Transdimensional Archives


Disclaimer: The ideas for Power Rangers, and Power Ranger’s Lost Galaxy are not mine and they belong to Saban. Anything not property of the above is property of the author.

Author’s Note: I am in the process of writing this story as it comes. I have several pages of this story written out and will get it typed up and posted as soon as I can. I am currently working on several other fanfics and this particular story maybe delayed. I am sorry for leaving you hanging like this.

I would also ask you to email me if you would like to use any aspect of my story. The reason for this, especially with Zelda, is because the storyline is complex and has taken me since 1991 to create to where it is now. It is also under constant reconstruction so some items are subject to change. I will also have several standalones, which have nothing to do with the main sequence of events. I will tell you when that is so. I just want you to know that I am posting this against my better judgment because all my ideas are subject to change. I really wanted to wait and post it when the whole thing was typed, but I just want to get it out there and then post the final version on my site when complete. Any critique is welcome. I will also soon have out a guide to my characters. Thank you. I give to you now…

Quest for the Gold Crystal Quasar Saber
By Zelda Martial

Part One: Scaling the Golden Crag

The golden mountains of Mirinoi are the most beautiful mountains in the Galaxy of Forever. The quasar saber was located at the summit of the tallest crag; the one that was impossible to get to. At about three miles high, it was dubbed the Golden Crag. It was Zelda who was supposedly the only one who would be able to scale the crag and gain the powers of the gold quasar saber. So the legend says.

She finished getting the last of her instructions and supplies she would need to help her stay alive on her long and dangerous journey to her destiny.

"Well," Zelda spoke with determination. "Here I go." She then took her first steps up the crag. She grabbed a jutting gold carbon stone hanging out from the side of the crag and slowly, but surely, she made her way up.

Several hours passed and she had only traveled up the crag only a few hundred meters. Exhausted, Zelda let herself hang a moment as she caught her breath. Traveling to Mirinoi used a lot of her energy and she barely had enough left to climb. She would have waited a day to gain back her energy back, but she only had a day to reach her destination.

One day to reach her destiny.

"Not exactly the way I remember it." Kendrix spoke.

"Not at all." Maya mourned. "Everything is destroyed."

"And still rock." Kai shot Damon a warning look and whispered something in his ear; something the others couldn't hear.

"Sorry Maya." Damon apologized looking sheepish.

Leo was the only one who was silent. Mirinoi had too many sad memories of his brother.

Trei the spoke abruptly.

"This way." He had picked up Zelda's trail and he hoped against all odds that it would lead them to her. They crossed the woods of the sprites and followed it until it stopped about one hundred feet from the base of the golden mountains still within the woods.

Leo had remained silent for the whole trek through the Sprite's woods, the only thing that was not rock on the entire planet of Mirinoi.

"Leo," Kendrix asked. "Is everything all right?"

"Huh?" Leo replied. Kendrix had come up behind him without knowing. "Yeah, I'm okay." Kendrix nodded and ran ahead a little ways in front of him. Leo had lied to her. He was not all right. His brother died here. The memories of that day had been buried deep into the back of his heart but had just resurfaced a few hours ago. The truth was he wasn't sure he would do the group any good. He insisted that he stay on the Megaship. Trei, though, insisted that he come. I guess Leo's heart gave in to Trei's insistence because there he was. That was when his soul felt something it never had before.

Zelda was about to give up climbing for a few minutes when her soul felt something that it hadn't felt for almost eighteen years.

Both Leo and Zelda felt their souls being embraced by the High One, whomever it was.

Leo felt a surge of courage and strength while Zelda felt a surge of determination. Both fueled by the others presence not knowing the other was there.

Trei had sensed something too, but his sense came from fear.

"Careful," He spoke. "I think we're being followed. Watch yourselves." Everyone nodded in response.

Zelda now had less than an hour to reach the saber. She had only seventy-five meters left to scale, but she had no energy left despite her increased determination to reach her goal. Her eyes drifted dangerously close to being closed but something inside her kept her from doing so. Both her feet slipped out from under her but because of her tremendous upper physical strength she had, her arms kept her from falling.

Leo felt Zelda's sudden accident but did not know that at first. That was when he figured out where she was. He secretly ran off to find her himself. Something in his heart told him that he had to do this on his own.


Part 2: Golden Quasar Power

"I'm so close. Must keep climbing." Zelda was straining to complete her journey. "Just a few more yards," She did, however, manage to keep going by telling herself things like that.

"Is this for real?" Leo asked himself, wondering it this was all just a dream.

"Almost there." Zelda struggled the last yard of her vertical trek.

"Hey you!" Someone said from out of nowhere. This caused Leo to turn around abruptly. An ugly creature leapt from the woods and blocked Leo's path to the golden mountains. Leo wasted no time asking questions. Instead, he morphed.

"Go, Galactic!" He called out. A few seconds later, the morphing sequence was complete.

