Disclaimer:</i></b> I don’t own the Power
Rangers, Saban does. Unfortunately, I’m not making any
profit from this, either. 🙁 If you’ve seen it on the show,
it belongs to you-know-who, and if you haven’t, it belongs
to me. Quotes are given credit at the bottom of them. 🙂 </i>Author’s
Notes:</i></b> This story takes place several years after the
changing of the powers in Turbo. This is not your normal PR fare.
If you don’t like horror, gore and being scared, go no
further. Thanks to those who posted at the board who asked about
the PR teams being in horror type stories, this inspired me to do
this. And I’d also like to add a special thanks to my
brother, who helped me with some of the ideas. Thanks, Wildman.
🙂 </i>12-25-2000</i></b> </p>
<p align="center">The Loupe <br>
by Cinders</b></p>
<p align="center">loup-ga-rou</b> n,: </i>a person
transformed into a wolf or capable of assuming a wolf’s form
[werewolf]: LYCANTHROPE</p>
<p align="center">Prologue</b></p>
<p align="center">Then a figure, slightly hunchbacked, emerges
cautiously from the brush. Tuffs of hair cover the face, reddened
eyes peer animal-like from slanty sockets, and the creature’s
clothing is torn and muddy. The creature suddenly throws back his
head and howls, exposing fanged teeth. -William W. Johnstone,
<p>It was a howl, definitely a howl. But it was unlike any howl
they’d ever heard from any</i> creature before. And as
the two men ran, the howl seemed to come from all around them,
and not from any one</i> direction. No matter how hard, fast
an far that they ran, they couldn’t seem to put any distance
between themselves and their pursuer. And every step they took
gave away their location. The crunch of dead leaves and sticks
cracking and snapping under their booted feet. </p>
<p>They’d come to the deep forests of Oregon on a hike. That’s
all it was suppose to be, but they had become engrossed in the
wild life they’d seen. So engrossed that they’d lost
all track of time, until they noticed that the forest was
becoming darker than usual. Knowing that they wouldn’t make
it back to camp before dark, they started heading back as quickly
as possible, hoping to get back shortly after nightfall, at the
least. </p>
<p>They’d made pretty good progress, until the sun had set.
It wasn’t too long after that, that the sounds of the night
moved in on them. Sounds that were familiar, and some that were
strange, but normal night noises, all the same. Turning on their
flashlights, they headed off, believing that camp was just a
short distance away, and that they’d soon be back in time to
assure their wives they were safe, and have a warm meal, as the
night had brought on much cooler temperatures. </p>
<p>But, as they walked, and walked, and walked, the camp didn’t
get any closer, but something else did. </p>
<p>They hadn’t noticed the strangeness of the situation, as
they had been concentrating on getting back. It wasn’t until
they heard the snapping of twigs, that they noticed that the
forest around them had become deathly quiet. No birds, insects.
Hell, even the wind seemed to have vanished. Only their breathing
filled the silence. Gulping down their fears, they moved forward,
this time at a quicker pace. </p>
<p>They both kept their ears open for any more sounds of their
visitor, but they heard nothing as they continued on. Relaxing a
bit, realizing that they’d probably scared a rabbit, they
chuckled - if a bit nervously- as they continued on. </p>
<p>That’s when they heard the first howl. It filled the
night, echoing around them, raising the hairs on their skin. It
was a howl unlike any they’d ever heard before. It should
have been a wolf, or even a stray dog left out here by campers,
but it was too... big, and too vile. And there seemed to be a
hunger in it, as well. </p>
<p>With their hearts in their throats, they started moving off in
a jog. A jog, that at the moment, didn’t seem to have gotten
them any further from their pursuer. It, the owner of the howl,
seemed to be all around them. </p>
<p>The two men came to a sliding halt in the dead leaves, their
breaths coming in gasps. Acting quickly, they placed a tree
between them, with their backs to each other. </p>
<p>"Where the hell are we?" </p>
<p>"We should be close to camp." </p>
<p>"Does this look like camp to you? Damn it. Something’s
out there, and it doesn’t sound like it wants to be friends."
<p>"You don’t think I’ve noticed!" The two
jumped at the sound of the howl, as it rang through the trees,
seeming to vibrate the very tree at their backs. </p>
<p>"Shit! Where the hell is it coming from?" </p>
<p>"I don’t know!" The flashlight flickered over
the face of a watch, illuminating the time. Midnight. A quick
scan of the area, with the same flashlight, showed nothing but
more trees and darkness. </p>
<p>"We can’t stop now. We’ve got to keep going.
There’s no telling where the hell it is, and how far away it
is from us." As if in answer, a stick snapping, somewhere in
the darkness, announced the creature’s presence. </p>
<p>"Go!" Both men headed into the darkness. They didn’t
care where they were going. Not any more, just as long as they
were putting distance between them and the thing that had been
following them. </p>
<p>Suddenly, the darkness seemed to reach out and grab them out
of mid-air. </p>
<p>In the darkness, the two men had come across a cliff that rose
eight feet above a small gully, and a dried up river. As the
flashlights spun out of control through the air, the men caught
flashing glimpses of rocks below them, as they seemed to fall
forever. </p>
<p>As a deeper darkness reached out for one man, the other lay
motionless amongst a pile of rocks, his body too hurt to move. He
tried to gaze around him, to assess his location. To his left, he
spotted one of the flashlights, it’s beam pointed up into
the darkness of the top of the forest. Above his head, the other
lit up the cliff face that they’d just fallen from. </p>
<p>Trying to take a breath, his body jerked at the pain it caused.
Where was his friend? </p>
<p>"Jordy! Where are you? Can you hear me?" The pain
that came with each word, was excruciating. He sucked in a
breath, trying to listen for a response. But, that same breath
caught in his throat as something passed in front of the
flashlight above him. </p>
<p>"Who-who’s there?" A deep rumbling growl was
his only response. Fear fueling him, he tried to move, to get up
and continue running, but his body wouldn’t obey. </p>
<p>With his breath coming in painful gasps, he tried to look
around, his survival instincts doing their best to take over.
Gazing to his right, he found a large, sharp rock just within
arms reach. With fingers that were cold, and becoming numb, he
stretched out, reaching for the rock. Feeling it’s cool-ruffness
in his finger tips, he pulled it toward him, and as he looked up,
the rock slipped from them as he gazed into the nightmare that
loomed above him. </p>
<p align="center">Chapter One: The search</b></p>
<p align="center">"They’ve found me, and there will
be no rest now." -Gary Brandner, "The Howling II"</i></p>
<p>The helicopter flew low over the towering spires of pine trees.
