[See The Life of Blade Oliver for Disclaimer]

Time After Time
By Andre Coles

Tommy's Quarters - Space Station

It's morning and Tommy is just waking up. After showering and putting his uniform on, he steps outside. As the door opens, a bucket of water is spilled on him.

Tommy: Aw, man! I'm all wet.

He hears laughter nearby. As he goes to investigate, he discovers that it's Justin and Ule.

Tommy: Justin! Ule! You two are in huge trouble.

They begin to run while laughing loudly but they are caught by T.J.

Tommy: Thanks.

T.J.: No problem; they got me last week.


Blade's Office - Space Station

Justin and Ule are sitting infront of Parallax's desk as he is reprimanding them.

Blade: Look, you know as the defender of this galaxy, I'm tremendously busy.

Justin, Ule: Yes, sir.

Blade: And you know I don't have time to babysit, right?

Justin, Ule: Yes sir.

Blade: So cut out the pranks, guys. Or at least do not get caught.

They begin to laugh.

Justin, Ule: Okay.

Justin: It was a pleasure talking with you, sir.

Ule: Next time I hope it's under better circumstances.

They begin to leave.

Blade: Hold it!

Justin: Not gettin off that easy?

Blade: Exactly.

They both sit back down.

Blade: Of course, your vacation is cut down a week.

Ule: What?!

Justin: Why?!

Blade: This is more than one time I've had to talk to you to about this.

Ule: Well, at least we'll have the space station to ourselves.

Blade: Exactly, but you'll be assistig the cleaning crew all week.

Justin: Aw, man.

Blade: You'll report bright and early a 0500 hours tomorrow. Have a nice day, gentlemen.

They leave his office.


Space Station Hallway - Space

A day has passed and all the Rangers and Soilders are leaving for vacation as Ule and Justin watch.

Ule: Man, this sucks.

Justin; Well, what's our assignment?

Ule: The Lab.

Justin: Well, we better get to it.


The Dark Fortress

Dark Parallax is sitting in his throne room as Divatox enters and puts her hands on his shoulders.

Dark Parallax: Don't touch me!

His gesture causes Divatox to fall to the ground.

Dark Parallax: Useless bitch!

Divatox: Hey! I came in here because I have a new monster to show you.

Dark Parallax: You may speak.

Divatox: His name is Chronos. He can go anywhere in time or space.

Dark Parallax: So, we could use him to destroy Parallax as a teenager.

Divatox: Yes.

Dark Parallax: Do it.


Laboratory - Space Station

Ule and Justin are cleaning the lab as their commuicators go off.

Justin: Go ahead, Alpha!

Alpha: A monster has gone back in time. It has to be stopped before it does any damage.

Ule: We're on it!

Alpha: Should I contact some back up?

Justin: No, we can handle it.

Ule: Let's go. It's morphin time! Grey Ranger Power!

Justin: Shift into Turbo! Mountain Blaster Turbo Power!

They both get morphed and are teleported to time phones.

Alpha: Now, set them to Angel Grove 1994 and be back as soon as possible.

Justin: Gotcha.

They set them, hit send, and are teleported away.


Angel Grove Park - Daytime - 1994

Justin and Ule are now in the year 1994. They hide behind a tree watching Chronos fight Blade (The Gold Ranger).

Chronos: I will wipe you from the pages of history.

Blade: Just shut up and fight!

An exchange occurs as Chronos pins Blade to the ground and is about to kill him.

Chronos: Say goodbye.

Ule and Justin kick Chronos.

Justin: I don't think so!

Ule: Yeah, you get away from him!

Chronos: You followed me here! Rest assured, I will finish you, all of you!

He dissappears.

Blade: Thanks guys, I owe you one. What are you guys, anyway?

Justin: We're Power Rangers.

Blade: You don't look like any Rangers I've ever seen.

Justin: You see, that's a long story.


Time passes and Justin and Ule tell him the whole story.

