The Assessment
By R. Buell
By R. Buell
The sky is dark, filled with dim-lit stars. The desert sands roll across the plain on command from the wind. Two Arabians, both holding canes, walk cautiously across the desert. The wind becomes very heavy, forcing the two men to cover themselves up. The older man falls down to the ground and covers his face as the second one is able to withhold the force.
Suddenly, a bright light comes over the two men. The standing man places his hand in front of his face and looks towards the light.
He sees a huge cloud come out of nowhere, with lightning flashing constantly out of the storm cloud. The flashes hit the earth mightily and is followed by an instant BOOM. Several strikes are made.
A huge, thick flash hits the earth, but does not disappear, it remains to attack the ground constantly. Strike after strike it hits over and over again. Finally the lightning disappears, and the wind dies down again.
The elder man stands back up and the two look in the distance to see a fire blazing.
A scream is heard!
MAN ONE: Hakim, Hakim!!!!
The two men run towards the fire quickly, holding on to their canes. Their feet kick in the sand. They finally reach the fire to find a huge hole. The two men break up and walk around the huge crater. Down in the middle, a figure lays covered in what it appears to be black shiny liquid.
The two men run down towards the body only to be startled when the body sits up. The body is a male, looks as young as 16. He is very tan and has long, parted brown hair. His eyes roll around, as if he is unconscious. The two men approach the body cautiously.
BOY: (screams)
MAN ONE: (speaking different language) What is it?
MAN TWO: Where did you come from?
MAN ONE: It is a devil! You saw it come from the sky?
The boy sits up and opens his eyes.
BOY: (in a dark voice, shouting to the heavens) SPECTEEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!
The boy tosses and turns, acting insane.
In space, a ship comes to picture. The ship rests near a planet.
Inside, Geragin, and other alien crew members continue to monitor the ship activity.
GERAGIN: I want all locations mapped and stored in the database. I want constant monitoring over Stalvik.
A beep is sounded.
SOLDIER: Sir, a ship is approaching.
SOLDIER: From behind.
GERAGIN: Show me on the monitor!
A screen above turns on revealing a picture of outerspace. No ship appears in the picture, only thousands of stars.
GERAGIN: What is this?
SOLDIER: I don't know, sir. The sensors are indicating a ship, about 150 meters approaching at 15 miles per second.
Geragin, impatiently walks over to the monitor where the soldier sits and looks at the screen. The soldier is right, the computer screen reveals signs of the presence of a ship.
GERAGIN: That's impossible, where is it?
Suddenly, from the screen a flash of light is projected towards the ship. A second later their ships shakes from the blast. Several people fall to the ground. A few wires loosen and sparks fly. Geragin still holds strong.
SOLDIER 2: Sir, our database is being downloaded.
GERAGIN: (walks over) By whom?
SOLDIER 2: I don't know, sir, and I don't know how to stop it!
Suddenly, another sound is heard!
SOLDIER 3: (in panic) Sir, our teleportation systems have been activated. We're being boarded!
The ship shakes again at the reaction of another blast. Geragin falls to the ground. Suddenly, a door opens up and several alien soldiers enter holding weapons. Geragin stands up and runs out the door. A few soldiers call to him but Geragin does not respond, he continues to run down a hall.
A few of the alien soldiers load their weapons up and fire. Lasers come out of the guns. Geragin manages to duck the lasers and turns into a room and seals the door. Geragin rests for a minute and then approaches a computer desk. He presses a few buttons and waits.
STALVIK: Stalvik.
GERAGIN: (out of breath) Sir, our ship has been overtaken.
STALVIK: (still in command chamber) By whom?
GERAGIN: I'm not sure. They've downloaded all our locations that have been mapped. I suggest you get out of there now.
STALVIK: Don't worry about me, get out of the ship immediately!
GERAGIN: Where shall I meet you--
STALVIK: No, don't say anything, we're probably being listened to. Now don't say anything. Do you remember the place I talked to you about?
GERAGIN: (breathing heavily. In the background you hear people clawing and digging at the door) Planet Hope?
STALVIK: Yes, go there! Out. (he closes his communicator)
Geragin gets up and looks around the room he has been imprisoned to. He finds a vent in the bottom of the wall and bangs it until it falls off. He climbs into it until he meets another vent in which he repeats the destruction process. He crawls out and finds himself in a room titled "Teleportation". He approaches the main computer only to find all systems locked.
GERAGIN: Shit! They've cut all control! Dammit!
Geragin thinks to himself. He then begins to tap several buttons quickly. Several times he comes to the same answer "Access denied".
GERAGIN: Come on, where did you put it?
Suddenly, the computer allows him access again. He hits a few buttons. The computer responds..
COMPUTER: Self destruct sequence has been inticiated. 20 seconds.
GERAGIN: Now that I did the dirty work, time to get the hell out of here!
He clanks at the computer, and finally he is given access to the transportation system.
COMPUTER: Destruction in 5 seconds!
COMPUTER: Destination?