"Ha! I've been waiting for you red ranger." Leo remained silent. He had nothing to say to this bag of worms. The monster charged towards him not showing the slightest bit of mercy. As he was running, the ground shook with Earthquake force from his massive form.

"Made it." Zelda was in awe at what she saw before her. She walked up to the quasar saber and began reaching out for it.

"Wait a minute," She said snatching her hand back. "This is to easy." There had to be a catch, but she couldn't figure out what it could be. That was before she almost fell off the crag from the ground shaking with earthquake force.

"Quasar saber!" Leo called out just before the monster came down on him full force. Fortunately, Leo called his saber just in time to save his life.

Zelda kept turning around and around until she was satisfied that no one was near. Although it didn't relieve her of the feeling that this was too easy.

She reached for the saber again, this time taking the saber out of the gold stone in which it was held captive.

She waited for a couple of minutes. Nothing happened.

The monster howled in pain but not from anything the red ranger did.

"Time to call upon the power held within this saber."

The monster fell to his knees.



The monster was howling loudly now cause he was in immense pain.


Then he was…


…Destroyed- for the time being anyway. Leo sighed with relief as he watched the monster disappear from view. That was when he knew it was safe to unmorph.

"This is amazing!" Zelda exclaimed. She looked at her new battle armor. It was now twenty-four karat gold, each thread as strong as titanium. The diamond stripe consisted of sterling silver, and her helmet was of the purest gold in the universe. On the back of her armor were golden wings that enabled her to fly at speeds greater than that of warp when out in space.

When she was finished gawking (for lack of a better word) at her new powers, she felt a strong surge of panic sweep over her.

"What the. Damn." She knew now that Kai and the others had follower her even the other Gold Ranger. She decided to test out her new wings. After spreading, and flexing them out a little bit, she jumped fearlessly off the edge of the crag with her golden quasar saber in hand.

"Leo, are you all right?" Maya asked him when she and the others ran out from the Sprite's woods.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just ran into a little trouble that's all." He shook off the residual fear that he had experienced a few minutes prior

"Something's not right. I can't feel her anymore." Trei spoke, right before the bright flash of gold tressed light. Everyone shielded their eyes; afraid they might be blinded by the splendid force of nature.

"Who are you?" Demanded the newcomer, a few moments after the appearance of the gold tressed light.

"We are here looking for someone. That is all." Kai responded.

The newcomer unsheathed her golden saber and then began to pace around Kai and his friends.

"I feel a strong force coming from." The newcomer paused a moment and then pointed her saber at Leo.

"You must remember who you are in time. For now, live your new life in this universe to the fullest moon." A voice in the newcomer's head spoke. The newcomer collapsed to the ground as her armor disappeared and the golden quasar saber lay in front of her.

Everyone around her gasped in amazement, except for Trei of course because he knew who was before them.

Zelda stayed kneeling on the ground for a few more minutes before she ever looked up at her friends. When she did finally look up, she simply picked up the golden quasar saber and said, "Take us home to Terra Venture." Then, as if on cue, a gold light emanated from the sun and then struck the saber.

The next thing they knew was that they were back on board Terra Venture and the Astro Megaship was back in the main hangar bay. Once they came back, Zelda was automatically transported to the Command Tower.

"Status Ensign." Zelda asked Operations officer Ensign McIntire.

"All of Terra Venture's systems are functioning within normal parameters." As an after thought he added, "It's been dead as a doornail around here. I wish some creature or something would show up so we could get some action." He began tapping at a nearby diagnostic console. It was this point in which Kai entered the Command Tower. Zelda quickly looked way and nodded to him. She had answered the question that she knew was coming. It was also a signal to meet her later.

"I feel the same way." Zelda replied to McIntire's answer resting a hand on his left shoulder. Then she thought, "It's going to happen sooner than you think." She then moved towards the center of the command dock.

"Is Commander Stanton on board yet?" Kai checked communications in order to give her an answer.

"He's just boarded in hangar bay two." Zelda nodded at Kai in response.

"Now that everyone's on board, let's go explore the galaxy." Zelda spoke with mock amusement. "Where should we start off?"

"How about your home world?" Kai asked.

"Very well." Zelda spoke. "Coordinates, Sector 1289 point 221. Speed at three quarters maximum thrust." While her command deck crew carried out her orders, Zelda found an empty science console next to Kai and sat next to him.

"So, now you know." Kai was a bit bewildered at what had just been spoken to him by his superior officer but he didn't let that get to him.

"Should I have known sooner?" Kai asked Zelda quietly so that the other officers around them could not hear their conversation.

"Not necessarily." Zelda replied. "Ever since the release of my father's soul to save the Milky Way from Dark Lord Spectre, everyone knew. But now it’s been about six years since that has happened and just about everyone has forgotten. After that had happened, I had gone back to my internship at NASA and then created NASADA/GSA." Zelda's eyes began to sparkle just as Kai was about to ask the now obvious question.

