger standing on a mound of wreakage holding a very long curving Oriental style Blade. Small sparks of Green Energy casscading off of his form as the Dragon Sheild finished forming.

"Time to take this guy." Green ranger was back.

"Rangers Stay back! I've got a plan." Roberts voice was stern and cold as ice.

"So. The failing Green Ranger decides to face me? Then Let's go. Siet Eyagh!" Tommy was sure that this child had no where near the skill he had and that his powers were still unstable. Still some thing was nagging at the back of his mind.

{This has got to work.} Robert checked the heads up display in his helmets visor. {One minute, just one more minute. I have to get him away from the shelter.}

Robert backflipped onto a Toyota. "Come on loser!" The Evil Green Ranger hesitated.

"What's the matter Jarak not letting you make your own descisions? Does he have you on that short of a leash?" That got him.

"You're gonna die little boy. Then maybe I'll take the red one as my slave."

Tommy leapt at Robert who in turn dropped to his back and launched his opponent a few hundered yards away {Twenty seconds, gotta do this fast}

"Ninjetti Corkscrew lightning kick!" The Green Ranger became a blur of energy as He plowed into his evil counterpart, Slamming him closer to the nearby presipice. {Four seconds. Now}

"What!? Now your stealing my moves?" The Evil Green ranger said as he stood. The good green ranger plowed towards his opponent.

Robert Grabbed his doppleganger and threw them both off the cliff to the ocean below {one, Zero.}

It was then Jaraks words came back to Tommy. "...With his powers this unstable he'd more than likely destroy whatever were near him when My spell were to take full effect..."

One unintelegible word escaped Tommy's lips.

"See ya' Loser." Roberts morph flickered as Jaraks spell took effect Green ranger energy tore through the two Rangers, both screaming in pain Robert Blacked out as he hit the water.

The last thing he felt was the cool ocean water and a tingling sensation creaping through his body.

"ROBERT!" Sammantha didn't care if anyone heard her.

All of the rangers saw it happen, Robert slamming into The evil Green Ranger, Then they both fell off the cliff then... The shockwave of Green Ranger energy.

Mike looked around and saw the Dark Rangers were gone. "Let's get back to the Power Dome. Maybe Zord-One has some information for us.


Zord Holding Bay. (Twenty-seven minutes after Green Energy surge.)

"Wake Up Pilot." a loud voice said

Robert began to stir as he surveyed his surroundings. He was in the DragonZords cargo bay.

"How did I get here?" Roberts voice was low and groggy sounding.

The voice started up again, "I teleported you here when I sensed our powers failing."

"Wait a Cotton pickin' minute. I'm in the DragonZord and it's talking to me?"

"Correct" The voice wasn't exactly what Robert would've expected, It was cultured and slightly rough.

"What about the Evil Ranger?" Robert was still very groggy.

"My former pilot is in worse condition than you are." DragonZord informed.

"...Former Pilot?" Roberts voice held a questioning tone.

"It is a very long story young Ranger. While you heal I will tell it."

Robert settled onto a large auxiliary console and listened as the DragonZord Told it's story.


Power Dome

As the rangers matearialised they were silenced by Zord-One. "Rangers I am already aware of what you are going to ask... Robert is fine and healing in a holding bay deep in the Power Dome." Zord-One knew that Robert could not be interupted while he was healing.

"Also rangers please clear the center area and prepare for an arrival." As Zord-One finished a strangely designed teleportation bubble landed in the center of the Power Dome it contained a slight grey tint.

The energy dispersed leaving a tall handsome blonde haired man standing in the center of the Power Dome.

"Geez Zordon, How many times are you going to update this place?" Billy said as he looked around.


{Flash Back 10,003 years}

You see pilot I was created 10,003 years ago and was not always known as Dragon Zord it was roughly three years before Zordon and Rita battled, A battle which ended in both opponents being trapped in thier respective "Prisons" but that is another tale.

Watch the view screen...

...Robert watched as a young Asian man in a green jump suit was installing armor onto the DragonZord.

"Ceaser is your newest creation finished?" The young man looked up to see his mentor Zordon of Eltaire .

"Yes sire." he bowed as much as he could in the saftey harness. "The Dragon Ceaser Zord is nearly complete, As soon as I place this Armor I will activate the Sentience Program" Ceaser seemed pleased as he looked at the massive Zord.

"Very good Ceaser, umm... No offense is meant but, Do you think we could shorten the name a little?" Zordon looked a little sheepish, This was after all Ceasers Zord.

"Yes, you are right of course. I'll shorten the name after we defeat Rita." You see Pilot My creator was very sure we would win. He believed that with my power combined with the other Zords Rita would surley fall. Little did he know what would happen just one year from that time...


