Transdimensional Archives

Power Rangers and all related materials copyright Saban Entertainment. All new characters and all story contents copyright Mark Drumheller.

The Cog Attack
By Mark Drumheller

During the afternoon, at Ernie's, Jason walks over to Tommy and says, "Have you finished the paper Ms. Applebee gave us yesterday?

"Yeah, I worked on it till 11:00," said Tommy.

"Man, it was super tough," said Jason.

"But it's done," said Tommy.

Meanwhile, in King Mondo's palace...

"Super," said Mondo. "Why didn't I think of this before?"

"Think of what before, dad?" said Prince Sprocket.

"Yes, do tell," said Queen Machina.

"I will use a Super Cog," said Mondo.

"Super Cog," said Queen Machina. "That is brilliant".

"But I only have enough Neoplutonium left to make one, so I will have use the super charger I have had Clank working on to increase it ability to damage the rangers," said King Mondo.

"It hasn't been tested yet, sire," said Clank.

"If it's made right, it doesn't need testing," said Mondo as he walked out.

A short time later at Ernie's beach store, Tommy, Katherine, Jason, and Adam are sitting at a table drinking juice and talking. "Tommy, how did you do on your paper?" asked Katherine.

'I think I did okay," said Tommy.

"Well, I'm glad it's over," said Adam.

"I didn't think I would get it finished in time," said Jason. Suddenly, Tommy's communicator sounded.

"See you in a while, man," said Tommy to Jason. Tommy, Katherine, and Adam walked behind some trees. Tommy pushed the button

Ran--rs tel--or- to t-e pow-r cham--r i-ediatly," said Alpha.

"What?" asked Tommy

"T-leporrt," said Alpha. They pushed their buttons and disappeared in a flash of pink, green,and red light.

Nanoseconds later, they appeared in the Power Chamber. "Alpha, we could hardly understand what you said," said Tommy.

"Mondo was jamming the signal. We almost couldn't contact you. We could not contact Rocky and Tanya," said Alpha.

Suddenly, Trey appeared on the viewing globe and said, "Rangers, I am teleporting to you now." Trey appeared in the Power Chamber. "I noticed King Mondo was blocking your communications so I came just in case," said Trey. Then the alarm went off.

"Rangers, a large group of cogs are attacking where you just were," said Alpha

Then Zordon said, "Be careful, this maybe a trap."

"Right," said Tommy. "It's morphin time!" yelled Tommy. There was a flash of light.

"Zeo Ranger I, Pink," yelled Katherine.

"Zeo Ranger IV, Green," yelled Adam.

"Zeo Ranger V, Red," yelled Tommy.

Tommy, Katherine, Adam, and Trey appeared nanoseconds later at Ernie's. Trey and Tommy attacked first.

Tommy yelled, "Zeo V Power Weapon!" In a flash of red, his sword appeared in his hand. Tommy hit a Cog with the sword. In a flash of sparks, the cog fell and energy and oil came out of it. Tommy jumped in the air and hit one that was in the middle of jumping at him. "Hut sic yaaa!" yelled Tommy. The cog hit a tree and fell apart.

Meanwhile, Trey was surrounded by Cogs. "It's time for a gold rush!" yelled Trey. "Wasaaaa!" Gold energy flashed around the golden power staff. Trey ran through the group of cogs and they flew back from him completely destroyed. Adam jumped over a counter and grabbed a fire hose and sprayed some cogs that were attacking him. They fell on the ground with energy surging from them.

"I guess you guys aren't water proof," said Adam.

Katherine was in trouble. She was being blasted by the cog's eye lasers. "Tommy, help!" yelled Katherine.

"I coming, Kat!" yelled Tommy. "Zeo laser pistol." Tommy blasted the Cogs and they fell apart.

"Thanks," said Katherine.

Suddenly, King Mondo appeared."Enough of this," said Mondo. Energy shot out of his staff. Explosions threw the rangers back.