"You mean to tell me that you created Terra Venture?"

"Come with me. There's something that I need to show you." Zelda then gently took Kai by the arm, totally ignoring his question. She then led him to their destination in the main colony dome.

She practically dragged Kai out of the Command tower and down to the main colony. They did not stop until they were in front of an abstract statue of Terra Venture’s founder.

“I can’t read the dialect.” Kai said.

“I know. My father created the statue for me when I first made the blueprints for Terra Venture. He made it as a guardian for the colony. The transcript is actually written in my native tongue. It reads: “To all those who want more than what they have, give to others more than they receive I give you this colony. To travel to new worlds, to help find you a new home, I give you this guardian so that on your journey, you may be safe through out the galaxy. For them, the journey will be great.

For the rangers to come may the Quasar Sabers guide their path.

To my daughter Zelda with dearest love, forgive us for leaving so soon. Find your other brothers and sisters, including your soul brother to be able to come home once more to your mother Serenity, and I, your father, Dregonus. With love to you and your brother, we both wish you luck.” It was then that the transcription ended leaving Zelda with mist eyes and Kai’s filled with wonder.

“How are you able to read the transcription? I know it is in your native language, but which one is it?”

“It’s in Aquitorian. That is the planet I was born to before I was reborn on Earth to save the universe.” There was a long moment of silence between the two comrades before Zelda spoke again. “Besides the fact that this was an alien dialect, no one would have been able to read it anyway.”

Because it’s depictment of the future?” Kai asked.

“Somewhat.” Zelda replied. Tired of standing on the ground, Zelda hovered a foot above it before continuing. “It’s actually…” She paused mid sentence so that she could stand on the ground again. “My future and the future of everyone around me.” Looking towards Kai, Zelda finished her thought. “Especially the rangers.”

After Zelda’s final words of the moment, both she and Kai walked silently to the sleeping barracks where they were going to meet the other rangers. When they reached the outside of their destination, Zelda added to their previous conversation.

“Actually,” Zelda spoke, breaking the silence. “It’s not a depictment of “the” future, it’s more or less a depictment of the Universe’s future. The Galactic Gold Ranger is the only one who can restore peace to the galaxy, but she can’t do it alone.” They both entered Zelda’s barrack and the others arrived shortly there after.

By the time the others arrived, Zelda had an incredible headache. She had no idea where it came from, but all she knew she wanted to do at the moment was getting rid of it. When the rangers had entered, Zelda had her head between her, knees, trying to get of her headache.

As the door to her room closed behind Damon, Leo and the others, who had just entered, stood slightly slack jawed as Zelda had in her hand her gold quasar saber. As the saber rested in Zelda's hands, it began to pulsate a golden light.

Maya was the only one who had been able not to act surprised, at least not on the outside. “The legend is true.” Maya then dropped down to her knees and lowered her eyes. She couldn’t believe that she was in the presence of the greatest god of Mirinoi. “We are forever in your service.” No one understood Maya’s course of action, not even Zelda. Only Maya herself knew the reason behind her actions.

“No Maya,” Zelda motioned for her to stand. “I am forever in you service. If it was not for you and the others releasing the other quasar sabers, my powers would not be in existence.”

“You don’t understand. On Mirinoi, it was always fabled that a power greater than the quasar sabers existed. And you‘ve found it.”

“It was more than a matter of finding it,” Zelda looked down at her saber. “It’s my destiny. Just as it was yours.” The only difference between us Maya,” Zelda looked Maya directly in her eyes. “Is that you, Leo, Kendrix, Kai, Damon… you’re all destined to save Terra Venture and to locate a new world; and me? I have the whole universe’s future resting upon my shoulders and the powers that are held within are a part of the burden I must carry as guardian of the universe.”

“Kai,” Kendrix asked. “How long have you known?”

Kai was at a loss for words because he really didn’t know himself the answer to that question. Since they came back from Mirinoi, time has been at a loss, not only to him, but the others as well. Zelda then answered Kendrix’s question for him.

“He actually only known for about the last hour or so, not much long then you have.” Zelda spoke quietly. “After I transported us back here, all of you have forgotten had happened earlier and it was just another morning to you.” Zelda walked over to the nearby window in her quarters and looked out at the star scape and the aquamarine surface of her home world. Just afterwards, someone else entered the room. Zelda turned away from the window just in time to see that it was her confidant and lover.

“I’m glad you made it here safely. I was so afraid that you had been captured by the Tunia warriors.” Zelda whispered softly to Trei as she gently hugged him.

“We managed to create a ceasefire-“

“With them? “ Zelda interrupted. “That must have been a feat in itself.” Zelda paused for a moment. “How were you able to get away?”

“The ceasefire shall hold effect until you are able to come back to Tryforia for the peace negotiations.” Zelda reached for her quasar saber and at that exact moment, the whole colony shook with earthquake force.

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