u may not know this, but Power Rangers actually belongs to some guy called Haim Saban, so despite what people may think, Power Rangers belongs to him, not me!!! (Well dur!)
Author Note: If you ever want to use the Samurai Rangers, or any other characters, e-mail me. Also e-mail me to let me know what you think of the Samurai Saga, this series, or any other I have written.
Time Scale: This carries on about an hour after 'A Problem Shared'.
By Matt
The White Ranger opened his eyes and looked around. He was in the infirmary back at the Power Chamber. He recognized it quickly as he had spent so much time in there with Louise and Kane over the past few days. He went to get up, but stopped as he felt a sickening surge of pain rush through his body.
"Hey, easy does it!" a voice said to him. "You're in no state to move yet." Sleepily he looked round to his side and saw Kane sitting next to his bio-bed. "This is quite a turn around. You in here to see me!" Matt grinned. "What's going on? How did I get back here?"
"You had just been defeated in battle, and Alpha still couldn't teleport anyone in or out." Kane started.
"Then how did I get out of there alive?" Matt asked, confused
"Sean had some device that he salvaged from one of the fortresses. It let him teleport in, get you, and get out." Kane told him.
"What about the others?" Matt asked urgently, just remembering the condition they had been in last time he had seen them.
"As soon as Sean got you back here. He went to get the others, but Jaxir had already taken them. He's still holding them all somewhere." Kane said sadly.
"Oh man, it's all my fault. I should never have let them all go." Matt said, annoyed.
"Hey, don't blame yourself. You didn't know they wouldn't be able to hit the monsters." Kane said sternly.
"When did all that happen? How long was I out?" Matt asked.
"Only about an hour ago." Kane replied.
"Has Alpha figured out why that is yet?" Matt asked.
"No. It does only seem to be you who can hit them, but we still can't figure it out!" Kane said.
"Do you know where Jaxir is holding the others?" Matt asked, already concerned for his captured comrades.
"No, Alpha's still looking." Kane said disappointedly.
"I should be able to find him. If our link can let him come to me, then it should let me find him, too." Matt suggested.
"Sorry, no can do. You're not doing anything now." Kane ordered him.
"Why not? You need me." Matt insisted.
"You would have died out there if Sean hadn't rescued you. If not at Jaxir's hands, then from the Power poisoning." Kane told him.
"Yeah, but I'm the only one who can actually attack them. What will you do without me there?" Matt said, distressed at his inability to help.
"We'll figure something out." Kane said. He was already back into the role of leader, taking the burden of responsibility once again.
They went silent for a moment, then Matt realized something. "Hey, how come you seem okay now?"
"It's amazing what morphing can do!" Kane grinned. Samurai White just looked at his leader, confused. "Morphing gave me the energy boost I needed to recover."
"Couldn't you have just done that when you were first weakened?" Matt asked.
"No. I had to recover a bit first. If I'd tried morphing in such a weakened state, I'd have got Power poisoning too!" Kane explained.
"So is Louise okay then?" Matt asked.
"No, she's still a bit weak. She'll be able to morph soon, but not just yet." Kane reported.
Matt tried to sit up again and look round. He saw Louise still on her bio-bed and Ultima on his, but there was no sign of the Gold Ranger. "Where's Sean? I wanna say thanks." Matt said weakly, the pain from his movement distracting him.
"He went back to his base as soon as he'd done all he could." Kane said. "He didn't want to stick around here any longer than he had to."
"Oh right. I guess I really made a mess of things while you were out of action!" Matt said ashamedly.
"Don't worry about it. You did the best you could, but things were just..... difficult!" Kane reassured him. "Now I should go and see how Alpha's doing."
"Okay, thanks. Keep me informed. I want to know if there's anything I can do." Matt ordered.
"Will do." Kane said as he got up and left the med. lab. Matt watched him leave, then shut his eyes and lay back on his bed. He was asleep in a matter of seconds, the constant aching pain nagging at every part of his body as he rested.
