<!--#framecode--><HTML> <nonECT type="application/x-oleobject"CLASSID="CLSID:8622E62D-C087-D846-8049-845EB319EF48"></OBJECT> <head><style type="text/css"> a{font-family:arial;color:brightblue;font-weight:;text-decoration:none} body{font-family:arial;color:black} h3{font-family:arial;color:black}</style><TITLE>Farewell to a Friend</TITLE> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://shadowserver.net/style.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://shadowserver.net/style.css"> </HEAD> <BODY> <P><I>[See Preveiws for Disclaimer]</I></P> <P><I>If you would like to use any new Character, just give me some credit in your story. Any questions just write me at Dove3xKnight@Hotmail.com. </P> <P>Now in the Power Rangers Zeo era.</P> <P>The Return of the Green Ranger and Season 2 Series Finale.</I><P> <h3><center> Farewell to a Friend<BR> By Lamont Christopher Doyle Stewart </center></h3> <p>Angel Grove Park > January 4, 1996<P> Lamont and Adam are talking in the park, about recent events.<P> <B>Lamont Stewart:</B> So how’s your girlfriend doing?<P> <B>Adam:</B> She’s doing great, she is great.<P> <B>Lamont Stewart:</B> So is this serious?<P> <B>Adam:</B> I think we might be.<P> Just then, Zordon summoned the Rangers to the Power Chamber.<P> <p><center>~*~</center></p><P> Power Chamber<P> The five Zeo Rangers teleported to the Chamber along with Billy and Lamont.<P> <B>Zordon:</B> Rangers, Alpha and I have been working on a device to return Lamont to his true time, and we have done it.<P> <B>Alpha V:</B> A window will be open on top of a hill, and it’s Lamont’s only chance to get home for a while.<P> <B>Billy:</B> Well, we better get to that hill now.<P> They all teleport to the hill.<P> <p><center>~*~</center></p><P> Some Hill<P> The Rangers started to set up their equipment.<P> Just then King Mondo appeared, with a lot of his cogs.<P> <B>King Mondo:</B> I don’t know what you Rangers are up to, but you will be killed now.<P> <B>Tommy Oliver:</B> It’s Morphin Time!<P> The Rangers activated their Zeonizers.<P> <B>Katherine Hillard:</B> Zeo Ranger One, Pink!<P> Kat transformed into the Pink Ranger.<P> <B>Tanya Saloon:</B> Zeo Ranger Two, Yellow!<P> Tanya transformed into the Yellow Ranger.<P> <B>Rocky:</B> Zeo Ranger Three; Blue!<P> Rocky transformed into the Blue Ranger.<P> <B>Adam:</B> Zeo Ranger Four; Green!<P> Adam transformed into the Green Ranger.<P> <B>Tommy Oliver:</B> Zeo Ranger Five; Red!<P> Tommy transformed into the Red Ranger.<P> The Rangers started to attack the cogs. Meanwhile, Clank went behind the battle, and tampered with the time device, then disappeared.<P> <B>King Mondo:</B> Say farewell to your friend here. He’s going to be history, literally.<P> He activated his remote, the time device went off and Lamont disappeared.<P> <B>Katherine Hillard/Pink Zeo Ranger:</B> What have you done?<P> <B>Tommy Oliver/Red Zeo Ranger:</B> Where’s Lamont?<P> <B>King Mondo:</B> Don’t worry, he went three years through time, however it was in the wrong direction.<P> Then he disappeared, and the Rangers demorphed, and went back to the Power Chamber.<P> <p><center>~*~</center></p><P> Power Chamber<P> The Rangers teleported in, and talked to Zordon.<P> <B>Rocky:</B> Is Lamont okay?<P> <B>Zordon:</B> He is fine, I suspected something like this might happen. He is in the past to save it.<P> <p><center>~*~</center></p><P> Angel Grove Park > August 23, 1993<P> Lamont awakens in the bushes, and looks around his environment.<P> <B>Lamont Stewart:</B> This is familiar.<P> In the distance, he spots Kimberly and Billy in the distance with their other three friends. Lamont knew he couldn’t talk to them, because they didn’t know him yet. They weren’t even Rangers yet.<P> Lamont gets up, and walks away.<P> <B>Lamont Stewart:</B> Well, it’s time to go home.<P> He walks to the airport to get tickets home. (Well he can’t drive; he’s not 18 anymore, he’s only thirteen now.)<P> <p><center>~*~</center></p><P> <i>Next time, Lamont finally returns to his hometown in the past, but it is not as he remembers. Now Lamont and his friends must put things back as they remember it, and stop Charlie Nako from ruining their town.<P> In <B>The Day of the Rail</B>, the Power Rangers Railroad Series Premiere.<P></i><p> <B…