Blade: So you two are Power Rangers from the future. And in the future, I'm the leader of all Power Rangers and the most powerful man in the universe? Cool!

Justin: But, this guy Chronos is trying to kill you so all of that can change. We're gonna need your help.

Blade: Of course.

Ule: Where are the other Rangers?

Blade: They're in space on some mission. So we're on our own.

Justin: So what's our next move?

Blade: Well, I don't know, lay low until he shows up again?

Ule: Great idea.

Blade: Let's go to the Youth Center and get some shakes.


Moon Base

Rita is looking at this through her telescope while Zedd sits on his throne.

Rita: Hmmm! Maybe I'll let this new monster destroy the Gold Ranger.

Zedd: While we go after the Rangers on their mission.

Rita: What an exciting idea!


Angel Grove Gym and Juice Bar - Afternoon

Ule Justin and Blade are sitting down at a table drinking shakes.

Ule: This is better than the ones we have on the station.

Justin: Ernie always made the best shakes.

Blade: I'm glad you like it.

Bulk and Skull enter.

Bulk: Well, if it isn't the littlest geek.

Skull: Yeah, and three other little geeks.

Bulk: Where are the rest of the geeks?

Blade: I don't know, Bulk. Now get outta here.

Skull: Hey, you don't talk to Bulk like that.

Bulk runs and Blade trips him. Bulk falls into Skull and they knock over a nearby table, spilling Pizza and shakes on themselves. Dejected, they walk away as Blade's communicator goes off.

Justin: Hey, that wasn't nice.

Ule: I know.

Blade: But it was funny. You two need to live a little.

Blade: It's my communicator.

They go over to answer it.

Blade: Go ahead.

Zordon: Chronos is attacking Angel Grove.

Justin: Shift Into Turbo! Mountain Blaster Turbo Power!

Ule: It's Morphin Time! Grey Ranger Power!

Blade: Gold Gladiator!


Downtown Angel Grove - Nighttime

Chronos is ripping through the town as Justin Ule and Blade reappear.

Blade: Man, you people don't know when to quit.

Chronos: I will destroy you all!

Justin: I don't think so!

There is an exchange and Chronos strikes them all.

Blade: That all you've got?!

Chronos: Just getting warmed up!

Chronos blasts them. Blade gets up and jumps in the air and strikes him with his golden sword and Chronos blows up.

Blade: Got him!

Chronos rematerializes.

Ule: My turn! Powerrang!

He throws his Powerrang (Power boomerang) and Chronos blows up.

Ule: Now he's down!

Chronos rematerializes.

Justin: Let me try. Turbo gun.

He blasts Chronos and Chronos blows up.

Justin: Now that's how you do it.

Chronos rematerializes.

Chronos: Don't you see; I'm unbeatable!

Justin: Wait, look at the band on his arm.

Ule: What about it?

Justin: It's a rematerialization device.

Blade: English Justin, english.

Justin: It allows him to put himself back together when we blow him up. So, if we destroy it...

Blade: He can't put himself back together again. Good thinking. You really are a Blue Ranger.

Justin: Thanks.

Blade: Ule, grab his legs. Justin grab his arms, and I'll take out the device.

All: Let's do it.

Ule grabs Chronos' legs and Justin grabs his arms. Blade destroys the device then stabs Chronos in the heart. Chronos blows up.


Time has passed and Ule and Justin are ready to go.

Justin: Well, let's get outta here.

Ule: I know Parallax is gonna kill us.

Blade: It's a shame you gotta leave; the Ranger Kids make a great team.

Justin: I know, but we don't belong here.

Blade: I understand. Well see ya!

Justin and Ule dissappear.


Laboratory - Space Station

Justin and Ule return to the lab to find the station clean.

Justin: Cool!

Ule: I know. We don't even have to clean.

Justin: 'Little Zero Gravity Dodgeball?

Ule: Sure.