<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <nonECT type="application/x-oleobject"CLASSID="CLSID:90781B75-F0F4-0948-B41D-29D902C24C10"></OBJECT> <head><style type="text/css"> a{font-family:arial;color:brightblue;font-weight:;text-decoration:none} body{font-family:arial;color:black} h3{font-family:arial;color:black}</style><TITLE>Transdimensional Archives</TITLE> <META content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv=Content-Type> <META content="MSHTML 5.00.2614.3500" name=GENERATOR><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://shadowserver.net/style.css"> </HEAD> <BODY leftMargin=15 rightMargin=15 MARGINHEIGHT="15" MARGINWIDTH="15"> <P> <CENTER>&nbsp;</CENTER> <P><B>Note from Author:</B> <i>For these next two stories the L-team will be gone for a while, but will return in two episodes.</i></P> <h3><center> B Turns to E<BR> By Lamont Stewart </center></h3> <P>After the L-team had defeated the Organized Crime group in Vandalia, they decided to retire. They had been through a lot since November 16, when they found their powers. It was now January 4 and they had just gotten back from Christmas break. All of the L-team had retired except for the lowest member on the team, Brad Bergman.</P> <P>Brad decided to form his own team, he called it <B>Brad’s Power Rangers RAILROAD team</B>, or the <B>B-team</B>. He picked a lot of new people to be on his team. However only two of them really mattered: Ethan Hixson and Liz Gordon. Liz was also on the old L-team.</P> <P>Brad said, "Welcome new team."</P> <P>However already, some people were talking about how they didn’t want Brad to be leader of them.</P> <P><p><center>~*~</center></p></P> <P>Meanwhile, back in the past there was a hanging, taking place. The United States was hanging John Brown for what he did. It was 1859, and the people gathered around. Just before the rope was snapped, he flashed for a second, and then he was dead. Or was he?</P> <P>Jonathan Brown awoke in a room. A voice said, "The robot replaced him excellent."</P> <P>"How should we proceed?"</P> <P>"One step at a time."</P> <P>Just then Jonathan piped up and said, "Excuse me, why am I here and why am I five years old?"</P> <P>A robbed figure stepped out of the light and said, "We are the <B>Changing History Arounders</B> from the 31<SUP>st</SUP> century. We’re are in a Great War with the 27<SUP>th</SUP> century. We rescued you and regressed your age to serve us. You will eliminate the forces of good in Vandalia. It’s an important city in the future and we want to control it."</P> <P>Just then John reappeared in Vandalia in 1994, and the voice echoed in his head. "Don’t fail."</P> <P><p><center>~*~</center></p></P> <P>Back in the new B-team headquarters, there was a mutiny, and Brad was kicked out, and Ethan Hixson was placed in charge.</P> <P>Brad was mad and he wanted revenge. As he was stopping around all poutty like, he saw a little kid who said, "I saw what they did to you, and I Jonathan Brown can help you get revenge."</P> <P>The new E-team went outside to practice drills, but was attacked by Brad and John.</P> <P>Brad/White Wizard said, "You will pay for your mutiny."</P> <P>Ethan said, "Do you think we are unprepared. It’s E-team time."</P> <P>He held his ring in the air.</P> <P>Ethan Hixson: Knight Star Power!</P> <P>Ethan Hixson transformed into a knight.</P> <P>Brad said, "You have Lamont’s old powers, I can’t beat them now." He and John ran away.</P> <P>Ethan demorphed and said, "Next time think about who you are facing."</P> <P><p><center>~*~</center></p></P> <P>At the hide out Brad said, "We will get them next time."</P> <P>John said, "You fool there is no next time. I made you betray your friends, and now I must destroy you because you were once good."</P> <P>He aimed a gun at Brad’s head.</P> <P><p><center>~*~</center></p></P> <P><I>Next time, the E-team must face the C.H.A. before they change the world, as we know it forever in,</P><B></I> Changing History Arounders</B></P> <p>Lo¢