It’s occupants searching the shadows of the forest below,
for any sign of life. </p>
<p>"How long did the Search and Rescue teams keep looking
after they disappeared?" </p>
<p>"About two weeks. The only thing they found was a back
pack that had been torn to shreds. But, it didn’t belong to
either one of the men. They figured it had been in the forest for
a few years. After the continued searches turned up nothing, they
called the search off. </p>
<p>"No one has heard from either one of them. Both men’s
wives are worried sick. The authorities assume that both men just
up and left. Left their families, their jobs... everything. Their
wives won’t believe it, and neither do I. My son and nephew
wouldn’t do something like that." Chandler Heaton
slowly pushed the controls forward, sending the helicopter lower
over the trees. </p>
<p>He’d been the only one who believed that the two lost men
were still in the forest. When everyone had given up; the funds
having run out, he continued on, using his own helicopter and
money. He wouldn’t give up on them. It was his son and
nephew out there. It was already late September and winter was
moving in fast. Fast even for Oregon. He couldn’t live with
himself if he didn’t at least look for them. </p>
<p>A hand on his shoulder eased him a bit, but his eyes never
left the forest below. </p>
<p>"That’s why we’re here. To help. We were good
friends, and he’d do the same for us." Chandler finally
looked at the petite young woman next to him, her shoulder-length
chestnut hair caught the sun, turning strands into liquid copper.
Her warm brown eyes smiling up at him. </p>
<p>Chandler remembered her vaguely. His nephew had introduced her
to him at a family gathering some years back. He’d been
surprised when she’d shown up at his home, offering her help
in looking for the men. </p>
<p>"Thanks, Kimberly. I appreciate all the help you can give.
I’m also glad you three could also join us," Chandler
said gazing briefly behind him. </p>
<p>"We’re just glad that we could get away to be able
to help. Right, Tommy?" The taller man gazed up from the
wrinkled scrap of newspaper to respond to his friend. </p>
<p>"Huh? Oh, yeah. Adam’s right." </p>
<p>"What are you looking at?" Dark, slender fingers
reached out for the scrap of paper held in his hand. Before the
fingers could close around it, Tommy pulled it away, folding it
and tucking it in his pocket. </p>
<p>"You’ll have to excuse him, Tanya, Tommy’s been
a little... weird ever since he heard about the disappearances. I
tried to talk him out of coming, but the more I talked, the more
he insisted," Kim stated from the front of the helicopter. </p>
<p>"Okay. Do you know how strange it is to be talked about
like you’re not there? Jason was a good friend, and I know
he’d be right here, if it was one of us." Tommy let the
anger in his voice seep away as he looked at the started stares
cast his way. </p>
<p>"He was our friend as well, Tommy." </p>
<p>"I know, Adam. I’m sorry everyone. I’ve just
been having bad dreams, and even worse feelings about this whole
thing. I almost didn’t come, because of them. But, then I
knew that I couldn’t let Jace down. Not when he needs my
help." </p>
<p>Kim reached back, placing her hand on Tommy’s. They’d
been married for just a year, but sometimes it seemed longer. He
had his NASCAR, and she had her coaching job at the local Collage.
This was the first time they’d spent any real time together
in months. Too bad it took a missing friend to make it happen. </p>
<p>"How long were they missing before the authorities were
contacted?" </p>
<p>"Jason’s wife contacted the authorities that night,
when the boys didn’t show up by midnight. They’d been
gone on a hike for six hours. She was told that, because they had
hiked so far in, a good search and rescue team couldn’t be
put together until that morning. So, it had to have been less
than two hours after they’d disappeared. Why’d you want
to know, Tanya?" </p>
<p>"I’m not sure." Tanya gazed down into the
growing shadows of the trees. It was beginning to get dark, and
soon they wouldn’t be able to see anything, but she knew
Chandler wouldn’t give up until he had to. And neither would
they. </p>
<p>Tommy pressed his head against the Plexiglas window of the
helicopter, trying to look as far below them as he possibly could.
Several times his eyes had played tricks on him, making him see
shadows moving when there was nothing there. Twice now, Chandler
had taken the chopper down lower to examine the shadows, only to
find nothing. Tommy had apologized, but Chandler seemed grateful
that they seemed to care so much. </p>
<p>He barely remembered meeting Chandler. Jason had introduced
them once, when Tommy joined Jason on a family outing in High
School. He’d been impressed with the man who towered above
him. Chandler was a huge man, in anyone’s book. Tommy
figured he stood nearly six feet four, and probably weighed a
good two-hundred and fifty pounds. And not an inch of it was fat.
<p>Jason had told him that his uncle had been in the Air Force
during Vietnam. That when the war had ended, Chandler had offered
to buy and pilot a helicopter for the search and rescue in
LaGrande, Oregon. After all, that’s what he had done in Nam.