Sara, Niko, Lucy, Chad, Michelle and Lee all sat around in a cell. They had all woken up about a half-hour ago. Naturally, the first thing they did was look for a way to escape. Their communicators and morphers had been taken, so they were not an option. Three of the walls were solid rock, completely impenetrable, although one did have a small window. There were three bars in the window, but about a foot away from it, outside, was a force field. The floor and ceiling were all solid rock too. The fourth wall was just solid iron bars. They couldn't bend them, or remove them, but even if they could, the force field extended round the whole cell. For the moment, they were completely trapped.
Niko was still searching round for some way out, but the others just sat around, waiting for something to happen. "Give it up, Niko. There's no way out!" Lee said to the Silver Ranger.
"What am I meant to do? Just sit around and do nothing?" Niko asked.
"Well what else can we do?" Michelle asked.
"Keep looking for some way out." Niko insisted.
"There's no point, Niko. Even if we could get through the wall or the bars, there's a force field right outside that!" Lee commented.
Niko just looked round at their hopeless expressions, and his joined them. He stopped looking and sat down with them.
"Guess it's up to the others now!" Michelle said quietly.
"What others!" Chad exclaimed. "Kane and Louise are out of it, Matt's fighting on dead batteries and Sean wants nothing to do with us."
"There's always Power Force!" Lucy commented, realizing there was still hope.
"If they're even back yet!" Sara said.
"Whadda you mean? Where are they?" Lucy asked.
"They went out on a training run a few days ago. They didn't know when they were going to be back. Jandra told me the morning they left." Sara said.
"Well that's just great." Lee snapped "Now there's no chance!"
"Hey, there's always a chance!" Niko said determinedly.
Crush and Jaxir entered Armageddon's Chamber once again. Crush said nothing. She knew her master was only interested in Jaxir's report this time.
"Well?" he boomed.
"We drew the Rangers out by kidnapping the Purple Ranger, and we were victorious. The Green, Blue, Silver, Yellow, Pink and Purple Rangers are now our prisoners." Jaxir reported.
"So the White Ranger is destroyed?" he asked.
"Well, not quite. Just as we were about to finish him, the Gold Ranger showed up and rescued him." Jaxir said, fearing Armageddon's reaction.
"So, do you are keeping the others alive to draw him out then?" he asked quite calmly.
"Erm, yes, of course, that was my plan. One more battle and I should be able to finish him!" Jaxir said, making out it had been his plan. Really, he had just kept the Rangers as he didn't know quite what to do with them.
"Very well." he said. "Now go. Destroy the White Ranger."
"What would you like me to do with the others after I have destroyed him?" Jaxir asked.
Armageddon paused for a moment. Jaxir thought he hadn't heard the question and he was about to repeat it when he said evilly, "Kill them. Kill them all!"
Jaxir just left the room, knowing exactly what he had to do. When Armageddon said nothing to Crush, she left after him.
"So what's the situation, Zordon?" Kane asked. He had only been out of action for four and a half days, but he had soon got out of old habits. Talking to Zordon and being leader of the team seemed strange. Not that there was much of a team left. One seriously injured and dying, one too exhausted to fight, one who had left the team and six captured. Effectively, he was now the only one left.
"We still can not locate the others." Zordon reported.
"And even if we could, I still can't figure out any way to let the rest of you able to attack Jaxir." Alpha said, annoyed. "Once we get to wherever they're being held, there's only one way we know of to fight off Jaxir, should he attack."
"What are you saying Alpha? We have to send Matt into battle again?" Kane asked.
"I'm afraid so!" Alpha sighed.
"But that is not possible Alpha. He needs several days rest before he can morph again, or the Power will kill him!" Zordon said.
"But Zordon, we can't wait that long." Kane said. "We have to find them, and rescue them, right now! Isn't there any way you can slow down the Power poisoning, just long enough for the rescue!"
"There may be a way, but it is very risky. Even if Matt survives the morph, he will have very little time before the Power starts to kill him." Zordon said.
"It's a risk I'll have to take!" a voice called from behind them. They turned and saw Matt walking towards them slowly.
"Matt, what are you doing out here? You should still be resting." Alpha called out.
"Sorry, no time to rest. Jaxir just called me again. I have to go." Matt said. "Whatever you can do for me, Zordon, do it now!"
