<HTML> <nonECT type="application/x-oleobject"CLASSID="CLSID:CC68282A-C044-5417-7B8F-7C07FB34BCFE"></OBJECT> <head><style type="text/css"> a{font-family:arial;color:brightblue;font-weight:;text-decoration:none} body{font-family:arial;color:black} h3{font-family:arial;color:black}</style><TITLE>Welcome to the Base</TITLE> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://shadowserver.net/style.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://shadowserver.net/style.css"> </HEAD> <BODY><!--#framecode--> <P><B>Disclaimer:</B> <I>Power Rangers and all related materials is copyright Saban Entertainment/International. This is in no way meant to present these characters officially in any way whatsoever. All original characters and all story contents are property of the author(s). For use of original characters, please e-mail the author(s).</I></P> <h3><center> Welcome to the Base<BR> By Stealth Photographer</center></h3> <P><I>We landed in the future with a thump, and were greeted by a Camera Monster. But we had used up all our energy traveling to the future, so we defeated him the old fashion way, With our hands. We found out that it really wasn’t a monster but a human merged with an object. Just when we finally got our barring, an Earthquake swallowed us up. And I thought Dark Parallax was tough.</I></P> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"><I>Blade Oliver</I></P> <P><B>NARRATOR:</B> Ever since Tom Yolk merged all those dimension together the time line was way out of whack. People that had lived in the twentieth century were now living in the year 2050 like nothing ever happened. Not only do our heroes have to defeat the two on Star Mountain, but also they still have to restore what Tom Yolk ravaged.</P> <P><B>From Blade’s POV</B></P> <P>We were falling. We had just arrived and now we were being defeated. Not by any of our old enemies, or this new threat, but by an act of nature. Oh, it made me so angry.</P> <P>"So you have any idea?" Lamont asked.</P> <P>I replied, "Well other then finding the ones that can weld the Merger Devices, I’m out of ideas."</P> <P>We landed with a thump in a room with a lot of technological stuff.</P> <P>Lamont said, "Hey Blade, does this?"</P> <P>I said, "Ya, it does. It’s the..."</P> <P>Both of us said, "The Power Chamber."</P> <P>Lamont said, "But it looks like that it’s much more advanced then the ones we’ve known."</P> <P>I said, "Well about fifty years have past since we’ve seen it, but it might be even more advanced then that."</P> <P>Lamont said, "What do you mean?"</P> <P>I said, "You weren’t around, but when Tom Yolk merged several of the dimensions together everything went crazy. Even now after he’s been defeated, we are still cleaning up the mess that he made."</P> <P>Lamont said, "What happened when he merged the dimensions?"</P> <P>I said, "Well for one, it threw the time line even more out of whack then it already was. One of the dimensions he merged with yours was mine. And unless you were on all four of those dimensions you would cease to exists."</P> <P>Lamont said, "I promise you Blade. We will restore every life that Tom took."</P> <P>A familiar voice said, "I know that you will too."</P> <P>We both looked and was amazed at what we saw, "Zordon!"</P> <P>Another voice said hi and we saw Dimetria.</P> <P>Zordon said, "I see that you two have finally arrived."</P> <P>I said, "You were expecting us?"</P> <P>Dimetria said, "We have been waiting for you for fifty one years almost."</P> <P>Lamont said, "So what exactly is the problem here?"</P> <P>Zordon said, "We’ll all tell you, but first we want you all to meet some people. First from the future I don’t know how far in the future is Alpha 7."</P> <P>Alpha said, "I will be created in the year 2077, but I will be placed in storage until the 27th century when the Feudal Rangers awoke me to help in the battle with Tom Yolk before he went back in time to change history. As I know you have seen Blade, and well you didn’t see it Lamont because he wiped you out of existence."</P> <P>We both said, "Don’t remind us."</P> <P>Zordon said, "Now we’d like you to meet our son, Encarta."</P> <P>Another tube came down and Encarta’s head appeared.</P> <P>Zordon said, "Me and my wife have to be on Eltar to help with the causalities that Tom caused there. So Encarta will stay here to offer you guidance like I used too. I am the same Zordon from both of your dimensions. I too was merged when Tom merged the dimensions." Then Zordon and Dimetria vanished, and their tubes connected with Encarta’s in the middle to make a big tube.</P> <P>Encarta said, "Wow, my parents have told me so much about both of you. How Lamont trapped Magical-El-Play in a pink bubble, using the Pink Merger Crystal. Blade how you broke out of King Mondo’s control to become the White Zeo Ranger and eventually Zeo. Lamont how you stopped Nathan Lee from sabotaging the world. Also how Blade united the world’s super heroes in your dimension to form the Galaxy League. How the both of you united with others to defeat Oblivion. And they go on and on, in fact all of your adventures are on this one DVD."</P> <P>I said, "Just one?"</P> <P>Encarta said, "Our technology is much better now then in your time. Here it is." A DVD appeared in both of our hands and it was titled, The Complete Adventures of the Austros Destined.</P> <P>I said, "I like it, it has a certain ring to it."</P> <P>Lamont said, "What else can you tell us."</P> <P>Encarta said, "Well do you remember Ninjor and Dulceia?"</P> <P>I said, "Ya, why?"</P> <P>Encarta said, "Because they aren’t here but their daughter, our local hero, and your leader is. Lamont, Blade, I’d like you to meet LeAnn our dimension’s Phantom Ranger."</P> <P>The Phantom ranger appeared and took off her helmet. The girl looked so beautiful.