Flew into the middle of battles to save trapped and wounded
soldiers. </p>
<p>Jason had also introduced him to his younger cousin, Jordy;
who, at the time, planed on joining the Air Force, himself. And
he had. A year after he graduated from High School, Jordy joined
the Force. He spent six months on an Air Craft Carrier situated
in the ocean off of Saudi Arabia. </p>
<p>When Jordy had returned from his tour of duty, he and Jason
had gotten together to hike the deep forests of Oregon. To check
out the wild life and report their findings to the local Forest
Bureau. Both men had other jobs during the week, as well as
families. Jordy had married a few months after returning from
duty, and Jason had been married a year earlier, to a girl he’d
met shortly after leaving the team. </p>
<p>In the last couple of years, Tommy and Jason had lost contact,
their lives taking different avenues. Tommy shook his head. It
seemed so strange that life could become so important that you
actually forgot just what was important. Now, that guilt ate at
him, and he couldn’t stop it. </p>
<p>Closing his eyes, Tommy tried to shake off the feeling, to
focus on what was important at that moment. As he opened his
eyes, he caught a glimpse of movement in the lengthening shadows
below them. At first he didn’t want to say anything. He didn’t
want to send them on a wild goose chase again. Silently he nudged
Adam, and pointed out the window. </p>
<p>Looking a little confused, Adam leaned toward the window and
glanced down in the direction Tommy was pointing. </p>
<p>For a long moment Adam strained his eyes to see into the
darkness below them. He started to shake his head, to tell Tommy
that he hadn’t seen anything, when he caught a slight
movement below. Adam looked up at his friend, and nodded. </p>
<p>"I just saw some movement just behind us, in the tree
line," Tommy announced to everyone in the chopper. </p>
<p>"You’re just seeing things. It’s getting late
and we’ve been straining our eyes for hours," Kim said,
trying to remind him, gently, of the other two times he’d
‘seen’ something. </p>
<p>"Not this time, Kim. I saw something, too." Three
sets of eyes looked at Adam, almost as if they were expecting him
to tell them he was just joking. When his expression didn’t
change, he felt the chopper shift as Chandler turned it back
toward the area where he and Tommy had seen movement. </p>
<p align="center">Chapter 2: Shadows</b></p>
<p align="center">All rational thought was wiped out. There
was only the raging hunger of the werewolf. -Gary Brandner,
"The Howling II"</i></p>
<p>Slowly the large black bear lumbered through the thick forest,
tearing at dead tree stumps with it’s long sharp claws,
looking for it’s next meal. </p>
<p>It had been days, perhaps weeks, since she had last fed, but
she couldn’t remember. Her kind had no understanding of the
passing of time, except for the seasons, and it was getting close
to the time that she would need to find a place for the winter
months. </p>
<p>Finding only a bare minimum of ants and termites in the dead
wood of fallen trees, the sow moved on. A short distance away,
she stumbled upon a ravine. Stopping at the edge, she gazed down
into it, sniffing the air. </p>
<p>There was no water running down it’s rocky length, not
now, but when the green season came, the white, cold stuff would
melt, filling it. She would remember this place for when she
awoke at the time of the green season. </p>
<p>Slowly she turned away from the ravine, preparing to continue
on her quest for food; the forest growing darker around her. As a
breeze began to move around her, it brought a new, strange scent
to her. A scent the made her afraid. </p>
<p>She had stumbled into something’s territory, and it was
close, watching her, waiting. </p>
<p>She gazed around nervously, checking the shadows around her.
Immediately she broke to the right of the ravine, headed for the
meadow just beyond the forest. There she would be safe. </p>
<p>The bear moved as quickly as her stout legs could carry her.
With every step, she tried to force herself to go faster, but the
accumulated weight for hibernation was slowing her down, making
her huff with effort. </p>
<p>Behind her, she could hear movement in the forest. The
creature didn’t seem to be much bigger than herself, but
there was a sense of evil about it, something that wasn’t
natural, wasn’t a part of the forest. Something that didn’t
belong there. </p>
<p>Seeing a break in the trees ahead, the sow risked a glance
behind her. There, in the growing shadows loomed the figure of
something she’d never seen before. At first glance she might
have thought it was another bear, like her. But they could not
run on their hind legs, and this figure was leaner; seemed more...
human. </p>
<p>Not seeing the dead tree in front of her, the female tripped,
flipping head over heels, rolling down the slight slope. </p>
<p>Slightly dazed, she didn’t stop, even when her left hind
foot felt odd, sending a jab of pain through her as she stumbled
on. Limping painfully, she continued on toward the meadow. </p>
<p>Above her there was a sudden thrumming sound that seemed to
vibrate the very air. She’d heard that same sound many time
for quite some time. She’d always been afraid of it, taking
shelter in the cover of trees, but this time, even with the sound
coming from somewhere ahead of her, the thing behind her
frightened her more. </p>
<p>As she entered the meadow she didn’t slow; even when the
strange bird making the noise, appeared in front of her. She just
veered slightly, heading for the trees on the opposite side. </p>
<p align="center"><hr>
<p>Everyone in the helicopter watched as the bear headed toward
them, changing it’s path only enough to avoid them, then
disappearing into the forest on the other side of the clearing. </p>
<p>"That’s odd," Chandler proclaimed, looking at
the forest where the bear had disappeared. </p>
<p>"What?" Tanya asked, scanning the forest where the
bear had come from. </p>
<p>"Every bear that I’ve seen avoids the helicopter,
retreating back into the forest where they came from. They never
come near the chopper." </p>
<p>"It seemed like it was hurt," Kim added. She’d
noticed that the big beast had been limping somewhat. </p>
<p>"Yeah, I noticed that, too," Tommy uttered, from
beside her. </p>
<p>"Well, there’s nothing we can do, here. When we get
back I’ll radio the Forest Service, let them decide what to
do. And, as much as I hate to say it, it’s getting dark and
we’ll have to head in; try our luck tomorrow." </p>
<p>Everyone was silent. They all wanted to continue to look,
knowing that the longer the two men were out there, the less
chance they’d have of surviving. </p>
<p>No one said a word as Chandler turned the helicopter and
headed back to LaGrande. </p>
<p align="center"><hr>
<p>Anger coursed through the creature as the bear escaped it’s
clutches. It had been days since it had eaten, having gorged
itself on another animal’s kill. The flesh of the dead
animal had been rotten and had soured in it’s stomach, but
it had been food. It had been a long time since it had had fresh
meat, and now, with the intrusion of the noise, it would be even
longer. </p>
<p>The creature had been curious about the thing that made the
noise, but self-preservation had always taken over, keeping the
beast to the shadows of the forest. </p>
<p>Growling with the last of it’s fleeting anger, the beast
lashed out at a nearby tree, dragging it’s huge, black claws
through the tree’s bark, as if it was nothing more than air.
<p>Frustrated, the creature turned back to the dark depths of the
forest to sleep, hoping that the pains of hunger in it’s
stomach would go away long enough for the sleep to come. </p>
<p align="center">Chapter 3: Waiting</b></p>
<p align="center">In the shadows of the room lurked reminders
of that time when insanity seemed the easy way out. -Gary
Brandner, "The Howling II"</i></p>
<p>Tommy lay in bed awake, Kim curled up next to him. She’d
fallen asleep quickly, but she was restless; moving slightly away
from him, her face etched with a frown. He thought about waking
her, but decided against it, knowing how little rest they had all
had in the past weeks. </p>
<p>Gently he moved away from her, as he reached for his wallet on
the night stand. Grabbing it, he shifted back into place next to
her, flipping the switch on the small light above the bed.