"Very well." Zordon boomed. "Everyone stand clear!"
Kane and Alpha moved away from Matt. Zordon closed his eyes and an energy beam came from him. It struck Matt and penetrated his body. He screamed out slightly as Zordon's energy tried to purge the poison from his system. Naturally, even Zordon didn't have enough energy to cure Matt, but it was enough to temporarily relieve the pain.
"Thanks Zordon, that feels much better!" Matt said. 'Better, but far from perfect,' he added to himself.
"Okay, if you're letting him take a risk like that, you're not stopping me, either!" another voice called out. Louise came over and joined them.
"Normally I'd try and talk you out of this, but right now, we need as much help as we can get!" Kane said.
"How about Sean! I'm sure he'll come with us, too!" Matt suggested.
"We can't contact him, we don't have his co-ordinates." Alpha replied.
"Don't worry. I've got his comm. frequency programmed into my communicator." Matt said. He lifted it up, pressed a couple of buttons, then spoke into it. "Sean, this is Matt. Can you join us in the Power Chamber. We need your help to rescue the others."
A few seconds later, there was a flash of Gold and Sean appeared. "Hi Matt. How you feeling now?"
"Much better. Thanks for the save, now let's get going. I'll go first and you guys follow. LET'S... oh sorry Kane!" Matt said, realizing he was no longer in charge.
Kane just laughed and said, "No problem. LET'S SAMURIZE! SAMURAI BLACK!"
"SAMURAI WHITE!" Matt called, thankfully feeling very little pain this time.
"SAMURAI RED!" Louise shouted. She had felt worn out before, but morphing soon perked her up. She didn't feel any pain, which would come with Power poisoning, had she got it, so she was safe.
"SAMURAI GOLD!" Sean shouted, feeling weird to be morphing with some of the others again.
The four remaining Samurai Rangers transformed. Black, Red and Gold waited a moment as White teleported away. As soon as he reached his target, they received the coordinates and followed.
Samurai White stood outside a large stone castle, hidden behind a rocky outcrop, waiting. It only took a few seconds for the others to get his signal, so they were with him in no time. They all looked up at the large fortress, then looked to Kane.
"Okay, first things first. We need to find out where Jaxir is, and where the others are in there." Kane instructed.
"He'll probably have one of his goons guarding the door. We get him and we can get some info out of him." Matt said.
"Well there's the door." Sean said, pointing at the large wooden doorway in the front wall. "What are we waiting for?" He jumped out and ran towards the entrance. The others all just looked at each other, then jumped out and followed him. They got to the door, unchallenged.
"I guess we should knock." Louise said quietly.
"Knock!" Sean exclaimed. "Oh I can do that!" He walked back away from the door a short way and the others moved aside. He started the short run up, then took to the air. A quick somersault and he shoved his foot out in front of him. It struck the thick wooden door hard. It snapped off its hinges and slowly fell to the ground with a loud bang, just missing the guard who stood just inside the passageway.
"Stop right there." he shouted at them.
"Yeah right!" Louise commented. "SCORCHER AXE!" the large weapon appeared in her hands and she charged at the guard. As she sliced at him with it, the weapon just passed harmlessly through him. "Damn, I forgot about that!"
The guard laughed and unsheathed a sword from his side. He struck Louise with it and she flew back to the ground, next to where the others stood.
"Looks like its up to me." Matt said. He charged at the guard and punched him in the chest, immediately followed by a punch to the stomach, punch to the head, kick to the stomach and a leg sweep. Once the guard was down, Matt did a quick elbow drop, then turned round and put his hand round the throat of the enemy warrior.
"Okay. Where exactly are our friends being held?" Matt growled at him.
"I'll never talk!" the guard snapped.
"Maybe this can make you talk!" Sean said, bringing out his Senturion Sword.
"Don't count on it, Ranger!" the guard sneered.
"Come on, we won't get anything out of him." Sean said, eager to go further into the castle.
"Don't be so sure of that. Just give me a minute!" Matt said, picking up the guard by his neck. He dragged him through the doorway and out of the sight of the others.
