Davis Vs. T.K.

Disclaimer: Power Rangers and all related materials is copyright Saban Entertainment/International. This is in no way meant to present these characters officially in any way whatsoever. All original characters and all story contents is property of the author(s), who are linked in no way to Saban Entertainment/International. For use of original characters, please e-mail the author(s).

Author's Note: I’m dedicating this saga to my new friend at Fanfiction.net, CyberDracomon, King of Takari. If you haven’t yet, Read the Intro Saga before reading this.

Davis VS. T.K.
By Stealth Photographer

Previously on the Rainbow Warriors

Encarta said, "You have to find the other chosen rangers and make sure that their powers don’t grow to much so those two can defeat them. Both of you have special powers within you, and when your descendants marry and have kids those abilities will become one. Those two are the greatest rulers of the 28th century."

Alpha said, "Now in the future a guy from the future will appear, his name is Thames. He is an agent from the Changing History Arounders. They want to make sure that Tom Yolk’s time line is restored."


Magical said, "Who should we send first to destroy the three of them?"

On the table in front of them a hook clawed into the table and a familiar voice said, "Send me first." The light shines on him to reveal Dark Parallax. "It will be nice to fight my opposite with out his Parallax Powers and I still owe the other one for doing this to me." Holding up the hook he has for a hand."

Daniel said, "Very well, you will be our first Lieutenant. I’ll leave all the decisions to you just remember. Fail more times then I will allow, then you better hope that the Rangers will put you out of your misery, because you won’t want to come back here."


Kari said, "Stop hurting them."

Dark Parallax said, "Are you going to stop me babe."

Kari said, "That’s enough!"

Dark Parallax just smiled and pulled the chain tighter.

Kari screamed, "I said that’s enough!!!" The crest of light appeared over her heart, and she glowed very brightly. The light didn’t seem to hurt us at all, but Dark Parallax was blinded by it.

He let the chain go, and they broke free, then collapsed.

Dark Parallax swung his hook around blinded by the light, his hook made contact with a rock smashing it, but revealing the Pink Time Device under it.

Dark Parallax said, "We shall meet again." Then he vanished in a puff of brown smoke.

Lamont said, "Um, can you hand me that pink device there."

Kari said, "Sure." She reached down to pick it up and when she did it glowed.

Blade said, "Will you come with us, we need to show you something."

"Sure," Kari said.


All five of them ran and saw the four of us fight what looked like T.K.

Lamont said, "Is that T.K?"

Kari said, "Ya, Magical turned him evil."

Blade said, "Can’t you just use your light to free him."

Kari said, "No, I haven’t learned to control it yet. My Power is too powerful. I might kill him."

Lamont said, "Leave it to us then."

They walked up to T.K and attempted to knock some sense into him, but then T.K.’s crest of hope appeared over his heart and his eyes turned back into blue, he said, "Please guys I can’t control my self. I don’t want to hurt you."

Blade said, "All that matters is getting you back. We’ll do what ever it takes."

T.K. shed a tear and said, "Thanks guys I…" His eyes turned back into Black and the crest of hope on his heart shot a beam at Lamont and Blade knocking them both back into the slide.

The beam also knocked the rest of us off our feet too. "A sword appeared in T.K.’s hand, and he walked over to me.

Dark Parallax said, "Do it finish her off."

T.K. raised the sword up and looked into my eyes. Then he quickly swung the sword and I closed my eyes. I waited for what seemed forever, but I could still feel myself breathing. I opened my eyes and saw the sword millimeters from my eyes. T.K was there, struggling with himself.

Kari said, "T.K?"

Dark Parallax said, "No, he’s still fighting us." He flew into the air, and grabbed T.K. Then he flew off.

I got up, and yelled, "No! T.K.! Come Back! T.K.!" My eyes started to tear up. "T.K!"

Lamont said, "We’re going to get him back, even if it is the last thing we ever do."

Blade said, "You’ve got that right."

Shawn said, "Yo, look at this black thing. It fell out of the slide when those two slammed into it.

Blade said, "The Black Time Device."

Shawn said, "Funny thing, as soon as I picked it up, it started to glow."


T.K. was chained to a wall and said, "I will never harm my friends, escpeially Kari."

Dark Parallax said, "Oh, but when I’m done with you, you’ll do stuff you’ll do stuff you never though you would."

T.K. said, "Kari and the others will come."

Dark Parallax said, "Those Power Rangers will be helpless after my first Merger Creature attacks. Slave One, come here." He pulled out a ray gun and fired it at him. He turned into Waterite, ½ water, and ½ human. "Now go hide in the Miami River."