Opening the wallet, Tommy skipped past the folded green bills,
through several pieces of paper, until he found the crinkled
article he’d placed inside. Pulling the piece of newspaper
from the wallet, Tommy unfolded it, trying to smooth out the
wrinkles. </p>
<p>Laying the wallet on the bed beside him, he grasped the scrap
of paper with both hands. Two images gazed out from the paper at
him, like specters from a bad dream. There, in black and white,
were Jason and Jordy, smiling with arms draped over each other’s
shoulders. </p>
<p>For, what seemed like the hundredth time, Tommy began to
quietly read the article to himself: </p>
<p align="center">LaGrande Daily September 2, 2000 The
search continues...</i></b> Two men have disappeared in the
forests of North Eastern Oregon. Jason Scott and his cousin,
Jordy Heaton, disappeared in the forest two days ago, around 3pm,
on a hike. When the two men failed to return to camp around mid-night,
Ellen Scott, wife of Jason Scott, contacted local authorities,
via cell phone, but the search and rescue team was unable to
start the search until the following morning. After two days of
search, using ground crews and helicopter, there has been no sign
that the two men were even in the forest. Authorities have
questioned both families, but were unable to come up with anymore
leads. As temperatures have started dipping into the low forties
at night, concern for the survival of both men grows. Search will
continue for several more days. If nothing shows up, a meeting
will be held to determine if further searches will be necessary.
If you have seen, or heard from either man, in the last forty-eight
hours, you are asked to please contact Hal Jordan at LaGrande’s
Sheriffs office.</i></p>
<p>Tommy refolded the article. What he hoped to find by rereading
it over and over again was beyond him. Slipping it back into his
wallet, he was startled by a soft voice next to him. </p>
<p>"How many times have you looked at that?" </p>
<p>"Sorry, Kim. I didn’t mean to wake you." </p>
<p>"You didn’t. I couldn’t sleep. Can I see it?"
Kim slid up, resting her back against the headboard of the bed.
She took the offered paper from Tommy’s fingers. </p>
<p>The paper had been in and out of his wallet so often in the
past two and a half weeks, that the paper was soft and pliable. </p>
<p>"It’s not like Jace to up and disappear like this."
<p>"I know. I don’t know what to think, either. I
talked with Ellen, she said that everything was fine between the
two of them, and Jason was excited about becoming a father. It
doesn’t make any sense." </p>
<p>"If it had been a few years ago, I would have thought it
was Zedd and Rita, or even the Machine Empire. But..." </p>
<p>"There just has to be a logical explanation for it."
<p>"I’ve tried to think of all possible explanations
and the only ones that seem remotely possible... don’t have
happy endings." </p>
<p>"It seems more Jordy’s style of disappearing for a
few days, than it does Jason’s. Jason use to tell me stories
of Jordy taking off for days at a time, not telling anyone where
he was going or when he’d be back. But those times were only
for two or three days, not two weeks." </p>
<p>Tommy glanced at the clock by the bed. The hotel they’d
checked into was small but clean, and up to date. </p>
<p>"It’s two in the morning. We’d better try and
get some rest, we’ve got to meet Chandler at the hanger by
eight." </p>
<p>"I guess you’re right. I hope Adam and Tanya are
getting some rest." Kim handed the article back to Tommy,
then slid down beneath the covers. </p>
<p>"I doubt it. Did you see the bags under Adam’s eyes.
He looks like he hasn’t slept for days," Tommy said,
laying down next to her. </p>
<p>"Yeah, I did. Tanya looked wiped out, as well." </p>
<p>"Did you ever get a hold of Billy?" Tommy clicked
the light off, cuddling down next to his wife. </p>
<p>"His secretary at MIT said he was out of the state on
business and wasn’t expected back for another week. Said she’s
give him the message as soon as she heard from him." </p>
<p>"Hopefully he’ll have good news waiting for him by
then." </p>
<p>"Yeah." Tommy kissed Kim gently on the forehead as
he wrapped his arms around her. </p>
<p>Tomorrow would be another long day, and he hoped they would
find something, anything. </p>
<p>Closing his eyes, he willed sleep to take him somewhere where
he could forget about everything, even if only for a few hours. </p>
<p align="center">Chapter 4: Preparations</b></p>
<p align="center">"What I want is a knife. A knife with a
blade of silver." -Gary Brandner, "The Howling II"</i></p>
<p>A slight breeze blew in from the coast, covering the morning
sky with dark, thick, grey clouds. A gentle drizzle fell, just
enough to add to the dreariness of the day. </p>
<p>Adam pulled his jacket tighter around him as he stepped out of
the rental car. Tommy and Kim were already heading toward the
hanger where Chandler was waiting. Startled by the closing of the
car door, he turned to look at Tanya as she rounded the car
toward him. </p>
<p>"Almost seems fitting, doesn’t it?" she said,
pulling the collar of her yellow jacket around her neck. </p>
<p>Adam smiled to himself. He had always thought that wearing
clothes the same color as the Ranger they were, had something to
do with the powers, themselves. But... even after all these
years, his wardrobe consisted mainly of clothes that were either
black or green. Apparently he wasn’t the only one. </p>
<p>"It does. I didn’t want to say anything to Kim and
Tommy, but I have this deep feeling of dread, about all of this.
I know everyone is trying to remain upbeat and positive, but I
just can’t shake it." </p>
<p>"I’m not really looking forward to hiking and
camping in weather like this either-" </p>
<p>"It’s not the weather and camping. I’ve camped
in snow before, in Boy Scouts, it’s something else.
Something I can’t put my finger on." </p>
<p>Tanya felt the hairs on the back of her neck prick. She hadn’t
really felt right about all of it either. </p>
<p>"We don’t have to do this, you know. We both have
jobs and families to get back to. I think everyone will
understand if we change our minds." Adam seemed to think
about the idea. He glanced at his reflection in the car window,
then at the hanger where Tommy and Kim had disappeared. </p>
<p>"I have to do this. If for no other reason than for Jason.
Everyone else has given up on them... I can’t let him down."
<p>"I understand." </p>
<p>"So, you’ll be heading back, then?" </p>
<p>"Are you kidding? And let you guys have all of the fun?"
Tanya smiled and looped her arm through his as the headed off
toward the hanger. </p>
<p align="center"><hr>
<p>"Hey, Kim, Tommy. Where are Adam and Tanya?"
Chandler asked, coming around the side of a small Plane. </p>
<p>"They’re right behind us," Tommy stated,
blowing into his hands to warm them. </p>
<p>"I’d like to introduce you two to a friend of mine.
