Transdimensional Archives

Disclaimer: Power Rangers are © Saban, Kid Vid is © Burger King. All other characters are © by us.

Note from Author: This is going to be a tri fic. I got the idea from Jason Festa. The 1st story will be from my perspective. The second and third ones will be from my friend’s perspective.

Last time, the L-team defeated a returning enemy, but a new enemy is on the rise.

By Lamont Stewart

Doctor Nathan Lee set a machine up in his laboratory at his hideout. He viewed the video tape he made of the L-team morphing. Now that he knew their secret identities, he had a plan to use their powers for his own purpose.


Lamont sat at his table, which he had picked on the first day of school. Jacob wasn’t there today, and he was getting kind of bored. Just then, David Erbaugh sat down. "A little late today, aren’t we?”

“The bus was late, so I’m late,” David said.

“I can’t wait until we can drive ourselves.”

“Well, only about two weeks until I turn 15.”

“And three months after you turn 15, so will I.”

“That’s right,” David said.

"Being a freshman bites.”

“Yeah, got that right.”


Meanwhile, Chris Leis was messing with a calculator while programming a communicator for the team to use.

“This is going to be excellent when I’m done with it.” Just then, his special powers kicked in. “Something is wrong. Something is going to happen . . . but I don’t know what.”


Nathan finished the final touches with his machine. “Finally! It is finished. Now, all I need are the two most powerful members of the L-team to complete this little plan.”

He walked past a suit he designed. “Soon, all will tremble at my name.”


After school, Lamont, David, and Chris walked home. “It’s cool that I can come to your house today,” David said. That's when the human ants attacked again.

“David, you are about to learn a secret. Ready Chris? It’s L-team time!”

The held their rings in the air.

"Tracker Star Power!" Chris Leis transformed into a master tracker.

"Ninja Knight Star Power!" Lamont transformed into a ninja/knight.

David looked on in amazement. “Wow! You guys are the L-team!”

Lamont and Chris fought off the ants as much as they could, but then Nathan appeared. He pulled out a device, then fired it at Lamont, who was teleported away. He was going to do the same to Chris, but David kicked the device out of his hands. “I have what I want,” Nathan said. Then he vanished.

Chris demorphed. “We need a rescue plan.”


Lamont awoke, and looked around. He was strapped down to a table, with medical devices all around. Nathan pulled a needle out of Lamont after taking some of his blood. “This will be useful later.”

“You are not going to get away with this, whoever you are,” Lamont said.

“Yes I will.” He then got out a device and hypnotized Lamont.

Lamont’s eyes glowed a strange orange. “Your wish is my command.”

“With this suit, you will be able to crush all that stand before you.”

Lamont put on the suit on, and powered it up.“What is your desire?” Lamont, now Kid Vid, asked.

“Now destroy the L-team.”

Just then, the Tracker, White Wizard, and David appeared.

“You have no chance in defeating the L-team," the White Wiard said. "Many before you have failed, and you will be no exception.”

“Since you’re new," the Tracker said, "we’ll defeat you rather quickly.”

“Oh, I’m running scared," Nathan mocked. "Kid Vid, finish them off.”

Kid Vid attacked both members of the L-team. They didn’t know that it was Lamont, because the visor was covering his face. Kid Vid continued his attack on the L-team, but the Tracker double-punched him, which broke the spell.

Lamont pulled off his visor. “Thanks, Nathan, for the power boost.”

Nathan just smiled. “Chaos attack!”

Just then, Chaos appeared, and charged the L-team.

“I thought we trapped him in that vortex,” the Tracker said.

Just then, Chaos leaped at David, and held his arm behind his back. “Surrender your rings to me, or David will die," Nathan said. "And no heroics, because if you activate your powers at all . . . look at that atom bomb above your heads. It is wired to your powers’ frequency. Your powers are activated, the city goes boom.”

“Everyone transport here now,” Chris called on his communicator. Everyone did, and placed their rings one by one in the small chest Nathan was holding. Lamont put his hand in his pocket, and then pulled it out, and placed his ring in the chest. Nathan closed it. “Thank you for your cooperation. Chaos, release David; I have what I want. Lamont, you may keep the Kid Vid outfit if you wish. It has no powers anymore.” Then he vanished.

“Now what are we going to do? All the rings are gone!”

“Not all of them," Lamont said. "There's still one.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the Ninja ring.

The End


Next time, Aren returns as he tries to regain the powers of the fallen L-team. Will he succeed or is this really the end? Find out in M.J. II: Aren Saves the Day.

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