</P> <P>Alpha 7 said, "Now that you’ve meet all the key plays in this base now I think I better tell you what your future holds. Now I don’t normally do this, but the time line must be kept. Now not only is your threat those two upon Star Mountain, but other inside the city as well. Now those that are known as the twins will defeat those two on Star Mountain. They are the twin son and daughter of Joshua and Jenny."</P> <P>I said, "You mean, Jenny, my descendant, and Josh, Lamont’s descendant. Their kids will defeat this threat."</P> <P>Lamont said, "Then why do you need us for?"</P> <P>Encarta said, "You have to find the other chosen rangers and make sure that their powers don’t grow to much so those two can defeat them. Both of you have special powers within you, and when your descendants marry and have kids those abilities will become one. Those two are the greatest rulers of the 28th century."</P> <P>Alpha said, "Now in the future a guy from the future will appear, his name is Thames. He is an agent from the Changing History Arounders. They want to make sure that Tom Yolk’s time line is restored."</P> <P>LeAnn said, "Now, not only do you have to look out for those three, but there is also the local problems."</P> <P>I said, "What do you mean?"</P> <P>Encarta said, "Well several towns in the world, and the inhabitants of those towns were all smashed together in Vandalia. But they don’t know anything is wrong because if the timeline."</P> <P>Lamont said, "Who are some of the local scum?"</P> <P>LeAnn said, "Well there is Cell, an biomechanical android. Sorrel and Moreno, two businessmen who will stop at nothing. Team Rocket, who is trying to take over the world."</P> <P>I said, "Wait a minute, those guys are characters from Dragon Ball Z, General Hospital and PoKeMoN. They’re not real."</P> <P>Encarta said, "Thanks to Tom, they are."</P> <P>I said, "Are any of the evil from Digimon here too?"</P> <P>Alpha 7 said, "Yes, Devimon, Myotismon, and Piedmon."</P> <P>We both took a deep breath and said, "Anything else we need to know?"</P> <P>Encarta said, "Yes, this base is right under your house Lamont."</P> <P>"What?" Lamont said.</P> <P>LeAnn said, "But it’s not like you remember it. You house is still the same, but we moved it inside a Penthouse. There is a secret elevator in your hall closet that leads to this base."</P> <P>I asked, "Do we have any neighbors?"</P> <P>Alpha 7 said, "Yes, your door is right in front of the main elevator to the building. On your right lives Alexis Davis, and on your left lives Sonny Corentos. There are a lot of new people in your town as well as people you know Lamont, for as we have said before."</P> <P>We said, "We know, we know, thanks to Tom, the time line is completely out of Whack."</P> <P>I said, "You know if Tom Yolk wasn’t dead, I’d, I’d."</P> <P>"Kill him," Lamont said.</P> <P>"No," I said. "Killing is too good for him."</P> <P>Encarta said, "Well it is late, and you need to get rest for tomorrow so you cab start finding the other Rangers and the Time Devices."</P> <P>LeAnn pointed them towards the elevator and I said, "Wait I think we should go threw the front door first."</P> <P>Lamont said, "You’re right. I think they might get a little suspicious if he just appear."</P> <P>Encarta said, "Oh, leave your devices here. So we can recharge them only when we get all of them can the power be restored to them."</P> <P>I said, "How do we know when we find the Rangers."</P> <P>LeAnn said, "Well the device will glow when the correct person holds it."</P> <P>Lamont said, "So we have to search the Earth for the lost devices, and then, search the world for the Rangers."</P> <P>Alpha 7 said, "Actually all the rangers are inside the city limits."</P> <P>I said, "Then we don’t have to search that far."</P> <P>Encarta said, "Right."</P> <P>Lamont said, "Blade lets go. We have a lot to do, first of all finding my house."</P> <P>LeAnn said, "He’s right. Phantom Ranger, power down." A flash of light surrounded the Phantom Ranger and she turned completely into LeAnn.</P> <P>I said, "You look nice."</P> <P>She walked up to me, put her hand on my check and said, "And you… don’t."</P> <P>Lamont said, "Man, she disd you."</P> <P>I said, "She just hasn’t meet the Blade charm yet. Before I became a Ranger, I was a chick magnet. Just wait and see."</P> <P>Lamont said, "I can’t wait to see the look on your girlfriend Katherine when she find out what you’ve been up too."</P> <P>I said, "Well um, I."</P> <P>Lamont put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Come on. You can think up some excuses on the way."</P> <P>We rode a small mine car to an outpost to an old shack guarded by LeAnn’s friend Tim. Then we walked the few yards to the city limits."</P> <p><center>~*~</center></p> </FONT> <P>Meanwhile on Star Mountain, our two villains were watching our heroes every move.</P> <P>Magical said, "I see they have finally emerged from the Power Chamber."</P> <P>Daniel said, "And they have the Phantom Ranger with them."</P> <P>Magical said, "Who should we send first to destroy the three of them?"</P> <P>On the table in front of them a hook clawed into the table and a familiar voice said, "Send me first." The light shines on him to reveal Dark Parallax. "It will be nice to fight my opposite with out his Parallax Powers and I still owe the other one for doing this to me." Holding up the hook he has for a hand."</P> <P>Daniel said, "Very well, you will be our first Lieutenant. I’ll leave all the decisions to you just remember. Fail more times then I will allow, then you better hope that the Rangers will put you out of your misery, because you won’t want to come back here."</P> <P>Dark Parallax gulped, and then walked out of the room.</P> <B> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <P>Narrator:</B> <I> Which of the new citizens of Vandalia are the new Rangers, and what does Dark Parallax have in store for Lamont and Blade. Find out in the next chapter,</I> <I>Meeting the Town Folk</I></P><p> cheere1