This is Lloyd Gainer. He’s the best tracker we have around
here. He’s going to help us look for the boys." </p>
<p>"Nice to meet you. Did you help out in the search the
authorities did?" Tommy asked the large man. </p>
<p>Lloyd wasn’t your regular Joe. He must have been about
six-foot-five, Tommy figured, going by his own height of six-feet.
Though the man must have weighed well over three-hundred pounds,
he seemed well muscled. His hair was dark and long, and looked
like it hadn’t been washed for as long as it seemed he hadn’t
shaved. His eyes were dark beneath heavy brows, and they seemed
to hold a kind of wildness to them. </p>
<p>His choice of clothing seemed well suited for tracking in the
mountains. His body, from head to toe, was covered in layers of
buckskins and fur pelts. As he took in the various pelts, Tommy
cast his gaze toward Kim. This guy definitely had her hackles up,
though she was keeping her opinions to herself. Kim had always
been a stanch animal rights activist, and he knew she’d let
him have the full force of her ire once they were alone. </p>
<p>Turning his attention back to the man, Tommy offered his hand.
He was certain that the huge man would crush his hand within the
grip of his ham-sized fists, that’s why he was surprised
when the grip was firm, not crushing, and a smiled curved the man’s
lips as he pumped Tommy’s hand. The smile seemed to soften
the ruffness of the man a bit. Out of the corner of his eye he
saw Chandler hide a smile behind his hand. </p>
<p>"That I did, for a couple of days, until I was asked to
leave; because I was not part of the Search and Rescue team.
Politics." </p>
<p>"I completely understand. By the way, I’m Tommy
Oliver," Tommy began as he heard the hanger door open and
close. "This is my wife, Kim, and these two stragglers are
Adam Park and Tanya Sloan-Jackson. Guys, this is our guide, Lloyd
Gainer." </p>
<p>As the man shook each of their hands, Tommy had to stifle a
smile as both registered the same look of surprise he had just
moments before. </p>
<p>"Glad to meet you all. Jason and Jordy has some wonderful
friends." Lloyd smiled and headed out of the hanger to
finish his work. </p>
<p>"I’m just glad everyone showed up. I just want to
give everyone here a chance to change their minds, before we
leave. We may be out in this weather for a couple of days. It’s
going to be cold, wet and it won’t be easy. I’ll
understand if you don’t want to join me on this search,"
Chandler offered. </p>
<p>The small group of friends looked at one another without
saying a word. </p>
<p>"Jason was a great friend to us, and we owe it to him to
help in the search. He’s counting on us," Tanya uttered.
<p>"He couldn’t have asked for better friends."
Chandler smiled. "Okay. This is what our plans are: we’ll
take the chopper out to the meadow we flew over yesterday. There
we’ll land and tie down. From there we’ll hike into the
forest, use the path that my son said they’d be using that
day. It’s going to be hard, the weather will be working
against us. </p>
<p>"Keep your eyes, ears and mind open for anything</i>
you might think is strange or unusual." </p>
<p>"The supplies are loaded, so if everyone is ready..."
Lloyd called through the open door. He glanced at the rag-tag
team. They were inexperienced in search and rescue, especially in
the wild, but somehow he knew they’d all do just fine. </p>
<p>"Ready?" Chandler queried. He looked at each nod,
then grabbed up his pack. "All right then, let’s get
this show on the road." </p>
<p>The wind pushed at them as they left the hanger, the
helicopter tethered a hundred feet ahead. </p>
<p>There was no turning back now, as each former Ranger entered
the helicopter, on their way to search for their friend. </p>
<p align="center">Chapter 5: Into the Forest</b></p>
<p align="center">"There is evil and death in the
mountains." -Gary Brandner, "The Howling II"</i></p>
<p>The air was vibrating, the creature knew the air-thing had
returned. It strained to hear the sound of the strange bird, but
within the depths of the cave, all sounds were muffled. </p>
<p>Lazily it shifted from it’s resting place at the back of
the dank, rock room. The unfortunate rabbit it had captured
earlier, set like a rock in it’s stomach, but at least the
flesh was fresh and warm, an the pain of hunger was abated for
the time. </p>
<p>Carefully the creature neared the cave’s entrance where
the smell of rain, dead leaves and damp earth filled it’s
nostrils. Faintly it could smell something else. A familiar sent
mixed with something it couldn’t understand. Suddenly the
sound and the vibrations stopped. The creature pulled back from
the entrance. It understood the unfamiliar smell, now. The
strange bird had lit somewhere not far from it’s territory.
The smell was slowly dissipating, blown deeper into the forest by
the howling winds. </p>
<p>As the wind shifted, scattering leaves at the creature’s
feet, it brought a strong scent of the other smell, a very
familiar smell. Immediately the creature’s stomach growled. </p>
<p>Human. </p>
<p>Not as many as there had been, several suns ago, but enough to
feed the hunger. The creature’s body began to quiver, the
hunger roaring through it’s veins. It was too light, now, to
hunt the humans. For now it would locate them, watch them, then
when darkness fell, when they wouldn’t see it, it would
feast. </p>
<p>Shaking the leaves and dirt from it’s body, the beast
marked the entrance of the cave, then weaved it’s way
through the tree roots to the outside, then, like a specter, the
creature disappeared into the drizzle and the forest. </p>
<p align="center"><hr>
<p>Kim listened as the light rain struck the vinyl shell of her
coat, nearly drowning out the sound of activity around her. Lloyd
secured the rotor blades with lines, to the body of the
helicopter so the wind wouldn’t cause them to rotate, and
possibly bend or destroy them in some way. Adam and Chandler were
busy unloading the packs and supplies for the hike. </p>
<p>She was glad that she’d continued her gymnastic workouts,
even though she had turned to coaching, after the Pan Globals.
She’d need all the strength she could get when they headed
out. </p>
<p>"Kim, here’s your pack." Tommy handed the large
pack and frame to her. He started to slip his own on, then
stopped when he saw her pensive look. "Are you sure you’re
up to this?" </p>
<p>"I think so. After all, it is a little late to change my
mind." Tommy followed her gaze, watching as Chandler and
Lloyd finished tying down the chopper. "Besides," she
said, slipping her arms into the straps. "I was the one who
kept complaining that life had gotten too boring, after-" </p>
<p>"Zordon’s death. Yeah, that’s why I continued
on in the NASCAR circuit; the excitement." Tommy gave her a
warm smile, then helped her fasten on her pack. </p>
<p>Chandler watched the small group of kids. Kids</i>. He
shook his head. They all were over twenty, and yet, to him they
were kids. He gazed up to see grey clouds move slowly across the
sky. He headed toward the group, Lloyd trailing behind him. </p>
<p>"I know that this all seems strange, to be out here in
this kind of weather, but we can’t allow any more time to
pass by. If those two boys are still out there, they need us to
find them, and soon. Lloyd and I have made sure that we have all
the necessary supplies for three days. </p>
<p>"We’ll search the woods for two days and then head
back here. We’ll be able to get back faster, as we won’t
be slowed by the search." Chandler reached into a small side
pocket on his pack. From within it, he drew a small disk. He held
it up for everyone to see. "All of you have a compass in
your pack. Take it out and check your position. You will need to
remember the location of the helicopter, should any of you, for
any reason, become separated from the group." He watched as
everyone retrieved their compasses and checked their location.
