This is based on the episodes in-between Call on Carlos and Dark Specter’s Revenge.
Turning Evil to Good
By Lamont Stewart
The Astro MegashipBy Lamont Stewart
Lamont, Ashley, T.J., Cassie, and Carlos were practicing on the semideck.
Andros and Darkonda were battling it out.
Andros said, "Where is my sister, you creep you?"
Darkonda laughed and said, "You will never find out loser."
They continued to battle, but they did not know that Ecliptor was nearby spying on them.
The battle continued for a while, as Andros tried to get the secret away from Darkonda. In fact Andros had Darkonda down for the count, but Ecliptor stepped on a twig, distracting Andros letting Darkonda escaped.
Meanwhile back on the ship, the Rangers spotted a monster on Earth. It was a giant bat like monster, but the jump tubes were clogged so they couldn’t make it to Earth.
Andros returned then and found out what was happening. He help cleared the jump tubes, and they went back down to Earth.
The Rangers fought against the bat monster for a long time; they got all the civilians out of the area so they wouldn’t get hurt.
Astronema and Ecliptor were watching from the top of the stairs, looking own approvingly of what was happening.
Astronema said, "Those Rangers have finally meet their match."
Meanwhile, Darkonda had booby-traped the woods, and now we went to find Andros to lead him into it.
He found Andros back at the battle. Darkonda appeared then and ran off. Andros saw him, and chased after him.
Andros caught up with him, and another battle started. He threw Darkonda passed the trigger then started to chase him. Just as Andros was about to step on the trigger, Ecliptor pushed him out of the way. Outraged, Darkonda came charging, and stepped on it him self.
Andros yelled at Ecliptor.
Ecliptor said, "I did it for your own good, but was the only time something like that would happen."
Andros then decided to join back with his friends in the battle.
Back at the battle Astronema was still winning. She was about to give a ranger a blow herself when Andros flipped by, cutting her necklace off.
It went flying in the air, and landed on some pipes nearby.
Lamont said, "Way to go Andros."
Astronema tried to get it, but couldn’t, so she made the monster grow.
The Rangers called on their zords, and made quick work of the monster. Then he went back to find the locket.
He found it, but Astronema was closing in on him. When he opened it, he was paralyzed. For in the locket was the same two pictures he had in his locket.
"Where did you get this?" asked Andros.
Astronema said, "I’ve always had it."
That is when Andros realized it, Astronema was Karone, his sister.
He told her what he thought, but she was scared and ran back to the ship.
Later that day, he told his friends back on the Megaship. They told him to be careful.
Meanwhile Astronema had gone to KO-35 to think about what had just happened. Little did she know that Darkonda was spying on her.
Just then, Andros came and talked to her, she was scared again and ran off. Andros went back to the ship, and Darkonda came out. That is when Ecliptor appeared.
Ecliptor and Darkonda went out on it, and Darkonda managed to merge with Ecliptor to create Darkliptor, but Ecliptor broke free this time. Darkonda was outraged and charged, but Ecliptor just sliced him in half.
Ecliptor went back to the ship to tell Astronema what happened, so she created a monster to kill Andros.
Meanwhile Andros was on the surface, when the monster attacked, he fought it off as best as he could, but the monster kicked his Morpher away.
Back on the ship, the Rangers saw what was happening back down on the surface of the planet, but they couldn’t help him because Darkonda had created a force field around the ship that deactivated the Astro-Morphers. However, Lamont was not a Lightstar ranger.
Lamont pulled out his Morpher.
Lamont Stewart: It’s Morphin Time!
Lamont Stewart: Green Ranger Power!
Lamont transformed into the green ranger and went to help Andros.
Meanwhile, the monster was about to kill Andros, when all of a sudden Lamont appeared. However Gasket was there waiting for him. Gasket prevented Lamont from aiding Andros.
Astronema had picked up his Morpher, and looked at it. Then for no reason at all, she said, "Andros." Then threw his Morpher back to him.
He picked it up, and saw his sister walking away. He tried to go after her, but the monster stopped him. He just started to turn around.
Andros: Let’s Rocket!
He pushed a few buttons on his Morpher and transformed into the Red Lightstar Ranger.
With his sword he sliced the monster in half.
Lamont walked over there to see if Andros was all right.
Lamont said, "Are you okay, man?"
Andros said, "Ya, I’ll be okay in a little while." Just then, Astronema appeared and said, "I know where Zordon is and I’ll take you to him."
"Seriously?" Lamont said.
"No kidding," said Astronema.
Andros said, "Come on, we're going back to the ship, and tell the others."
They teleported back to the Megaship.
Back on the ship, the force field had been destroyed, and the Rangers were on the bridge, when Lamont came in.
Ashley said, "Lamont, what happened?"
Lamont said, "You won’t believe it."
Just then Andros walked in with Astronema.
The other Rangers took a defense, but Andros calmed them down.
Then Lamont explained about what happened, but the other Rangers insisted that she be tied up. So she was put in the cargo hold.
A few hours later, they made it to the orbit of the planet.
Astronema had to pretend that she had captured the Rangers so she tied them up. After she let them go, they planned to scan for Zordon, but the ship crashed on the surface. Before the rangers knew what happened, Astronema had escaped.
They went to find her, on the surface, but it was crowded with paranatrons and Quantrons. Just then Darkonda appeared and said, "Ah, Rangers, I see you’re just in time for your demise. It’s too bad your silver friend isn’t here with you, but no worry, I’ll go to the rebel planet soon and kill him off. Then I’ll go and kill your friend Justin, and all of the other Power Rangers of Earth."
Andros: Come on guys, Lets Rocket!
The Lightstar Rangers pushed a few buttons on their device.
Andros transformed into the Red Lightstar Ranger.
T.J. transformed into the Blue Lightstar Ranger.
Carlos transformed into the Black Lightstar Ranger.
Cassie transformed into the Pink Lightstar Ranger.
Ashley transformed into the Yellow Lightstar Ranger.
Lamont pulled out his Morpher.
Lamont: Green Ranger Power!
Lamont transformed into the Green Ranger.
The Rangers started to battle Darkonda.
Lamont and Andros managed to get away from Darkonda and found where Zordon was being held. Just as they neared him he turned into Dark Specter.
Lamont said, "It’s a trap."
Dark Specter said, "Nothing gets past you does it. Now nothing will stand in my way." He disappears and leaves the Rangers to Astronema and Darkonda.
All of a sudden, Astronema turns on Darkonda and scares him away.
She frees her new friends and they go back to the ship.
A few hours later the team was on the bridge when Astronema appeared. She had a haircut and looked very good.
Ashley said, "Astronema, you look gorgeous."
Astronema said, "Call me Karone."
Lamont said, "Okay, works for me."
Karone said, "Now what do we do?"
Andros said, "Be on our guard; the evil forces are going to want revenge big time."
Meanwhile on the Dark Fortress, Darkonda was telling Dark Specter that he should destroy Karone, but Dark Specter said, "I’m not done with her yet."
Next time, when an asteroid heads to the Earth the Rangers try everything to stop it. But the only thing that can stop it is what Andros treasures most.
In Trouble Heading for Earth