Waterite said, "Yes Master."

T.K. said, "They’ll defeat him."

Dark Parallax said, "We’ll see."


Ken said, "What can we do?!"

Lamont said, "Kari place your hand on Stephanie and help her focus the energy."

Kari walked over to Stephanie, and placed her hand on her shoulder. Then she closed her eyes and concentrated. The light from the Time Device got brighter and all of it was beaming right on Waterite.

Lamont said, "Now Stephanie, since this is your device you need to say Merger Healing Power."

Stephanie said, "O.K. I’ll try. Merger Healing Power!"

Just then the light turned into a spiral and it looked like it was drilling a hole in the creature. Then Waterite started glowing its self.

"What’s happening?" Shawn asked.

Waterite exploded in a bright blue light. When the light died down, we saw that there was a human and a puddle of water where Waterite used to be.

Ken walked up to us and said, "Kari, are you guys the new Power Rangers?"

Kari said, "Yup."

Ken said, "I guess that means that Stephanie is a ranger too."


Finally Dark Parallax said, "I can’t hold any longer." He threw the device up in the air, and they could see how the light burned his hand. Lucy caught the device with no problem. In her hands it glowed very brightly.

Stephanie said, "The Yellow Ranger."

Dark Parallax said, "I’ll be back." Then he vanished.

Lucy asked, "What is this?"

Stephanie said, "I’ll explain everything." Then she took her to Lamont’s Penthouse.


Meanwhile Charity was standing in the Church and she said, "Daniel and Magical aren’t the true evil."


Miguel walked down the street when he saw this strange looking robot holding a Red looking electronic device. As he got closer the device seem to shake.

Trash Man said, "So you must be the Red Ranger. I am Trash Man. I will be your downfall. To bad I have this and you can’t morph." Then he lunged at me.

Miguel ducked out of the way, and gave Trash Man a good punch. When he did a strange thing happened. A strange red symbol appeared over his heart.

Just then a heard a voice that said, "That symbol on your heart is the Symbol of Courage. You are the current keeper of the Spirit of Courage. To use your powers you must say Sprit of Courage Activate."

He took a deep breath and said, "Spirit of Courage Activate!"

A light shot out from the symbol on his heart and engulfed him. When the light died down Miguel was wearing a Red Knight’s outfit.

Trash Man said, "What’s that?"

He said, "Your destruction." Then he punched him. The punch was so powerful that it shattered him into robotic pieces. "You don’t see that every day."

Miguel heard something and turned to see Lamont, Blade, Kari, Shawn, Stephanie, and Lucy. His armor seemed to disappear and he picked up the Red device and it started to glow in his hand.

Lucy said, "We have some things to discus."


Magical said, "Now let me get this strait. Not only did Miguel retrieve the Red Time Device, but the Spirit of Courage has been activated?"

Dark Parallax said, "It looks like it."

Magical said, "You better pray that the other spirits stay doormat. Cause if they don’t. You better pray for the Rangers to kill you, cause you won’t want to come back here."


Miguel said, "My Red Ranger powers were awesome."

Encarta said, "Those weren’t the Ranger Powers."

"Huh?" Blade said.

LeAnn said, "The Ranger Powers come from the Merger Crystal/Diamonds inside the Time Devices. But in each of you there is also a Spirit. That spirit can activate an armor that’s the same color as your powers."

Kari said, "What are they?"

Encarta said, "Miguel has the Spirit of Courage. Shawn has the Spirit of Friendship. Stephanie has the Spirit of Sincerity. Lucy has the Spirit of Love. Blade has the Spirit of Power. Lamont has the Spirit of Hope. While you Kari have the Spirit of Light."


Meanwhile up on Star Mountain, Emperor Daniel Funela and Empress Magical-El-Play were talking to Mondo, Dark Parallax, and the controlled Takeru.

Daniel said, "Mondo, we need you to send a robot down to Vandalia to kill those five before they receive their powers."

Dark Parallax said, "What do you need me for?"

Magical said, "We need you to continue to corrupt Takeru’s mind. We’ll use him soon."


Lamont walked over to the docks as he saw Helena and Lucky shaking hands.

"I wonder what that’s all about?" Lamont asked himself.

Helena walked off and it looked like Lucky was in some kind of trance.

Lamont walked up to Lucky and said, "Are you O.K?"

Lucky shook his head and said, "Ya, I’m fine. Hey Lamont, how’s it hanging?"

Lamont said, "Fine I guess."