A few minutes later the White Ranger dragged him back inside and threw him down on the ground. They all noticed how bad the guard looked, then looked up at Matt.
"Okay, Jaxir's in the top floor of the building waiting for us to arrive, the others are being held down in the dungeon and they're well guarded, and their morphers and communicators are in the storage room on the third floor up." Samurai White explained.
"Jaxir will still defeat you, White Ranger!" the guard said weakly.
"Don't count on it!" Matt said back, mocking the guard's words from earlier. He started to walk away, then suddenly stopped as his Surfer Blade appeared in his hand, turned and struck the sword don. It hit straight onto the guard's head and sliced it clean off. It rolled away from the body, the lifeless eyes still open and staring at Matt. He started walking along the passageway with Sean, as the other two stared down at the remains of the guard.
They started to follow the Gold and white Rangers. "How do you think he got him to talk?" Louise asked Samurai Black.
"I don't know, but judging by the way he finished him, I don't think we want to!" Kane said quietly. They caught up with the other two and carried on down the passageway together until they got to a stairway.
"Okay. Louise and I will go down and help the others, Sean, you find their morphers, and Matt, as you're the only one who can actually attack Jaxir, you'd better go after him!" Kane ordered.
Without saying a word, they all went off to their respective targets, Black and Red going down the stairs, White and Gold both going up.
Another guard walked into the large top floor room of the castle. Jaxir was standing at a large computer console, which looked completely out of place against the old brick wall. Jaxir turned as the guard walked in, not expecting company.
"What is it?" he asked.
"Sir, guard XP-43 has not reported in. Should I go down and check on the gates?" the guard answered. "
No, just increase security throughout the castle. I called the White Ranger a short while ago. They are probably inside the castle now." Jaxir said.
"Should we track them down?" the guard asked.
"No. They'll come to us. Don't look for them, but whatever you do, don't let them leave. Remember, it is only the White Ranger who can attack you, so he is the one to be wary of." Jaxir ordered.
"Yes sir." the guard said as he left to carry out his master's orders.
Kane stopped as they reached the bottom of the stairway. He poked his head out and looked both ways. "All clear." he said.
"Let's go then." Louise said, going to step out into the long passage.
"Hold it a minute." Kane said, lifting his communicator.
"Matt, Sean, how are you doing?" he asked.
Seconds later, two answers came. "I've just reached the right floor. I'm starting to search now." Sean said.
"I'm still on my way up to the top floor." Matt added.
"Right. Keep in contact! Kane out" he said. He turned to Louise. "Okay, let's go." They stepped out and headed along the corridor. They didn't know which direction the others were in, so they just picked a way and started walking.
"Hey Kane. What do we do if we bump into some guards? Without Matt down here we can't fight them.
"Don't worry about it. It may not happen, but if it does, I got a few ideas!" Kane smiled inside his helmet.
They carried on walking until they got to the end. To either side was a door. "This one!" Louise said, going to the right hand door. They pushed it open and looked inside. They stopped dead as they saw the occupants. A room full of guards, right now they were sleeping, but if they woke them up - big trouble.
They quietly closed the door. "Okay, not this one!" Louise said lightly.
Without saying any more, they opened the second door. Again they found a room full of guards, but in this one, they weren't asleep!
Sean walked along on the third floor, looking for the storeroom where the morphers were being kept. As he finished searching the third room on the story, he had an idea. It was fairly small room with very thick stone walls, no windows and a heavy wooden door. He went outside it and looked round. There was a large cabinet not far away. He pulled it along and blocked the doorway with it. Then, with a quick shot to the ceiling, the stone slab cracked and collapsed on top of the cabinet, making it too heavy to move at all. Just to finish the job, he added another shot which made more debris collapse around it. He knew it would probably attract the attention of some guards, but it would be worth it if it worked.
He continued along, searching the rooms. When he came to a corner in the corridor, he stopped and peered round. There were two guards walking back and forth in front of a doorway.
"Geez, why not put a sign saying 'the morphers are in here' on the door next time!" he said to himself, laughing inwardly at the very unsubtle protection of the morphers. "Okay, I need a distraction!" he added.
