Transdimensional Archives

[See Skyland and the Jewel Rangers for disclaimer]

Crystal Clear
By Sarah-Lynn Brown

Part I: Their Leader Shall come First

2113: Small bands of Black Nebula's Dark Army are already in Earth's solar system. First, they observe a civilization, then they invade and conquer it.

The day before the Prism Ranger arrived to Earth to form a new team of Power Rangers, a small scout group of the Dark Army had already landed. The six soldiers arrived on the Lunar colony of New Angel Grove with plans to separate New Angel Grove from the other colonies and hold it captive. The soldiers plant explosives in the tunnels between the colonies and sabotage all the shuttle pads. High frequency devices are placed in key places throughout the dome city.

[Saturday, 6:00am - A fifteen year-old girl named Skyland Parks wakes up in her parent's home. She climbs out of bed and walks to her window and raises the blinds. She quietly looks out at the globe in the distance, partially obscured by other buildings of the city and dimmed slightly by the UV filter built into the dome. In the distance, she sees a man hanging from a rope off the side of a building and attaching some object to it, but she is too tired to wonder. She closes the blinds again and goes to her bathroom to shower.]

[10:00 am - Skyland has been working in her parents office for the past two hours, typing in experiment notes onto the computer. Most of the time she can help them with experiments, but their current experiment is too critical for Sky to sit in on. Sky squints at a word her father had scribbled and can't make it out.]

Sky-(she murmurs to herself).. Oh for heavens sake, won't they ever begin to use a Tech Pad! It is only the twenty-second century, as if they don't know how wasteful using paper is. Silly old "Scientific Traditions"!!

[Sky hears footsteps and glances out the door to see a man dressed in long, black clothes walking down the hall. This strikes Sky as odd because the temperature controls in New Angel Grove are set on temperate, most people in the city wear light colored and short sleeved clothing year-round. She gets a glimpse of his emotionless face as he turns his head and looks in the room she is in. Sky fakes a smile at him and then looks away. He made her stomach churn.]

[Just moments after he is out of sight, Skyland gets up and follows him down the hall. With her father's notepad in hand, she turned to unused pages and with a pencil, she quickly sketches out his face as she creeps ahead....She hears him stop and she stops, continuing on the sketch, while listening tentatively. She hears a rustle and a smacking sound, then a few buttons being pressed. Sky realizes this is her cue to hide. She quickly opens a door and hides in an empty office. She hears his steps go by her outside and off down the hall. A couple minutes later, once she is sure that he is gone, she comes out of the office. Sky goes down the hall and looks for whatever it was he put down there, but only sees an open window. She goes up to it and looks out, then as she pulls her head back inside, she notices that there is a environmental detector where she never thought one was before. She gets up close to the wall and looks up at the saucer-shaped device closely. It looks much like all the detectors do, but none of the detectors she had seen had a remote interface link on them. Sky figures it must be what the man had planted and gets a chair, opening the cover of it with her antique Swiss Army Knife. Peering inside, she instantly recognizes it as being a high powered sound device. Skyland removes it from the wall and takes it to another one of the labs in the building where there is a sound-proof room not being used and sets it off. The sound emitted by the device makes her drop it and cover her ears with sound blockers. She goes to it and shuts it off quickly and leaves the lab.]

Skyland- I need to notify the Mayor about this device!

[Skyland, familiar with the Mayor because of dinners held honoring the scientists of New Angel Grove, figured the Mayor might remember her and listen. She paces through the blocks of the city with the device in her backpack and about twenty minutes later arrives at the Mayor's office to find out he is unavailable for the next hour. Skyland pleads with his male receptionist that it is very important, but she is dismissed. While Sky is still pleading, the Mayor comes out to demand silence so he can read his journals. Sky takes the opportunity to talk to him. She pulls off her sack and reaches inside]

Skyland- Mr. Mayor!! I need to Speak to you! It is URGENT!!

[The Mayor turns and dismisses Skyland]

Mayor- Go away CHILD!!...I won't listen to your parents' rantings, nor yours, either.

Skyland- But I really have to speak to YOU!!!

[Sky barges into his office behind him and slams the door shut. She pulls the device out of her sack and shows it to the Mayor, who looks shocked by her forcefulness. She tosses it to him. He awkwardly catches it and looks at her, flabbergasted.]

Skyland- That is what I wanted to speak to you about. I found it planted in the 12th street Science and Technology building, on the fourth floor. It was only down the hall from where my parents and other top New Angel Grove scientists work!!

Mayor- Who planted it?

Skyland- (holds up her sketch of the"dark' man) This guy!!

