[See The Life of Blade Oliver for Disclaimer]

This story takes place during the Power Rangers Zeo era. There's a great romantic storyline in here as well.

By Andre Coles

Part I

Downtown Angel Grove - Daytime

Zeo Rangers 1 through 5 are handling a cog problem in the city square.

Tommy: These cogs just keep gettin easier and easier.

Kat: I know.

Rocky: I'm not complaining, though.

Adam: I know.

They finish them off.

Aisha: Well that's that.

Tommy: We better get goin', we're almost late for school.

They teleport away.


Angel Grove High - Daytime

Blade and Jason are walking down the hallway.

Blade: Did you see the guys on the news?

Jason: Yeah, they kicked some serious butt.

Blade: Let me ask you a quick question.

Jason: Shoot.

Blade: Tommy's still with Kim right?

Jason: No. They broke up 'cause Kim's in Florida.

Blade: He's not interested in Kat is he?

Jason: I don't think so. Wait.

Blade: What?!

Jason: You like Kat don't you?

Blade: No, you have no idea what you're talkin' about.

Jason (Chuckling): Admit it.

Blade: Fine, maybe a little bit.
Jason: Well, ask her out.

Blade: Are you nuts? She'll either laugh in my face or go on a mercy date with me. Or she'll treat me like a little kid.

Jason: You're only a year or two younger than her, and you're taller. That might help.

Blade: I still don't know.

The rest of the rangers appear behind them.

Tommy: Don't know about what?

Blade (Startled): A...b..about why you didn't call us about the cog problem.

Rocky: Don't sweat it.

Aisha: If we needed you we would've called.

Adam: Well, let's get to class.


Classroom - Daytime

Jason and Blade are sitting in the back of the classroom talking.

Teacher: Alright class, you can have some free time.

Jason: So, did you do it yet?

Blade: Of course not. I haven't seen her yet. And if I do, I'll ask her out.

The bell rings.


Machine Empire - Space

Mondo is creating a new monster.

Mondo: My new Powerbot will destroy the Rangers once and for all.

Machina: What does it do, my love?

Mondo: It matches it's enemies move for move until they're destroyed.

Machina: Well, send it down.

He sends it down. It's on Earth.

Powerbot: I will destroy them, my master.


Hallway - Afternoon

Jason and Blade see Kat with the guys.

Jason: There she is.

Blade: I can't do this with all the guys watching.

Jason: I'll take care of that.

Jason walks over there.

Jason: Come on, guys. We need to go to the library and study for that physics test.

Adam: What physics test?

Jason is signaling that Blade needs to talk to Kat alone.

Jason: The one tommorow.

Tommy: Oh yeah.

Kat: Well, I don't have physics.

Blade: I don't either. Can I walk you home?

Kat: Sure, Blade.

They walk away. The rest of the guys are still standing there.

Tommy: What was that about?

Jason: Come in close. I'll tell you.

They huddle in close and Jason tells them. They are all in shock.


Streets of Angel Grove - Afternoon

Kat and Blade are laughing hysterically.

Kat: I didn't know that you liked Roadrunner cartoons.

Blade: Of course. They're the best.

Kat: I don't suppose you like Jim Carrey, too?

Blade: Are you kidding? I loved Ace Ventura.

Kat: That was the best.

Blade: Well, his new movie is comin' out Friday night, wanna check it out?

Kat: Yeah, the guys might like that.

Blade: What I meant was just you and me.

Kat: Like a date?

Blade: Yeah, like a date.

Their commuicators go off.

Blade: Yeah, Zordon?
Zordon: A new monster is in Angel Grove Park. You must meet the other Rangers there immediately.

Blade: It's Morphin Time!

Kat: Zeo Ranger 1! Pink!

Blade: Zeo Ranger 7! White!


Angel Grove Park - Nighttime

Blade and Kat arrive.

Blade: What's the problem?

Tommy: This monster is really givin' us a run for our money.

Kat: Well, let's kick this guys butt.

They charge him, but Powerbot thrashes them all.

Tommy: We're not going to win here.

Blade: We can't give up.

Powerbot: Don't you understand?! You can't defeat me.

He attacks them again, beating them sensless.

Tommy: What are we gonna do?

Adam: We can't do anymore.