Bringing out his Senturion Sword, he sliced it into the corner of the wall and knocked off a large chunk. Lifting it up, he hurled it down towards the guards. He didn't throw it hard enough to reach them, but it landed on the ground halfway down the passage and landed with a loud thud.
He looked round quickly and saw one of the guards coming to investigate. Stepping back a few feet, he waited for the guard to get there. He stood and waved at him as he rounded the corner.
"A Ranger!" the guard shouted. "Hey, you're only the Gold Ranger, you can't even hurt us!"
"Yeah, you're right. Why don't you just attack me and get it over with!" Sean said indignantly.
"With pleasure." the guard grinned. He lunged forwards and as soon as he struck Sean, he hit his teleporter control. With the guard still in contact with him, he was teleported too.
Samurai White finally reached the top of the stairs. As he looked round, he saw no guards waiting, so he carried on going. The top floor was just a large empty room. The only significant features were the stairway he had just emerged from and the large doorway straight ahead of him.
"Now, which door do I choose?" Matt said lightly to himself. He could already feel the pain of the power poisoning returning rapidly. He had to finish this quick before Zordon's energy infusion completely dissipated. If that happened, the Power would surely kill him. Walking forward quickly, he activated his Samurai Armor and brought out the Surfer Blade. He kicked the door and it slammed back, revealing the large room inside. Jaxir was standing at the other end, the rising Sun behind him was shining brightly through the window. Samurai White could only see a silhouette of his enemy, but he could tell he was grinning.
"So, you finally arrived!" Jaxir commented. "I've been waiting."
"This ends right here, right now!" Matt called over to him. This was it. The last three sleepless nights, the endless exhaustion, the pain from his injuries and the ever present Power poisoning were too much. He'd had enough and now, he was determined to end it, one way or another.
"My sentiments exactly." Jaxir answered. "I should have destroyed you the first night."
"Should have, but didn't, now face the consequences." the White Ranger called.
"What consequences?" Jaxir laughed.
"Me!" was all Matt shouted before charging at the mercenary. As the White Ranger charged at him, Jaxir brought out the large energy weapon he had used to incapacitate the other Rangers in their last battle. "No you don't, Jaxir. Once bitten, twice shy!" Matt pointed his spare hand at the weapon, palm forward and the energy blaster built into it fired. An energy bolt struck the weapon and it fell to the floor, charred and smoking.
"Hey, you ruined my favorite toy!" Jaxir complained. "Never mind, I've got more!" Jaxir pulled two swords out of nowhere and got ready for the fast approaching Ranger. He held up the two swords in an X shape to block the Surfer Blade as it swiped down at him. He kicked Matt away and lowered the swords, getting them ready to attack. He slashed one of them towards the White Rangers chest, but Matt blocked with his own weapon, but didn't even notice Jaxir attack with his other blade. It struck the White Samurai in the side and cut into his armor.
"Louise, one word!" Kane said, looking round at the Red Samurai. "RUN!" The two Rangers turned and ran back down the corridor. It took the guards a few seconds to realize they had just seen a couple of Rangers, but as soon as they did, they were flooding out of the room and chasing the Samurai's.
"What do we do?" Louise asked as they ran. "We can't run forever!"
"I've got an idea." Kane said, bringing out a laser pistol.
"It won't work. We can't hit them!" Louise reminded him.
"I know that, but it's not them I'm aiming at." Kane said. He stopped, turned, and fired three times. The first hit the ceiling just behind them, the other two hit the walls to either side. The tunnel collapsed in, several tonnes of rock tumbling down. Less than a second later, the whole passage was completely blocked.
"They won't be getting through that any time soon!" Kane said happily.
"Pretty smart!" Louise said, "Now, where are the others?"
"Well they're not back there, that only leaves one way to go." Kane said, and they both started running the other way down the hallway.
Sean appeared with the guard inside a different room. "Nice try, Ranger, but you can't teleport in or out of the castle!" the guard sneered.
"Who says I wanted to!" Sean grinned. As the guard pulled away, Sean hit his teleporter control again and disappeared. He reappeared only a few feet away, just outside the room he had first appeared in. He listened, amused, as he heard the guard trying to escape the room, but the door was blocked. It was the room Sean had blocked off earlier.