Tommy jumped threw the explosions. "Yaaah!" Tommy hit Mondo with his sword.

"How dare you attack me!" yelled Mondo. He hit Tommy with his staff and he flew back. Mondo powered up his staff to blast Tommy. Suddenly, Zeo laser blasts hit Mondo and knocked him off his feet.

Rocky and Tanya jumped off off of the roof and Tanya said, "Are you guys all right? Zordon said he had trouble finding us."

"Yeah. Now that you guys are here, let's send Mondo to the junkpile,"said Tommy.

"I don't think so rangers. Supercog, come to destroy the Zeo Rangers!"said Mondo. The Supercog appeared in a flash.

"Let's take this Supercog," said Rocky. Suddenly, they disappeared an 4 flashes of red, gold, pink, green, yellow, and blue light.

They appeared in the Power Chamber. "Zordon, why did you teleport us away?" said Rocky.

"The Cog you were about to fight was not a normal Cog," said Zordon.

"The energy readings were very high," said Alpha.

"How high were they, Alpha?"asked Tommy.

"They were even higher than Trey's power," said Alpha.

"That's high," said Adam.

Suddenly the alarm went off.

"The Supercog is attacking the city with normal Cogs and the Drillmaster," said Zordon. "Drillmaster's power level is five times more powerful than the original."

"We have to go stop them," said Tanya.

"I don't know if you can stop them, but you have to protect the city," said Zordon.

"Be careful," said Alpha.

"We will," said Tommy. "Back to action!"

They appeared in front of the Cogs. "There are the Zeo Rangers. Do not let them near Supercog," said a Cog.

"Let's get em, guys," said Tommy. "Hut sic yaa!" Tommy kicked the first Cog and threw it on the ground.

"Wsaw yaa!" said Trey. Trey hit a Cog with the golden power staff. It fell on the ground with energy surgeing out of it.

"Yaa!" said Adam as he kicked a Cog. It fell on the ground with energy escaping from it.

"Yaaah!" yelled Katherine as she blew up a Cog with her Zeo power shield. Suddenly, Drillmaster appeared and fired energy blasts at Tommy.

Then Tommy said, "Use the Zeo cannon." The Zeo Cannon appeared.

"Zeo I power cell," said Katherine.

"Zeo II power cell," said Tanya.

"Zeo III power cell," said Rocky.

"Zeo IV power cell," said Adam.

"Zeo V power cell," said Tommy. The Zeo cannon fired and destroyed Drillmaster.

"Let's help Drillmaster," said Clank. "Around and around and away you go." He threw Orbus over to Drillmaster. Orbus shot energy into Drillmaster. He grew 300 feet tall.

"Let's go, guys," said Tommy. "Super Zeo Zord power, now!" The Super Zeo Zords were fired from the Zord Holding Bay. The Zeo Rangers turned into red, green, pink, yellow, and blue beams that went to the Super Zeo Zords. They appeared in the Zords.

"Your Zords won't stop me this time," said Drillmaster.

"Super Zeo Megazord, power up!" said Tommy. Super Zeo Zords I-V came together into the Super Zeo Megazord. The Super Zeo Megazord punched Drillmaster. Sparks flashed and Drillmaster stepped back.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha. Is that it?" said Drillmaster. Drillmaster hit the Super Zeo Megazord with it's drill. Sparks exploded from the Super Zeo Megazord.

"Were gonna need some help with this one," said Tommy. "Warrior Wheel." The Warriorwheel appeared and the Super Zeo Megazord caught it.

"Uh oh, this isn't good," said Drillmaster.

"Catch this," said Tommy. The Super Zeo Megazord threw the Warrior Wheel. In the air, the Warrior Wheel changed from Wheel mode to it's attack mode. It kicked and punched Drillmaster and the drill shattered.

"Aaaaaugggh, you haven't destroyed me yet," said Drillmaster. "Trey, we need Pyramidas!" yelled Tommy.