"We’ll head into the wood to the South-West. We’ll
separate and spread out as we go. That way we can cover more
ground and have a better chance of noticing anything unfamiliar.
When we do spread out, never; I can’t emphasis this enough,
never loose eye contact with the person or persons around you. As
soon as you do notice you’ve lost sight of these people,
call out, nice and loud, so that we can locate you. </p>
<p>"Okay. Is everyone ready?" Chandler looked at the
group, each person nodding and checking their pack straps. He
glanced quickly at Lloyd, his lips curved in a slight grin.
"Then let’s move out. Lloyd, you take the lead." </p>
<p>From the dark cover of brush, two eyes peered out at the
motley group of humans as they entered the forest. Entered it’s
lair. </p>
<p>It watched them for some time, sniffing the air and their sent.
It’s mouth began to water in anticipation of the evenings
feast. The creature slipped from the bushes, shaking water from
it’s body. As it prepared to follow the humans, a breeze
brought the sound of creaking to it’s ears. </p>
<p>The creature stopped, sniffed the air, listening. slowly it
turned to see the strange bird sitting in the open meadow.
Curious, the creature cautiously approached the strange invader,
surprised when the bird did not try to fly away, as it drew
closer. </p>
<p>Casting a glance back at the forest, the creature proceeded to
circle the bird, smelling it, striking out with it’s claws.
The sound of it’s claws striking the bird, stirred up a
faint memory, but as the beast strove to catch the fleeting
memory, it disappeared. With a growl, the beast struck out at the
bird’s eyes, causing small fractures to spread over the eye.
Still the bird did not respond. Mildly satisfied that it had
harmed the strange creature, the beast set off in pursuit of it’s
meal. </p>
<p align="center">Chapter 6: The Hunt</b></p>
<p align="center">At first it was nothing she could define,
just a prickling of the skin and a sort of chill down her back.
Then she knew what it was. Someone was watching her. -Gary
Brandner, "The Howling II"</i></p>
<p>Tanya checked her watch. 2:00pm. In one way it seemed like
they hadn’t been hiking for very long, and yet it seemed
like they’d been walking forever. </p>
<p>They had landed in the meadow around 8:30 that morning and had
headed into the forest around 8:45 or 9:00. They hadn’t yet
stopped for lunch, it being unanimous that they wanted to cover
as much ground as the light and weather would permit. She was
just thankful that it wasn’t hot, as it had cut down on how
much water she needed to consume, leaving her more for later. She
was also grateful that the rain had let up some. The clouds still
filled the sky, but the rain had stopped for the time being. </p>
<p>Sighing deeply; adjusting the straps of her pack, Tanya looked
to her left to catch a glimpse of Chandler through the trees. He
waved to her as he leapt over a fallen tree. She waved back in
acknowledgment. </p>
<p>They had yet to discover anything unusual or out of place, but
they really didn’t expect to find anything this soon. </p>
<p>Casually she glanced to her right. Seeing another figure in
the trees, she waved and turned her gaze back to the forest in
front of her. Suddenly she stopped. In her mind she went over her
placement in the line. Furthest to her left was Lloyd, Tommy,
Kim, Adam, Chandler... then... her. With her heart lodged in her
throat, she looked back to her right. </p>
<p>Nothing. </p>
<p>Had she been seeing things? </p>
<p>Slowly she took a few steps in the direction in which she
thought she’d seen someone. Carefully she searched the trees
for movement. "Jason? Jordy? Is anyone there?" </p>
<p>The sound of Tanya’s voice brought Chandler to a dead
stop. Ducking beneath a limb, he spotted her just ahead of him. </p>
<p>"Everyone, stop where you are," he shouted over his
shoulder, as he headed toward Tanya. </p>
<p>Hearing twigs snapping behind her, she turned, startled.
Holding her chest, she sighed in relief to see Chandler
approaching her. </p>
<p>"What’s up?" </p>
<p>"I thought I saw someone... something. But now, I can’t
see anything. I called out, but there was no answer." </p>
<p align="center"><hr>
<p>The creature watched from the shadow of a large tree. The
female human had seen him, and called out before he could get
close enough to her. A male human joined her. She stood a ways
away from the male, but too close for it to safely attack the
female. </p>
<p>From it’s spot in the shadows, the creature tried to will
the woman closer to it. It’s stomach growled hungrily at the
thought of the warm, fresh flesh. </p>
<p>Patience, the beast chanted within it’s head. Patience. </p>
<p align="center"><hr>
<p>"What did you find?" Adam called from his spot in
the line. He could feel the excitement and dread coursed through
him, all at once. </p>
<p>"Nothing. Tanya thought she saw something, but it must
have only been shadows." Chandler replied as he scanned the
forest. "We’d better get going. I don’t think the
weather is going to hold back for too much longer," he
announced, as he gazed up at the darkening clouds. </p>
<p>"Yeah, I guess you’re right." </p>
<p>Tanya continued to scan the forest as she listened to Chandler
move off. Sighing in frustration, she turned to join the others.
From somewhere in the shadows of the forest, a voice called out
to her; like the sigh of the wind calling out her name. At first
she thought she was just hearing things. The need to find Jason
and Jordy, playing on her mind. She paused briefly. She looked to
her left to see Chandler heading away into the forest. Shaking
her head, she started to follow him, but stopped once more. </p>
<p>Again she heard her name called, and the voice calling to her
seemed distant and distorted. She brushed the hair from her face,
the wind picking up, scattering leaves at her feet. "It’s
just the wind." Tanya gazed up into the tree tops, listening
as the wind sighed through their branches. </p>
<p>"Taaannnyyyaaa...</i>" Her head snapped around.