"Let me out of here!" he heard the guard shouting.
"Well I would let you out, but then there would be the slight problem of you trying to kill me!" Sean joked back. Without staying to listen to the guards' shouts and curses, Sean ran back down to the end of the corridor.
The guard sat inside the room. He had given up hope of finding a way out and decided to just sit and wait for his comrade to find out he was missing. He thought his rescuer had arrived when he saw a bolt of Gold and White fly through the wall. Instead it materialized into the Gold Ranger and the second guard.
Sean didn't say anything this time, he just teleported back out. He didn't want to risk being ambushed by the first guard. As he appeared outside the room again, he stopped to listen to the two guards arguing. They both blamed the other for their predicament and by the sounds of fight, a fight had started between.
'As much as I'd love to stay and listen to those two finish each other off, I've got a job to do!' Sean said to himself. He ran off down the corridor for the third time, this time though, he didn't stop to lure a guard out, he just went straight round to the room they had been guarding.
Pushing the door open, he peered inside. In the center of the room, placed on a pedestal, were six morphers and six communicators. Sean walked over to them, picked them up, and transferred them into his pocket dimension. As he turned to leave the room, he looked round at the rest of the room. His eyes widened and all he could say was, "I think I just hit the jackpot!"
"You know, you're really starting to piss me off!" Matt snarled at Jaxir, as he dodged one of Jaxir's blades.
"Yeah, well I'm hardly mad about you, myself." Jaxir said back as Samurai White kicked him in the stomach.
Matt held up the surfer Blade and it started to glow. Swiping it at Jaxir, he sliced the two blades in half. Jaxir threw the two handles to the ground and jumped away. Reaching his right hand over his shoulder, a large shotgun appeared on the mercenary's back. He pulled it over, took aim and fired at Matt.
The shot hit the White Ranger square in the chest. It knocked Matt backwards and he slammed into the wall behind him, collapsing to the floor. Matt lay there in a daze. He was in pain from the injuries Jaxir had already inflicted, and Zordon's energy was wearing away, fast. The agony from the Power Poisoning was flowing back through his very being, increasing in strength with each passing second.
"No, I won't let it end like this. I won't let him beat me!" Matt mumbled, half unconscious.
"Oh, but White Ranger, you are not letting me defeat you. You really have no choice in the matter. I am victorious, and you are... well, not victorious." Jaxir gloated.
"Don't count on it!" a voice called from behind him. Something struck Jaxir in the back and he stumbled forward.
"What, how can I be attacked?" Jaxir asked himself. He turned to see his attacker. "JANDRA!" There was Jandra, with Rito, Rygog, Kraegor and Garrison stood behind her.
"Hello Jaxir. Long time no see." Jandra said, holding the bow she had used against him in both hands, ready to fire again.
"I wondered how long it would take for you to get in my way." Jaxir said.
"And don't forget us!" Kane called from the doorway. "We're always willing to get in your way." As he came in, he was followed by the Red, Green, Blue, Pink, Yellow, Purple, Silver and Gold Rangers.
"Ha!" Jaxir called out. "You may all be here, but it will do you little good. The only one who can attack me is lying half dead over there!" He pointed over to where Matt still lay.
"Matt!" the others all called out. Some of them started to run over to him, but Jaxir fired an energy blast at them, knocking them back to the doorway.
"He's not the only one who can attack you!" Jandra said.
"Oh yes, I forgot about you. But you're hardly much of a challenge. I could defeat you with one hand behind my back." Jaxir said confidently.
"Don't count on it!" Jandra replied. "You could never beat me before, what makes this time any different?"
"This time," Jaxir said, "I have Armageddon's power behind me, and this time, I will defeat you once and for all!"
"Jandra, do you know him?" Kane called out.
"You could say that!" Jandra snarled.
"Jandra is my darling little sister!" Jaxir smirked.
"Sister?" Kane commented.
"Yes, and that is why I am able to strike him. He uses his target's DNA to attune himself and his monsters to their biorhythms, that is why only his victims can fight him. But I know him and I know everything about him, including how to get past that hurdle. No matter who he is attuned to, I can strike him." Jandra explained.