"Right. I call upon the power of Pyramidas!" said Trey. Trey held up the Golden Power Staff and a beam of gold shot up into the air. Pyramidas appeared in a flash of gold.

"Zeo Ultrazord, power up!" said Tommy. Pyramidas and the Super Zeo Megazord came together. Then, the Red Battlezord appeared and hooked to the top.

"Can we talk about this," said Drillmaster.

"Zeo Ultrazord fire," said the Power Rangers. Blasts of gold energy shot out from the Zeo Ultrazord and hit Drillmaster. Drillmaster fell back and exploded.

"Lets go get Supercog," said Adam. They jumped out of their Zords and appeared on the ground.

"Where did it go?" asked Kat.

Tommy said, "It's probably a trap, be careful."

"I don't see the Supercog anywhere," said Tanya. Suddenly, beams of energy hit them and threw them back.

"You're finished, Zeo Rangers," said Supercog.

"Zeo laser pistols," yelled Tommy. The Power Rangers pulled out their Zeo laser pistols.

"Trey, use the Golden Power Staff!" said Tommy.

"Right. Good idea," said Trey. The Golden Power Staff appeared in a surge of gold in Trey's hand.

"Fire!" yelled Tommy. Beams of red, green, blue, pink, yellow, and gold fired from the Zeo laser pistols and the Golden Power Staff, hitting the Supercog. There was a big explosion. "That's the end of the Supercog," said Tommy.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! You can't stop me that easily," said Supercog.

Tommy said, "Man, this guy is tough."

"Now I will destroy you," said Supercog. The Supercog ran at the Power Rangers. He hit Tommy and sent him flying back away from him.

"Aaaaaahhh!" yelled Tommy.

Katherine said, "Zeo IV Power Shield." She hit the Supercog with it. "Yaaa!" said Katherine. The Supercog grabbed Katherine. "No don't," said Katherine. The Supercog grabbed her Zeo laser pistol.

"Ha, ha, ha, this should do it," said Supercog. Katherine jumped away from the Supercog.

"Guys, look out, he has my Zeo laser pistol!" yelled Katherine. He fired it at the Power Rangers. The beams hit them and they fell back.

Tommy said, "Aaugh we've got to get that back."

"Next time I return, you're finished." The Supercog disappeared in a flash.

"We better get back to the Power Chamber," said Rocky.

"Right, let's go," said Tommy. They teleported away and appeared in the Power Chamber.

Tommy said, "He took Katherine's Zeo laser pistol."

"Why did he take it?" asked Katherine.

"Rangers, we know why he took it," said Alpha.

Rocky asked, "Why?"

"Mondo has a sample of the Zeo Crystal's power. He unfortunately might be able to find a way to block it's power," said Zordon.

Alpha said, "If he does you wouldn't have any powers outside of the Power Chamber."

"We have to get it back," said Rocky.

Tanya said, "The Supercog's probably teleported back to Mondo's palace by now."

"The Supercog has not teleported back to the Moon," said Trey.

Adam said, "How do you know?"

"I didn't come because Mondo was blocking your communications." Trey turned around. "I discovered a message going to the Cogs hiding in some trees where the first attack was at. The message was Mondo's plan."

Tommy asked, "Why didn't you tell us?"

Trey turned back and said, "There was the possiblity Mondo could have been monitoring transmissions and maybe the Power Chamber."

"He would have had time to break the signal and he would have the laser pistol."

"I blocked the signal, but Mondo can get through. We have to get the Zeo laser pistol back before Mondo gets it." Suddenly, the alarm goes off.

"Oh no! Aie, yie, yie! Mondo is trying to get Supercog," said Alpha.

"We'll get to it first," said Tommy. "Back to action!"

They appeared in front of Mondo and the Supercog.

Mondo said, "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. You're too late! Supercog, get them!"

"I'll slow down Supercog, you get the Zeo laser pistol back," said Trey.