All their suits begin to glow.

Tommy: What's goin' on?

Adam: Our suits are glowing!

Rocky: I can't move.

Aisha: Neither can I!

Kat: It's like the power is being sucked out of me.

The suits turn into energy balls and they are drawn inside of Blade. He becomes Zeo.

Blade: Time to say good night!

Powerbot: What are you?

Blade zaps Powerbot with the Zeo staff and he explodes. The powers are returned to to the rangers. They are congratulating Blade.

All: Good job, great, etc.

Blade collapses.

Tommy: Let's get him back to the Command Center.

They teleport away.


Part II

Command Center - Nighttime

Hours have passed and Blade is on his feet.

Blade: What happened, Zordon?

Zordon: I'm quite shocked that it did, but I'll do the best I can. Many years ago, a warrior named Maxell of the planet Deta was the great and powerful Zeo. Zeo possesed the powers of all seven crystals.

Alpha: But in order to keep Master Vile away from it, he separated the crystals and exiled them into deep space. Five landed on Earth, one on Triforia, and King Mondo retrieved one. But now that they are back together, you Blade are able to become Zeo once again.

Aisha: So why did he pass out?

Zordon: His body wasn't able to take the power. But the more times it happens, the more he will be able to withstand it. But he is fine now.

The alarm sounds.

Zordon: Powerbot has been recreated and is tearing up Angel Grove Square.

Tommy: It's Morphin Time!

They morph and they go to fight.


Angel Grove Sqare - Nighttime

Tommy: Game's over, Powerbot!

Powerbot: The game is just beginning.

Tommy: Let's go, Rangers!

All Rangers: Right!

They attack, but Powerbot is just too strong. They are laying on the ground.

Blade: Tommy, I think I should become Zeo again.

Tommy: Are you nuts, that's too dangerous!

Blade: It worked before.

Tommy: Fine!

Blade: I call on the power of ZEO!

The powers disappear from the Rangers and Blade becomes Zeo.

Blade: You're mine!

They fight and Blade is completely obliterating Powerbot.

Blade: Zeo fireballs!

He hits him with the Zeo fire balls.

Blade: Zeo Power Punch!

He Zeo Power Punches him.

Blade: Zeo Power Kick!

He Zeo Power Kicks him.

Blade: Now to finish you! SUPER ZEO SMASHER!

His staff begins to glow. He twirls it around and he zaps Powerbot until he explodes.

Blade: So much for him.



Streets of Angel Grove - Nighttime

They are all talking. Aisha and Kat are ahead of the pack talking about Blade.

Kat: I just don't know.

Aisha: What are you talkin' about?

Kat: He's 15.

Aisha: And you're 16. So what?

Kat: I still don't know.

Aisha: Do you like him?

Kat: Yeah, maybe a little.

Aisha: Then go out with him. Kat, the guy is gorgeous.

Kat: You're right.

Aisha: And I want details after it's over.

They all leave, leaving Kat and Blade alone.

Kat: Blade, about our date.

Blade: Yeah, I'll understand if you don't...

Kat: I'd love to.

Blade: Great. Friday night then.

They walk away.



Blade rings Kat's doorbell. Kat answers.

Blade: Hi. These are for you.

He shows her the flowers and candy.

Kat: Thank you. Let me put these down and I'll be ready to go.

She goes in, then comes out.

Blade: Ready to go?

Kat: Sure.

They walk to the movies and they go in.


Outside of the Movies - Nighttime

The movie is over. They are laughing hysterically.

Kat: That was a great movie.

Blade: I know it, was so funny.

They laugh. Without thinking they hold hands and they walk to Kat's house. They are at the door.

Kat: I had a really great time.

Blade: Me too.

Kat: Well, good night.

Blade: Good night.

They peck each other on the cheek. Then they really start kissing. They finish.

Kat: I know this is kind of sudden, but I was wondering if you wanted to, I don't know, how to say this, um...be together.

Blade: Like, be a couple?

Kat: Exactly. I understand if you think I'm moving kind of fast.

Blade: No, I wanna be with you. I always have.

Kat: One thing, though.

Blade: What's that?

Kat: Let's not tell the guys yet. They wouldn't understand.

Blade: I'll agree to that.

They kiss again.