GERAGIN: (gets on metal plate) Hope!
In outerspace, the ships is seen. A second later an explosion comes from the right side of the ship and works its way to the left, destroying the entire ship. The debris flies everywhere. A few pieces fly back and meet some invisible force and bounce off it. Suddenly, a ship is decloaked and it moves towards the planet.
[down at the planet]
Stalvik gathers disks and rushes around. He places them all in his pouch. He then drops a disk that is titled "Alpha". He stares at it for a minute and then picks it up. He glances over at the robot that is being energized. He walks slowly over to it.
He looks around, trying to find a place to put in the disk. On top of the helmet, he finds a slide-in space and he inserts it.
The machine begins to shake and jump. It then begins to make a few sounds.
MACHINE: Aye-Yai yai!!! (it begins to sound deeper and slows) yai.......yai....yai...
A loud bang is heard. Stalvik turns around and sees that the cave entrance has been blown up to bigger proportions. He hears footsteps. He turns back around and observes the machine. Alpha 4 begins to movie more normally. Finally it speaks:
ALPHA 4: Scanning for viruses... checking all systems....fetching memory banks.
Suddenly, a compartment opens up on the top of the dish.
ALPHA 4: Halt. Intruder! Intruder!! Intruder!!
The compartment flashes. Stalvik ducks as a beam flies through the air and meets the wall across the room. It creates a blast of fire. Alpha 4 runs away from Stalvik to the control decks.
ALPHA 4: More intruders!! Aye yai yai yai yai!!!
Alpha 4 activates a door to close above where Stalvik enters just before the footsteps near!
Stalvik gets to his feet. Behind him, Alpha 4 activates the laser mechanism once again.
ALPHA 4: Don't move!!
Stalvik puts his hands up. Alpha 4 approaches.
ALPHA 4: What quadrant are you from?
ALPHA 4: What quadrant? Are you from Terik, or Tampa Quadrant?
STALVIK: I have no idea what you are talking about.
ALPHA 4: (his eyes redden, and it's voice becomes deeper and more assertive) I won't ask you again! Answer the question!
STALVIK: I'm from Altar! Altar! That's no quadrant!
ALPHA 4: Lie! (Alpha picks up Stalvik and throws him on the control deck)
Stalvik falls to the floor and backs up! Alpha walks slowly towards him.
STALVIK: I activated you!
ALPHA 4: What do you want, a medal?
STALVIK: Why don't you believe me?
Alpha continues to approach Stalvik as he backs away.
ALPHA 4: I have been programmed to destroy! Destroy all enemies!
STALVIK: (screams in panic) I'm no enemy! I came here track down Zordon's footsteps.
ALPHA 4: Who sent you?
STALVIK: (glances at part of the screen he was looking at previously) Power- Power Rangers?!?!
Alpha 4 stops in it's tracks. It's heads cocks to the right. Stalvik stops!
STALVIK: I've been tracking down Zordon, your creator! (slowly walks towards the robot with his hands in front)
ALPHA 4: Zordon has left me!
ALPHA 4: Destination unknown! He said he will be back to retrieve me!
STALVIK: How long has it been?
ALPHA 4: 132 years, 6 days and 4 hours, 32 minutes and 3 seconds.
A blast is heard and part of the door comes lose.
STALVIK: Listen to me, Alpha 4. I need to get out of here. You can come along with me to find him!
ALPHA 4: You know where he is?
STALVIK: There's no time. Can you get us out of here?
ALPHA 4: I can activate the transportation system.
STALVIK: Excellent! Excellent, Alpha 4!
Alpha 4 clanks on the machine very quickly. A door opens up in the distance. Alpha 4 walks towards it and Stalvik follows. In the room, a few dishes lay on the floor. Alpha 4 activates them.
ALPHA 4: Destination?
Alpha 4 cocks it's head again in confusion.
STALVIK: I mean, Earth!
Alpha 4 enters the place in the computer.
ALPHA 4: That's funny, the last transmission came from there.
The two stand on the dish as the army breaks in. The two teleport away.
The army rushes in. They all are armed. A man, who's face is covered in a mask walks down to the base. The rest of the army searches for Stalvik.
SOLDIER: Lord Mesphito! This appears to be an old--
MESPHITO: I know where we are, Soldier, no need to reiterate it.
Mesphito's voice is deep yet light.
MESPHITO: Yes, I know where we are! And I know why he came here!
Mesphito looks over to the pod where Alpha 4 was stored. He then looks at the screen and sees a now blank space covering the wall.
SOLDIER: Sir, this room is locked!
Mesphito smiles. He walks over to it!
MESPHITO: Are you in there Stalvik? >No Answer< (he becomes frustrated) Zordon is DEAD!!! (to guard) Blast down the door!
They do. A few soldiers enter the room and Mesphito follows.
SOLDIER: There's no sign of him.
Mesphito looks at the computer screen. The word Earth comes along.
SOLDIER: Shall we try and look for an escape route?
MESPHITO: No, don't bother. Contact the ship. We're going to Earth!