"Right," said Tommy. The Zeo Rangers ran at Mondo. Trey attacked the Supercog.

"Wasaa!" yelled Trey.Trey kicked the Supercog The Supercog fired its eye lasers and knocked Trey back.

Meanwhile, Tommy yelled, "Zeo V Power Sword." His sword appeared in a surge of red energy in his hand. "Sic yaa!" yelled Tommy as he hit Mondo with his sword. There was a flash of sparks and Mondo stepped back.

"You'll pay for that!" yelled Mondo. A blast of energy fired from Mondo's staff and threw Tommy back.

"Yaaaa!" yelled Katherine as she jumpkicked King Mondo. Mondo lost his balance and fell.

"You can't beat me that easy," said Mondo. Then Rocky hit Mondo with his Zeo weapon.

"You're not so tough," said Rocky.

"You'll wish you hadn't done that, Zeo Ranger III," said Mondo. Mondo fired a burst of energy at Rocky.

"Aaaaahh," yelled Rocky as he flipped in the air and hit the ground.

Adam said, "Rocky's in trouble, we gotta help him!"

"Right," said Tanya.

"Hi yaa," yelled Adam and Tanya as they jumped over to Rocky.

"Hut sic yaa," yelled Tommy as he jumped over King Mondo and landed between Mondo and Adam, Rocky, and Tanya.

"Tommy, are you okay," asked Adam.

Tommy said, "Yeah, but are you okay, Rocky."

"I didn't think he was ready to attack,but I'm okay."

Katherine ran over to them and asked, "What do we do now?"

"Let's use the Zeo Cannon," said Tommy. The Zeo Cannon appeared.

"Zeo I power cell," said Katherine.

"Zeo II power cell," said Tanya.

"Zeo III power cell," said Rocky.

"Zeo IV power cell," said Adam.

"Zeo V power cell," said Tommy. The Zeo cannon fired. Mondo fell on the ground. Katherine's Zeo Laser Pistol flew out of his hand..Katherine caught it.

"You may have damaged me, but you can't defeat me." King Mondo teleported away in a surge of silver.

Meanwhile, Trey was fighting the Supercog. "Face it, Gold Ranger, you're finished. I am more powerful than you," said the Supercog.

"You are tough, but you will not prevail," said Trey. Trey ran at the Supercog. "Yaaa wasaw!" yelled Trey as he kicked the Supercog back from him.

"Let's see if you are so tough after this," said the Supercog. Beams shot from its eyes. In an explosion of sparks, Trey was knocked off his feet.

"Uggggghh," yelled Trey.

The Supercog said, "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Now I will finish you."

"I don't think so Supercog. It's time for a gold rush!" The Golden Power Staff appeared in a surge of gold energy in Trey's hand. Trey jumped up in the air. Energy surged in to the red crystal on top of the Golden Power Staff. Trey fired balls of energy at the Supercog, but the Supercog deflected it back at Trey. "Uugggghhhh," yelled Trey as he hit the ground.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Was that all you had?" laughed the Supercog.

Trey said, "No, what's happening?" Trey powered down.

"Now you are history," said the Supercog.

"Hut sic yaa!" yelled Tommy as he jumped at the Supercog and knocked it away. "Trey, are you okay?"

"I think the Golden Power Staff is damaged," said Trey.

Tommy asked, "Can it be fixed?"

"Yes, I believe it's only a small amount of damage," said Trey.

"I'm not ready to destroy all the Power Rangers yet," said Supercog. The Supercog disappeared in a surge of energy.

Tommy said, "Zordon, teleport us back to the Power Chamber." They teleport back.

"Zordon," said Trey after they appeared in the Power Chamber. "I have to return to Triforia to repair the Golden Power Staff. I'll return as soon as possible." Trey teleported away.

"I hope he comes back soon," said Rocky.

Meanwhile, in King Mondo's palace...

Clank said, "Sire, the Gold Ranger is teleporting back to Triforia."

