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Everything else is © Lamont Stewart.</I></P> <P><B>Note from Author:</B> <I>The tide of battle is about to turn.</I></P> <P align="center"><B>M-J III: Last Survivor<BR> By Lamont Stewart</B></P> <B> <P>Friday, September 15, 1994</P> </B> <P>All of the L-team members were chained to the wall, all except for Jamie Moore.</P> <P>Lamont said, "Nathan! What is it that you want?"</P> <P>Nathan said, "I was going to wait until I captured all of you. I’ve already got Andy, Joseph, and Danny here too, I wanted Jamie also, but she is around here somewhere so I will tell you all."</P> <P>Chris said, "Tell us what?"</P> <P>Nathan said, "My plans. It is I who had hired those thugs to rob the National Mint last year, but that was just to fund my desires. After all, nothing in this world is free."</P> <P>Aren said, "To bad, you don’t have any powers."</P> <P>Nathan said, "Oh, but I do. When you use any powers it is drained away. But what you all didn’t know is that Daniel Funela had created a device to trap that power. I found it, and placed it in a place that would be useful for me. Daniel planned o use the Ninja Power for his proposes. But, I will use them all. You know Lamont, we have met before. I was that other voice that you overheard that day in Taco Bell, back in the sixth grade." He looks at Lamont, David, and Zach and said, "I got my Ph.D. from a Doctor Charlie Blunt. But you know him better as Mickey Blunt. My assistant that you stopped had already sent me the information. He had a digital camera."</P> <P>Lamont said, "But in 1992, digital cameras weren’t that reliable."</P> <P>Nathan said, "Yes, that is why I got it in, 2002."</P> <P>Lamont said, "What?"</P> <P>Nathan said, "You all should know that, Time travel is possible, especially you Lamont. Anyway, I studied you files to find about you all. But don’t worry, if I fail, others will take my place."</P> <P>David said, "Ok, we have the what, but why?"</P> <P>Nathan said, "I want in the N.A.T."</P> <P>Andy White said, "And that is?"</P> <P>Nathan said, "You all remember the C.H.A. that you fought last year."</P> <P>Jamie Pounds said, "The Changing History Arounders?"</P> <P>Nathan said, "That’s right, well this is the National Association of Terrorists."</P> <P>Jenny said, "You want to join a group of terrorists?"</P> <P>Nathan said, "Not just any terrorists, the National Association."</P> <P>Sam Nako said, "That is all good, but can we finish them off now?"</P> <P>Nathan said, "Sure." He pushed a button and their control device fell off. "They are yours to do with what ever you want."</P> <P>Charlie looked at Lamont and said, "I will take care of this one." He pulled out his dagger and swung it towards Lamont. Lamont closed his eyes and then opened then to see the knife millimeters from his face. Charlie put the knife away and said, "Why couldn’t I kill him."</P> <P>Nathan smiled and said, "I have no idea."</P> <P>Meanwhile, Jamie Moore was sneaking around in the crates on the side of the wall. She was watching, and listening to everything that was said. She thought, "I need to rescue everybody, but how?"</P> <P>Then she noticed that Charlie Nako was off to the side sharpening his blade. She jumped him, and knocked him out. Then she switched outfits with him.</P> <P>She walked by Sam, not showing her face, he let her walk by and take post guarding the captive Railroaders. Then while Sam walked off to talk to Nathan she let them all free.</P> <P>Lamont was the last one to go, and as Jamie was unlocking his handcuffs, Charlie awoke, and sounded the alarm. Jamie released Lamont and he said, "You guys escape, I’ll hold them off."</P> <P>Nathan smiled and said, "With what. You don’t have any powers or a costume."</P> <P>Lamont said, "That is where you are wrong." Then he pulled out the Kid Vid activation device.</P> <P>Sam said, "That is the thing you gave him."</P> <P>Nathan said, "But it is useless with out a power source."</P> <P>Lamont said, "You’re right. That’s why I have this." Out of his pocket he pulled out the L hat, then he placed it on, and activated the powers. He said, "Kid Vid Activate!"</P> <P>Lamont Stewart transformed into Kid Vid.</P> <P>Nathan said, "That’s impossible, oh I see the tide has turned, but, not to worry, my Ultimate plan is still in effect. Then all of them, plus Nathan’s stuff disappears in a puff of brown smoke.</P> <P>Lamont/Kid Vid said, "That brown smoke is getting annoying. Then he demorphed. "I wonder what his plan is?"</P> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <P align="left">Later that night, Jacob McLaughlin was sitting at home when the phone rang. He walked over to it, picked it up and said, "Hello."</P> <P align="center"><B>The End</B></P><p>no p¶