"Okay, let's get him then." Kane said.
Jaxir didn't even give them the chance to follow Kane's command. He fired several shots at the group of Samurai's, then a few more at Power Force.
Each group was engulfed in explosions, being blown from their feet. Jandra was quickly back to her feet. She fired a few shots of her own. They struck her brother and he stepped backwards to stop the force of the blasts knocking him down.
Meanwhile, Samurai White lay there, watching the battle, unable to move. He struggled to stay awake, but soon slipped into unconsciousness.
Matt opened his eyes and looked around. He was lying on the ground, unmorphed, but as he stood up and looked down, he saw there was no actual ground there. He seemed to be floating, suspended in mid-air somehow. He started walking around, unsure of exactly where he was. Slowly, a white mist filled the area and he heard a voice.
"White Ranger!" it called out.
"Who are you? What is this place?" Matt asked.
"White Ranger, you have failed." The voice said.
"Failed? How?" Matt asked again.
"You have failed your friends, and you have failed in your duty to fight evil. Because of you, your friends have been destroyed. Armageddon has won. It is your fault, and your fault alone." The voice accused him.
"No, I did the best I could, but Jaxir was too strong." Matt said, trying to defend his actions.
"You did not do your best. At your best, you could have defeated Jaxir, but you allowed yourself to be defeated. You were tired of the war, of the endless fighting, and you just wanted it to end, so you let yourself, and your friends be defeated." The voice continued to explain.
Matt looked round, trying to find the source of the voice, but the mist just started to grow thicker. "That's not true. Yes, I am tired of the fighting, and I do want it to end, but not like this. I have always been willing to do my best to achieve victory. My friends are important to me, and I would never willingly let anything happen to them. Whoever you are, you are lying." Matt said back confidently.
"But am I lying?" the voice asked, then went silent.
Matt had to stop and think. Was everything the voice had said been true? Could he have really let himself be defeated, so that the fighting could stop? Had it been his fault that the others were defeated? Had he truly failed them? He closed his eyes and put his face in his hands. Inside, he was trying desperately to figure out the truth.
As he finished, the mist started to clear. "White Ranger." The voice said again, but this time, the voice sounded clear of the accusing tone it had used before. "You are strong, and you are brave, that has always been known, but now you have proven much more. You have shown you are loyal to your friends and to your cause. You have shown your determination, and your willingness to put the greater good ahead of your own well being. As such, you have proven your right to the true power of the Samurai. Step into the light and accept that which is truly yours. You are the White Ranger, and victory shall always be yours!"
A small area of ground in front of Matt started to glow white, and a beam of energy extended up into the air. Matt stepped into the light and he felt something incredible begin to happen. He floated into the air and a power started to fill his very body. When morphing, he would feel the power from the morpher flow through his body, spreading into every part, but this was different. This time he felt the Power growing from inside him, from his very core. It grew and grew until it filled his body. A uniform started to appear on him. It was like the uniform and mask 7of an original Japanese Samurai, all in White. Suprisingly, the uniform wasn't made of the usual protective material of their standard uniforms, nor was it made of the armor they had. It was made of a cloth-type material, much like the Ninja Uniforms of the Earth Rangers a century previous.
"Matt Elling Go forth and defeat your enemy." The voice said. The whole area went black and Matt seemed to pass out.
Samurai White opened his eyes and looked at the scene before him. Jandra and Jaxir were dueling furiously whilst the others looked on, looking slightly the worse for wear. Jaxir picked up his sister and threw her into the rest of Power Force. They all crashed to the ground and Jaxir released another round of energy blasts. Samurai White gave the mental command to de-morph and everyone looked round at him.
"Matt, what are you doing? Unmorphed he'll finish you in no time." Kane called out. Matt didn't speak, he stood up and faced Jaxir. Suddenly, he floated into the air and a bright light surrounded him. They all had to cover their eyes as the light was so bright, but as it died down, they looked round and saw Matt floating in the air. He was dressed in a strange white uniform, unlike any other they had seen before.