"Block his signal," said Mondo.

"It's too late. He's out of range," said Clank. "But I believe he won't be back for a while."

"Good, send the Quantum Fighters. Attack the city immediately. Prepare a Quadra fighter for the Supercog."

"Yes, sire," said Clank.

Meanwhile, in the Power Chamber...

"Zordon, the Supercog almost beat Trey in that battle," said Tommy.

"How are we going to beat it if it's that powerful?" asked Rocky. Suddenly, the alarm went off.

"Quantum Fighters are preparing to attack the city," said Alpha.

"We have to go stop them," said Tommy.

Zordon said, "Be careful, Rangers. The Supercog will probably be there."

"Back to action," said Tommy.

They appear just outside of the city. "Look, there's the Supercog," said Rocky.

The Quadra Fighter that the Supercog was piloting fired at the Power Rangers and knocked them back. "We have to take the Quadra Fighter down," said Adam.

"You can't take me down," said the Supercog. "Quantum Fighters, destroy the Rangers." Blasts of energy are fired from the Quantum Fighters at them.

"Aaaaahhhgg," yelled the Rangers.

Tommy said, "Guys, I'll use the Red Battle Zord to stop the Quantum Fighters. The Red Battle Zord fired from the Zord Holding Bay. Tommy appeared in it. The Red Battle Zord's arms came up and fired energy from the holes around the hands, destroying all the Quantum Fighters.

"No," yelled Mondo from his palace. "Clank, get down there."

Back on the Earth, "Supercog, now's the time to destroy the Zeo Ranger V. Around and around and away you go," said Clank.

"Here you go, Supercog," said Orbus. He shot energy into the Supercog. The Supercog grew 300 feet tall.

"Let's do it, guys," yelled Tommy.

All the Rangers threw their hands in the air and yelled, "Super Zeo Zord power, now!" Super Zeo Zords 1-5 came together into the Super Zeo Megazord.

The Red Battle Zord ran forward and punched the Supercog in the chest.

The Supercog fired energy from its eyes right into the Red Battle Zord's head.

Inside the zord, Tommy yelled, "Ahhhh!" just before the zord hit the ground.

Just then, the Super Zeo Megazord hit the Supercog in the face. The Supercog hit the ground.

"Tommy, are you okay?!"yelled Adam.

Tommy looked in the direction of the Super Zeo Megazord and said, "Yeah, I just got a little shocked." Suddenly, the Supercog fired at them. Both zords hit the ground hard.

"Hahahahahahahaha," laughed the Supercog. "Bye, bye, rangers." The Supercog powered up for one final finishing blast. Suddenly, sparks flashed from the Supercog. "No!!! I'm losing power!" yelled Supercog.

Tommy jumped to the Super Zeo Megazord. "Now's our chance. Let's finish this guy." The sabers appeared in the Super Zeo Megazord's hands. The sabers came together and shot energy through the Supercog. It exploded into a huge fireball. "Alright, we got him!"

Then, Alpha's voice came in through their communicators. "Rangers, Trey has fixed his powers. He's okay."

On the moon...

"CLANK WHAT HAPPENED!!" bellowed King Mondo.

"It was the super charger. It overloaded," said Clank.

Mondo raised his staff to hit Clank, but stopped. He was looking at a large box in the corner. "Where did that come from?"

"It was outside this morning," said Sprocket.

Mondo asked, "I wonder who left...." The box exploded.

Machina walked in and looked at the pieces of Mondo, Sprocket, Clank, and Orbis on the floor "Not again," she said.

Just outside, Lord Zedd, wearing a straw hat and holding a drink with an umbrella, laughed and said, "That one was bigger than the last."

In the power chamber that night...

"Alpha," said Zordon, "are the prototype Ranger plans ready?"

"Yes," said Alpha.

"They must be ready just in case," said Zordon.

On the screen in front of Alpha, the words "Red lightning" scrolled across the screen...

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