Lucky walked off and said, "We’ll I guess I’ll be seeing ya."

Lamont said, "I guess so." He thought to himself, Something is not right here. I better follow him.


Blade said, "So how about a kiss."

Lucy said, "I guess it wouldn’t hurt."

They got closer to each other when a sword came in-between them.

Blade said, "You are going to pay for that."

Miguel said, "I’ll take care of this creep. Spirit of Courage, Activate!" The symbol of Courage appeared on his heart. Light shot out of the symbol, which engulfed Miguel and covered him with the Red Armor. "Now the playing field is even."

The robot said, "I don’t think so." It fired its laser and Miguel powered down.

Hikari said, "Now what?"

Just the Phantom Ranger appeared and said, "Here catch." She threw the Time Devices at each one of them. "You need to say Time Merger Power."

Shawn Hunter held up the Black Time Device and said, "Black Time Merger Power!" The Black Time Device opened up and the light of the Black Merger Crystal/Diamond came out and gave him a Black Ranger costume that looked like the Time Force costume.

Hikari Kamiya held up the Pink Time Device and said, "Pink Time Merger Power!" The Pink Time Device opened up and the light of the Pink Merger Crystal/Diamond came out and gave her a Pink Ranger costume that looked like the Time Force costume.

Stephanie Tanner held up the Blue Time Device and said, "Blue Time Merger Power!" The Blue Time Device opened up and the light of the Blue Merger Crystal/Diamond came out and gave her a Blue Ranger costume that looked like the Time Force costume.

Lucy Camden held up the Yellow Time Device and said, "Yellow Time Merger Power!" The Yellow Time Device opened up and the light of the Yellow Merger Crystal/Diamond came out and gave her a Yellow Ranger costume that looked like the Time Force costume.

Miguel Lopez-Fitsgerald held up the Red Time Device and said, "Red Time Merger Power!" The Red Time Device opened up and the light of the Red Merger Crystal/Diamond came out and gave him a Red Ranger costume that looked like the Time Force costume.


Blade said, "But now that you have the powers, Magical and Daniel will be even more determined to stop you five. Now there is no turning back."


Meanwhile Thames was watching the battle, he had seen the Rangers activate the Time Devices, but he had not seen Miguel use his Spirit of Courage. "Just a few more battles and I’ll have the data I’ll need."


Mondo said, "It was your fault."

Dark Parallax said, "My fault? It was your robot."

Mondo said, "But if you had done your job. Then they wouldn’t have had the power. So I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’ll destroy the Time Merger Rangers and gain control of Vandalia."

Dark Parallax said, "No the city is mine!"

Mondo said, "We shall see who the victor is." Then he disappeared.

"MONDO!" Dark Parallax screamed.


From the Conclusion of Power Unleashed

Lamont followed Lucky to Ryan and Gillian’s boat and watched as he planted Plastic Explosives on it. Then walked off.

Lamont activated his communicator and said, "You all, we have trouble."


Davis VS. T.K.

Blade said, "What’s up Lamont?"

Lamont said, "I followed Lucky Spencer to Ryan and Gillian’s boat and saw him plant explosives on the ship."

Blade looked at the five new Rangers and asked, "Do any of you know about explosives?"

Ken stood up and replied, "When I was the Digimon Emperor, I created some explosives."

Just then, Alpha 7’s voice came on the communicator and said, "Dark Parallax and Takeru has been spotted in the park."

Hikari said, "I have to go save him."

LeAnn’s voice appeared and said; "One of Mondo’s robots has been stopped down town."

Shawn said, "Now what do we do?"

Lamont said, "Blade, you Stephanie and Ken come to the ship to disarm the Explosive. Miguel and Lucy you go stop the Robot. Hikari, Shawn and I will try to get Takeru."

Blade said, "Got ya." He turned to the team and said, "You heard him, let’s go."

They each split into their separate directions."


Down Town

The Robot said, "Two Rangers waiting for destruction."

Miguel said, "That’s what you think. It’s hero time!"

Lucy Camden held up the Yellow Time Device and said, "Yellow Time Merger Power!" The Yellow Time Device opened up and the light of the Yellow Merger Crystal/Diamond came out and gave her a Yellow Ranger costume that looked like the Time Force costume.

Miguel Lopez-Fitsgerald held up the Red Time Device and said, "Red Time Merger Power!" The Red Time Device opened up and the light of the Red Merger Crystal/Diamond came out and gave him a Red Ranger costume that looked like the Time Force costume.