It wasn’t the wind. Someone was calling to her, she was sure
of it. </p>
<p>"Hello? Jason? Jordy?" Slowly she moved toward the
sound of the voice, uncertain of what she would find. </p>
<p align="center"><hr>
<p>The creature could sense the female coming closer, and it’s
body began to quiver and tighten like a coil, waiting for the
human to draw even closer. Carefully the beast gazed out from it’s
hiding place to find that the human had stopped and was looking
around. She was closer, but not enough. The kill needed to be
quick, so that there would be little sound to alarm the others. </p>
<p>Slowly the beast called to her, letting it’s lips form,
barely remembered, words around it’s fangs. "Taaannnyyyaaa...</i>"
<p>Tanya turned to face a thick grove of trees. The shadows deep
within their trunks, dark and fear-inspiring. It was within this
grove that the voice had called. </p>
<p>A blast of cold wind bit into her, driving her sideways. For a
few minutes she held her ground against the blast, then continued
forward. </p>
<p>The beast felt the hunger grow within it’s stomach, as
saliva dripped from it’s sharp teeth. Closer... closer...
it’s time to feed</i>, the creature’s mind chanted. </p>
<p>As the female drew near, the beast slowed it’s rapid
breathing, raised unusually long arms up, claws extended, ears
listening intently as it prepared for the attack. </p>
<p>The voice had ceased calling to her, and as she neared the
grove the hairs on the back of her neck began to raise. Something’s
wrong</i>, she thought. But what if it’s Jason or Jordy?
What if they’re hurt?</i> Questions continued to war within
her mind as she reached the outer most tree. Carefully she peered
into the darkening shadows, trying to make out the slightest
movement. </p>
<p>Closer. Closer</i>. The creature could smell the blood
pumping through her veins. Could taste the adrenaline in the air.
The beast’s body stopped quivering and tightened up like a
coiled spring, ready for the female to take the few more steps
that would bring her to it. </p>
<p>Tanya stepped into the shadows, gazing around the trunks of
the trees as she passed them. Suddenly, ahead of her she spotted
a slight movement. Holding her breath she watched the shadows,
waiting for the movement again. </p>
<p>There it was, so slight that if she had not been looking for
it, she would have missed it. Carefully she moved toward the
movement, trying to focus on it’s shape. </p>
<p>Ready...</i> </p>
<p>As the movement became more pronounced, Tanya stopped. </p>
<p>NOW!</i> </p>
<p>Tanya screamed as something grabbed her from behind, spinning
her back in the direction in which she’d just come. Eyes
wide, heart pounding, she felt her legs begin to give way under
her, threatening to drop her to the ground. </p>
<p>"We thought we’d lost you. What are you doing?"
Chandler demanded, releasing her shoulder. </p>
<p>"I-I thought... I heard someone." Chandler looked at
the stricken girl, letting his anger subside. </p>
<p>"I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you." </p>
<p>"I’m okay. I thought I saw something moving in the
trees." Tanya pointed into the shadows. Chandler stepped
forward, gazing into the darkness. Chuckling, he shook his head. </p>
<p>"It’s just a few leaves on a broken branch. Come on,
daylights slipping by." </p>
<p>Feeling silly, Tanya let Chandler guide her, by the elbow,
back to the awaiting group so that they could continue in their
search. </p>
<p>As the duo moved away, a deep rumbling, growl followed them on
the breeze, from the grove. Never reaching their ears. </p>
<p>STUPID!</i> </p>
<p>The creature had been concentrating so hard on the female,
that it had not heard the male approach, and had almost exposed
itself to them both. That would have been foolish, it would have
lost the advantage of surprise. </p>
<p>Growling again, the beast lashed out at another nearby tree,
leaving deep scars in the bark, as the creature put a bit of
distance between it and it’s prey. It would continue to
stalk them from a distance. </p>
<p align="center">Chapter 7: The Storm</b></p>
<p align="center">There was thunder there was lightning then
the stars went out and the moon fell from the sky. -Tom Waits,
"Earth Died Screaming"</i></p>
<p>As the evening sky grew darker, the rain began to fall harder.
For an hour they had been following Lloyd, who had told them of
the location of a cave they could us for shelter for the night.
Kim was beginning to wonder if the huge man really knew of such a
cave, or if he was just hoping to stumble upon one. </p>
<p>The group had kept the conversations down to a minimum, but
she was pretty sure that they all were as miserable as she was.
Her coat had only detoured the rain for a short time, but now her
clothes clung to her like a second skin. Her boots were heavy
with mud and the rain was even beginning to seep into them as
well. Thank goodness that her backpack seemed to be keeping her
back warm, though the added weight of the water was causing that
straps to bite painfully into her shoulders. </p>
<p>Kim looked to her left as Chandler caught up with her. </p>
<p>"How are you doing?" </p>
<p>"Cold, wet, tired. Other than that... fine."
Chandler laughed, which made her smile. </p>
<p>"That’s just about the same answer I’ve gotten
from everyone else." </p>
<p>"Chandler, can I ask you something?" </p>
<p>"Shoot." </p>
<p>"Lloyd’s not leading us around in circles, is he? I
mean... we’ve been trying to get to this ‘cave’
for an hour now, and..." </p>
<p>"I’d be wondering that myself... if it wasn’t
for the fact that I know Lloyd so well, and trust him."
Chandler could see the relief in her smile. "Don’t
worry. We’ll be there soon. You’d better turn your
flashlight on; makes it easier to keep track of everyone now that
it’s starting to get dark." </p>
<p>"Okay." Kim unclasped the flashlight from her belt,
flicking it on with a trembling finger. She glanced to the side,
noticing that Chandler had fallen back in line somewhere behind
them, bringing up the rear. </p>
<p>A howl suddenly split the silence, causing everyone to jump.
Kim growled, "I’m really starting to hate that wolf,"
as she continued on. </p>
<p>When they’d first head the howl, they’d questioned
Lloyd and Chandler about it, and they both assured them that the
wolves were normal and wouldn’t bother them. Now Kim wanted
them to define the word ‘bother’. </p>
<p>A sudden flash of lightening lit up the sky, causing her to
jump; her body tightening up in the anticipation of the thunder
that would soon follow. And as the roar rolled over the forest,
the rain began to fall in buckets. </p>
<p>"Oh, great!" </p>
<p>Ahead of her the group began to slow, their combined
flashlights lighting up the darkness around them. As Kim joined
the rest of the team, she sought out Tommy, and the comforting
warmth of his arms. </p>
<p>Once everyone had joined the group, Lloyd began to speak as
loudly as he could over the pounding rain. </p>
<p>"I’m sorry that it’s taken so long to get to
the cave," Chandler must have told him about her concerns</i>,
Kim thought as she listened to him continue. "We have less
than a mile now, to get there. </p>
<p>"Now, we have to follow along this small ridge, so watch
your footing. It’s not a sharp drop, but it is a steep one.