"Ooh, pretty impressive!" Jaxir said sarcastically.
"What the hell is that?" Niko asked.
"Jaxir, this is the end for you." Matt said. His voice sounded strange, distorted, powerful.
"Oh and what makes you so sure of that? So what if you got new threads, they won't do you any good." Jaxir said. "I have fought you Rangers before and won, now will be no different."
"No, you have fought the Samurai Rangers and won, but you have never fought that which I am now, for I am now, the WHITE ULTRA SAMURAI!" Matt called out to him.
"Is that meant to scare me?" Jaxir asked.
"I dunno, but it's sure as hell scaring me. What's going on?" Sara asked.
Matt held his hand out towards Jaxir, then raised it slightly. As the Ultra Samurai's hand raised, so too did Jaxir. Matt swung his arm round and Jaxir followed it, slamming into a wall. Matt swung his hand back the other way and Jaxir slammed into the opposite wall. Matt repeated it a few times before allowing Jaxir to fall to the ground, severely battered.
"So you can move smash me around a bit." Jaxir stuttered, "I'm still not impressed." Matt held out his hand again, but this time a Samurai style Long sword appeared in it. Matt flew over to Jaxir and swiped at him with it. It cut into him and he fell to the ground, temporarily defeated.
"Nice work!" Jandra called out, disappointed that she had not been able to finish her brother herself. Still, she was satisfied that he had been defeated at last.
"Don't count me out yet!" Jaxir shouted. He climbed back to his feet and started to grow. Within seconds he was too large for the room and had broken through the ceiling. As he continued to grow, he stepped down onto the ground outside the castle and turned to face his tiny adversaries inside. "
We'd better call the Zords." Louise suggested.
"No need for that. I can handle this myself!" Matt said. He flew outside and up to Jaxir's head.
Jaxir laughed as he saw the White Ultra Samurai approaching. "Ha, one little Ranger against me. Does that really seem fair?" Jaxir boomed.
"You're right, it's not fair. I should be taking on at least ten of you to make it fair!" Matt commented.
"I hardly think so." Jaxir replied. "What are you going to do? Tickle me?"
"No," Matt answered, "I was actually planning on doing this!" Matt held out his hand towards Jaxir again and thrust it into the air. Jaxir flew upwards, moved by Matt's telekinetic powers. He kept going higher, and higher, and higher. Eventually he slowed, stopped, and started to fall. He crashed into the ground beside the castle, making a large crater from the impact.
"I'm gonna squash you for that." Jaxir growled as he got back to his feet.
"Actually, I don't think you will." Matt said, "because you won't get the chance. I'm gonna finish you now."
"You sound too sure of yourself I don't think you really can defeat me!" Jaxir said.
"Oh really? Then you're in for quite a surprise." Matt grinned inside his mask. "WHITE ULTRA SAMURAI POWER!" He closed his eyes and concentrated on his Power. He felt it start to empower his body and he started to glow brilliant white. As he reached his full power, he flew at high speed into Jaxir's chest, burst straight through, and out his back, then he turned round in the air and shot back, going through a different part of his body. He continued round, going back and forth, slicing straight through Jaxir each time round. Finally, with Jaxir weakened nearly to the point of death, Matt stopped inside Jaxir's chest and concentrated his Power again, building it up, stronger and stronger. When he felt he had enough power built up, Matt released it all. It was a like a Nuclear warhead detonating. It spilt Jaxir apart from inside. The few parts that weren't completely obliterated in the blast just fell to the ground, smoking.
With his temporary nemesis finally defeated, Matt flew back down to the room of the castle where the others had been standing to watch. They were awestruck by Matt's mysterious new power, as well as his defeat of Jaxir. It was the most incredible sight they had ever seen.
The White Ultra Samurai powered down and looked round at the others. "Wow, the whole team together. I haven't seen that for a while!" Matt joked.
"What the hell was that?" Kane asked.
"I'll tell you about it later. Right now I just wanna go back to the Power Chamber and sleep." Matt said.
They all agreed. Everyone except Sean teleported back to the Power Chamber. He wasn't going home just yet. He had one more thing he wanted to do there before he left.