Lucy/Yellow Time Merger Ranger said, "Heart Baton!" A Baton with a heart shape on each end appeared in her hand.

Miguel/Red Time Merger Ranger said, "Samurai Swords!" Two Samurai Swords appeared in his hands.

The robot said, "Make my day."


Ryan and Gillian’s Yacht

Ken said, "Where’s the Explosives?"

Stephanie said, "It’s right there."

Blade asked, "Are you sure you can do it?"

"We’ll find out soon, won’t we," Ken replied.

Stephanie said, "I know you can do it."


Helke Park

Lamont, Hikari and Shawn ran to the park and spotted Takeru and Dark Parallax.

Takeru said, "Well I guess were back to where this all started."

Lamont said, "Only this time, you’re leaving with us."

Dark Parallax said, "Don’t make promises you can’t keep."

Shawn said, "He’s right, well then, I’m going to make you a memory."

Hikari looked in Takeru’s eyes and said, "Takeru, It’s me Hikari. I know you’re in there. Please come back to me."

Just then Davis walked up and said, "Hey T.H. long time no see."

Hikari turned around and said, "His name is T.K."

That was the opening that Takeru needed. He fired a laser at Hikari.


Down Town

Thames peaked over the top of a building to watch the battle and take notes. "Just a few more notes," he said.

Miguel/Red Time Merger Ranger said, "Sword Split!" The blades cut diagonally from each shoulder, destroying the robot."

Lucy and Miguel powered down and spotted Moreno, a rival mobster competing against Sonny Corenthos. He was talking to Joseph Sorrel, his right hand man.

Lucy said, "We better keep an eye on those two."


Ryan and Gillian’s Yacht

Blade said, "Be sure to cut the right wire."

Ken said, "I know, just calm down."


Helke Park

Davis yelled, "Kari look out!" He pushed her out of the way and took the blast of the laser.

Hikari screamed, "Daisuke, No!" She ran over to him and said, "Are you all right?"

Davis smiled and said, "So you really love me, huh Hikari."

Hikari smiled and said, "I must admit, I do care for you. But…"

"But what?" Daisuke asked.

"My heart will always belong to Takeru," replied Hikari.

Daisuke said, "Then I will get him back for you."

"Thank You," said Hikari.

Dark Parallax threw Takeru a sword and said, "Finish them off."

Just then they heard another voice say, "Spirit of Courage, Activate!"

Miguel/Red Rainbow Warrior threw Daisuke a sword.

Dark Parallax said, "Well I guess it’s Davis VS. T.K."

You could hear the clash of metal from across town.


Ryan and Gillian’s Yacht

Ken said, "I’ve stopped the timer, now I’ve cut to cut the right wire."

Blade said, "Just concentrate."

Stephanie said, "I know you can do it."

"Thanks," Ken said.

The feeling was tense as Ken cut the Blue wire.

Blade said, "We better get to the battle."

Stephanie Tanner held up the Blue Time Device and said, "Blue Time Merger Power!" The Blue Time Device opened up and the light of the Blue Merger Crystal/Diamond came out and gave her a Blue Ranger costume that looked like the Time Force costume.


Helke Park

Stephanie, Blade, and Ken arrived to see the battle between Davis and T.K.

Davis said, "You must come back to us T.K."

Hikari said, "Daisuke said his name right."

Daisuke said, "We need you Takeru. Hikari need you. You’re the guardian of hope. You’re the keeper of hope. You’re her Hope. Takeru and Hikari Together Forever." Daisuke stopped and thought for a second, but not for two long since he was still fighting with Takeru. "Takari, hey that’s short for Takeru and Hikari, I finally get it."

Blade yelled, "Worry about that later, Davis."

Davis yelled at Lamont and said, "You’re the Stealth Photographer, the author of this Story. I remember cause of the Interview we did, A Davis Interview you said, My real name appeared in one of your Sagas."

Lamont said, "Ya, that’s right, but worry about your fight at moment."

Davis said, "Why? We all know I’m going to win and get Takeru back cause he’s writing this story."

Ken yelled, "There is a small problem with that theory."

Hikari said, "What’s that?"

Shawn said, "If Lamont is the Stealth Photographer and he is here with us now. Then who is writing this chapter."

Daisuke said, "Uh-Oh." As Dark Parallax shot a beam at Stephanie and Miguel.

This ends the comic portion of our Saga, now back to our regular program.

Stephanie and Miguel Powered down and with Miguel’s power went his sword.

Dark Parallax wrapped his chain around Davis’s neck and squeezed until he dropped from lack of Oxygen. Kari watched this and then she got mad.