(Power Dome)

"Where's Robert?" Billy looked around seeing only sad faces. "Oh, god no. he's...?"

"No, Billy" Zord-One inturrupted. "He took an exceedingly dangerous chance when he used Jaraks spell against his evil twin."

"A new Evil Green Ranger!" Billy was shocked and terrified.


{Back to the tale of the Dragon}

It was one year after my total systems activation, I had been used a total of twelve times. And it seemed Rita was begining to lose when my creator vanished without a trace. Zordon and the others feared the worst.

"Rangers, Friends... This is very hard for me to say, But Rita has captured Ceaser and is attempting to turn him against us." Zordon paused, The rangers could see he was very distraught by the turn of events. "Zordon," It was Dramia, Ceasers sister and the fierce Purple Ranger. "I think I speak for all of us when I say that we'll do anything to get him back." Zordon looked at her, Her eyes had tears in them. In all the years he'd mentored these Teens he'd never seen her this close to crying, as he looked arond he could see the other five rangers were already crying.

Kor, the black ranger was comforting his girlfriend Sara the blue Ranger. She was in worse shape than the others aside from Dramia She'd known Ceaser longer than any of the others. Pink and yellow rangers held their heads high, Zordon almost chuckled. They were so new to the team, they'd just recieved their powers a few months ago after the former pink and yellow rangers were wounded in battle, The yellow ranger lost his right leg, and the Pink ranger's hip had to be replaced.

The Black ranger looked as though he were ready to take on Rita's army by himself.

The Command Center alarms woke Zordon from his reverie, Alpha five came into the main chamber to alert the rangers of Rita's latest attack on a small village in the southern province.

With Ceaser gone Markus was in charge of the team.








Zordon watched as his rangers left the command center, in his minds eye he could see Rita laughing. Something was wrong.

When the rangers landed they saw no attack.

"Dramia, status." Markus got no answer looking around he saw only four other rangers. "Where's Dramia!?"


Moon Palace

"So sister, did you miss me?" Ceaser's voice was different. It was cold and ineffectual, And it sent a chill down Dramias spine she could feel the cold metal of her shackles biting into her skin. She now knew her brother, Her leader was gone. Ceaser advanced on her, On Earth Dramia's body was found with her power coin. A spell had been cast on the Coin, which Zordon later found out caused the coin to only operate for some one the Green Ranger would be willing to give his life for, As Ceaser had done so many times in the past.

The battle continued, ending finally in Ceasers death and Ritas imprisonment in her dumpster and Zordons confinment to his warp tube.

The other Zords and myself were returned to our hiding places and The Dragon Coin was still with Rita.


"So you see pilot the Green Power has always had ties to the dark half of the Morphin' Grid" The voice faded waiting for a response.

"But you said that the green ranger I fought was your former pilot?" Robert inquired

"Ah, yes. I am sorry in my old age I have forgotten. My former pilot was given the original green ranger coin by Rita nearly a year after she was freed of her prison. The coin you hold was given to Zordon by a clone of Thomas Oliver, My former pilot, " The Dragon concluded.


{Power Dome}

"Zordon I need you to get a lock on Tasha. Sha may be the only one who can help me finish this Regulator in time to stop the Dark Rangers." Zord-One began Processing Billy's request without correcting him.

The Rangers all heard the familiar crackle of a teleport orb.

"Billy! What are you doing here?" Robert was happy enough to see his friend that he almost forgot about his problems., Almost.

"Zord-One what happend to the dark rangers?"

"Rangers unfortunatley I do not know. Though Sensors report a build up of enhanced moleculor energy on the Surface of the moon. I fear it may be a weapon." Zord-One informed the rangers.

"Zordon, err, Zord-One. We're getting a message from some one named K'ellai? She wishes to seek assylum here." Billy looked at the monitor. "Judging by the signal strength it would seem that it's energy source she is using is very weak. To tell you the truth I'm surprised it made it this far."

"Rangers, as you know Our main priority is to protect the innocent. As she has asked for assylum I would have to ask you to decide. Shall we or shall we not grant her request?"

Sammantha, after a long moment of silence, was the first to speak up.

"I say we do it, and at the same time We could gather information on Jaraks forces while we are there."

Peter who was standing by the still healing Darius looked up with an odd expression on his face. "What do you mean? Aren't we going to teleport her here?"


Okay folks I Know I said this would be the last portion of part one in the series but I just can't get my muse to help me out here. (Little green bugger that he is) so the final chapter will be ummm... The final chapter I guess.

Please people I need feed back on this story so please email me at the provided link. Good or bad I don't care.

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