So just be careful. Are we ready?" </p>
<p>Everyone acknowledged that they were, so Lloyd headed out
first, followed by the rest of the group, Chandler bringing up
the rear once more. </p>
<p>"Are you starting to regret coming?" Tommy asked Kim
as he pulled her tighter to her side. </p>
<p>"Yeah, but I’m doing this for Jason. You know he
would be doing this if it was one of us missing." </p>
<p>"I know. That’s what’s kept me going. And I bet
if you were to ask Tanya and Adam, they’d say the same thing."
<p>"I know they would." </p>
<p>Ahead of them a cluster of tress blocked their path, leaving a
small trial along the edge of the ridge. Each member of the group
moved along slowly, placing the trunks of the trees at their
backs as they carefully moved along the small path. As each
person passed, pieces of the muddy ridge broke loose, falling
away beneath their feet, tumbling down into the ravine below them.
<p>Kim held back, letting Tommy pass in front of her. She held
her breath as a piece of the trail broke away, causing him to
stumble. When he’d finally reached the other side, she
sighed in relief and gazed behind her. Tanya had nearly reached
their position. Not wanting the rest of the group to have to wait
on her, Kim slowly began to make her way around the trees. On the
other side, Tommy stretched out his hand for her. Carefully she
reached out to grasp it, the space between them growing smaller. </p>
<p>Kim was just mere inches from reaching Tommy’s hand when
another flash of lightning startled her, causing her to jump
slightly. That was all the ledge needed, giving away completely
beneath her. With a scream, Kim felt the ground give way beneath
her feet. Tommy called out to her, trying to grab her as she
started to fall. Using years of gymnastic training, she twisted
her body, leaping toward Tommy’s out stretched hand. But the
weight of the pack strapped to her back, pulled her back as she
felt her fingers slide across the palm of Tommy’s wet hand. </p>
<p>With a shriek of panic, she dug her fingers into the muddy
wall of the ridge, trying to stop the fall or at least try to
slow it. She watched, helpless, as the flashlight went spinning
into the darkness below her and to her left. </p>
<p>Unexpectedly, her feet hit something below her, flipping her
back away from the wall of the ridge, to land her on her back;
arched over the pack that was still strapped to her. </p>
<p>As the thunder filled the forest, Kim gasped for air, her
heart pounding as the rain continued to sting her face. Blinking
her eyes she looked up into the darkness above her, to find a
beam of a flashlight flashing in the air above her, then down at
her. </p>
<p>"Kim! Are you all right?" came Tommy’s
terrified voice. </p>
<p>"Yeah. I think so. I just need to catch my breath." </p>
<p>"I’m coming down-" </p>
<p>"No! I’ll need all of you to help me out of here."
<p align="center">Chapter 8: Lost and Found</b></p>
<p align="center">"A thing." "A thing?"
"I think it... must have been a bear." -William W.
Johnstone, "Wolfsbane"</i></p>
<p>As light flashed down at her from above, Kim rolled to her
side and staggered to her feet under the weight of the back pack.
<p>"Hang on. Lloyd’s getting the ropes out. We’ll
toss the end down to you and pull you up," Tommy said
looking down at her. Kim waved up to him to let him. </p>
<p>"I’m not going anywhere." As she waited, she
glanced around trying to locate her flashlight. Catching a
glimpse of something out of the corner of her eye she reached
down to pick up a battery. "Damn." She turned it over
in her hand. The flashlight must have broken apart in the
fall,</i> she thought. </p>
<p>With nothing better to do, she continued looking around the
area for the rest of her flashlight. Feeling something break
under her foot, she stopped and backed up. Carefully she plucked
a finger-sized piece of plastic from the ground. </p>
<p>"Yep. Broken." Shaking her head, she moved back to
the side of the ravine. From above her, out of the darkness,
snaked the white length of rope. Stretching out, being careful of
her footing, she grasped the end, pulling it to her. </p>
<p align="center"><hr>
<p>The shapes of the humans took on a different look within the
confines of the darkness. The beast’s eyes shifted, watching
the glowing images of the humans. It had stalked them all day,
never getting close enough to attack, not since the female,
earlier. </p>
<p>It had waited for the darkness, knowing that it’s time
would come then, but as the night closed in, the humans grouped
together, one never straying far from the others. So, with hunger
cramping it’s stomach, the creature continued to stalk them.
<p>Now, as it watched, one of the humans had become separated
from the group, alone and vulnerable. </p>
<p>A feast. </p>
<p>Carefully, the beast slipped from the trees, gazing down into
the ravine. Somewhere ahead, in the dark, was the lone human. The
beast could hear the rhythmic beating of the female’s heart,
could smell her adrenaline rich blood. Slowly the creature let it’s
long tongue glide hungrily over the sharp edges of it’s
teeth. It would feed soon. The fresh flesh quelching the ache in
it’s empty stomach. </p>
<p>Letting it’s thoughts wonder, the beast made it’s
way back the other way, to a point where it would be better able
to enter the ravine without being seen by the humans. </p>
<p align="center"><hr>
<p>"I can’t get my footing. The sides are too muddy,"
Kim called up, as she wiped the rain soaked strands of her hair
from her eyes. Then she gripped the wet rope once more. </p>
<p>Above her, the group had wrapped their shirt tails in their
hands to better hold the rain slick rope. </p>
<p>"Is there anything you can grab onto to help pull
yourself up? Like tree roots or something?" Adam asked from
above. </p>
<p>"It’s too dark. I can’t see anything and my
flashlight is broken." </p>
<p>"We’ve got the rope, Adam. Take your flashlight and
shine it down for her," Chandler called out from the front
of the rope. </p>
<p>Slowly Adam released the rope, making sure that the other
indeed had a hold of it. Then, grabbing up his flashlight, he
moved to the side of the ravine, laying down on his stomach in
the mud and slowly stretching out his arm and flashlight toward
Kim below him. </p>
<p>Carefully he pulled himself closer to the edge, gazing down
into the ravine.
Standalone number 7 By Cinders