She screamed, "First you take my heart, then you play all these games, but I swear to you. If you’ve killed Daisuke," The Symbol of Light appeared on her heart. "You’re going to wish Lamont cut off more then your hand." The symbol glowed even more brightly. In front of her heart appeared the Crest of Light. Above her hear appeared the Digimental/Digi-Egg of Light. Hikari said, "Spirit of Light, Activate!" Light engulfed her and she appeared in a Pink Armor, holding a Pink Sword.

Above Daisuke’s head appeared the Digimentals/Digi-Eggs of Courage, Friendship, and Miracles. The Digimental of Miracles glowed and Daisuke was bought back to life. Kari held her blade and said, "Spinning Light Attack!" She made a circle with her sword and the light temporarily paralyzed Takeru and Dark Parallax.

She took out the Time Device and said, "Merger Healing Power!" She aimed the light at T.K.

Miguel took out the Red Time Device and said, "Merger Healing Power!"

Lucy took out the Yellow Time Device and said, "Merger Healing Power!"

Stephanie took out the Blue Time Device and said, "Merger Healing Power!"

Shawn took out the Black Time Device and said, "Merger Healing Power!"

Finally Takeru started to snap out of his trance. Ken reached his hand out and said, "T.K. take it." T.K started to take his hand when Dark Parallax said, "You win this round Power Rangers, but, we will be back."

He threw a ball to the ground and both he and Takeru vanished in brown smoke.

Hikari powered down and collapsed to her knees. "I’ve lost him again."

Davis said, "As long as he’s in your heart, you’ll never lose him, and soon he’ll be in your arms."

Hikari smiled and said, "Thanks, Daisuke."

Lamont said, "Crests, Spirits, Digimentals, Guardian, Keeper, this is all confusing.

Daisuke said, "Wait a minute, you guys are the Power Rangers."

Ken said, "Davis, you better come with us."


Star Mountain

Daniel and Magical watched the battle from their castle.

Daniel said, "Well Honey. It looks like another Spirit has been activated."

Magical said, "Things are starting to get interesting. Now Daisuke has joined the little band of Rebels against us. We need to end this soon."

Daniel said, "This rivalry between Dark Parallax and Mondo will prove to be interesting. I’m sure they will compete to destroy the Rangers. I just wish they would hurry and finish them off."

Magical said, "Maybe they don’t have to."

Daniel asked, "What do you mean?"

Magical replied, "Why soil our hands when we can let Helena Cassadine and her programmed puppet Lucky Spencer take care of them for us.


Helena’s Yacht

Helena was talking to her personal assistant.

The assistant said, "What now?"

Helena said, "Those fools have no idea who they are dealing with, but they soon will."


Elizabeth’s Studio

Liz was painting another picture when Lucky knocked. "Who is it?" she asked.

Lucky answered, "It’s me."

Liz ran to the door and opened it. "Oh Lucky, I was so worried about you. You’ve been avoiding me for days."

Lucky said, "Elizabeth, I have told you this a million times. You've got my heart, and that's a permanent lock. Everything I am is in love with you. My Soul, My Mind, My Body, My Spirit. That will never change. I pledge myself to you Elizabeth, Today. Forever."

Elizabeth said, "You've got my heart, and that's a permanent lock. Everything I am is in love with you. My Soul, My Mind, My Body, My Spirit. That will never change. I pledge myself to you Lucky, Today. Forever."

Then Lucky Spencer and Elizabeth Webber shared a kiss.


The Power Chamber

Encarta said, "Daisuke you have been given a great responsibility, do you accept?"

Daisuke said, "You bet."

LeAnn said, "Great another person in here."

Alpha 7 said, "Wow, not including Encarta LeAnn, or me. There is now nine civilians in this matter."

Blade said, "I’m sure the number will grow as time progresses."

Lamont said, "First of all I’d like to know more of these Digimentals and stuff."

Ken said, "I have the stuff back at my apartment. Do you need a rush?"

Blade said, "No, how about Monday?"

Hikari said, "Then in five days, we will learn more about this legend."

Just then Encarta said, "Things just got more dangerous."


Deep Space

Divatox said, "Soon those two will pay for exiling me from the Earth. I will be top dog again."


Next Time,

Blade and Lucy on their date.

Blade said, "How are you doing?"

Lucy said, "I’m actually having a good time."

The Power Chamber

Encarta said, "The Spirits are…"

The Park

Lucky said, "I must destroy the Power Rangers."

A Blooming Love Triangle