[The mayor turns pale white, recognizing what the man is.]

Skyland- So the Dark Army is about to invade Earth!

Mayor- Yes, that is how it looks.....What does it do?

Skyland- It emits...

[Skyland's words are drained out by all the other planted devices going off. Explosions rumble through the city as the tunnels are sealed off. The Mayor turns green and holds his ears from the painful sound. Skyland puts on her pair of sound blockers and wraps a second pair over the Mayor's ears. She signs for him to leave the building immediately and he goes out the fire escape. Skyland sees a couple of soldiers coming up the street and goes to the Mayor's computer. She hacks into the Technology Mainframe of New Angel Grove and trips off the old anti-hostile takeover virus through the computer. The virus is sent through all the mainframes and computers, shutting down everything but life support and other necessities. She then gets up and destroys the computer, since a virus release can be counteracted in the first ten minutes, but only by the computer that sent the command. Just as the computer is fizzling and sparking from being destroyed, several of the Dark Army soldiers bust into the Mayor's office and see no one.]

[Skyland is already safely out the fire escape and goes back to her parents' lab. She sets up the old ham radio to send a signal to the next colony as to the state of New Angel Grove in the attempted take over.]

[Within two hours, the police of New Angel Grove were able to capture the six Dark Soldiers and the colonies began to excavate the destroyed tunnels and launch pads. Travel to and off of the Lunar colonies was immediately banned until an "All Clear" is given. Skyland is in the papers and on news casts the next day.]

[The Prism Ranger assures Zordon that Skyland is the Orange Ranger. Lucent (the Prism Ranger) meets Skyland and is respective of the young girl's decisiveness and bravery. She gives her a prism crystal which, when in the possession of Skyland, transforms into an orange jeweled necklace. Skyland becomes the Orange Jewel Ranger.]


Part II: Finding the Yellow, Green, Purple, and Blue Jewel Rangers

[The Prism Ranger, Lucent, calls for Skyland to come to her spacecraft, which is in orbit above Earth for the second step of putting together the new Power Ranger team. Skyland, in her unmorphed Ranger attire, beams aboard Lucent's craft and is met by Osiris, Lucent's pet. The little light energy, dog-like "spark" yips a friendly, high pitched sound and dances around Skyland as she attempts to find Lucent in the large, dim room. A voice calls out from a dark corner. "Ayeee tiryulu Osiris!" The little "spark" bounces over to the corner in which Lucent is standing. The light given off by Osiris reflects up upon her. She emerges from the darkness holding four crystals in her hands.]

Lucent- I sense.... four other "Rangers" on Earth. The crystals are drawn to there energy. Once you were found, there ability to locate the other "Rangers" was strengthened .....It is time to release them. (Lucent holds up the crystals, which each faintly glow a particular color.)

Skyland- Release the crystals, how? What will that do?

Lucent- The crystals are attracted to persons with the gifts to be Rangers....Once the strongest energy source, the leader, is found, the other crystals are able to configure to the remaining Rangers....In a modern comparison you were like a radio station with a frequency so strong that you were overpowering the signals of several other stations.

[Skyland smiles at the comparison]

Skyland- Well, how do we get in touch with these other stations?

Lucent- Come, I'll show you! [Lucent walks to a hatch of the craft and it opens to show the Earth rotating below. Skyland is startled by the sight and instinctively backs up.]

Lucent- Don't worry, the force field won't allow any living, cellular objects to pass through.

Skyland- I grew up on the moon, but I always had more than just an energy field between myself and space. That is just practical and smart, but if you insist it is safe...

Lucent- Sure it is safe...(looks down to Osiris)..Pa tamee alisurta, Osiris!

[Osiris dashes up to the field and runs right through it and in a circle in the space beyond the ship and comes back inside the ship yapping. Skyland looks at Lucent oddly.]

Lucent- See, I told you it is safe. But don't you try to run through the force field. [She looks down to Osiris ] Thank you, Osiris, please go lay down now.

[Osiris lets up a short yip then goes to a corner of the room and lays down. He dims somewhat as he quickly goes off to sleep.]

Lucent (continues)- Skyland, look onto Earth as I release the power crystals.

[Lucent tosses up her arms and the four crystals shoot forward over the Earth and then blast apart in four directions. The first shoots out toward Eastern Asia, the second to the Mid-West United States, the third to South America, and the fourth to the Great Lakes region of North America.]

Lucent- .....See where they have gone? They are going to the four "Rangers" (Lucent turns to Skyland.) ... The way that the Jewels work is unlike powers given by any other source and must be protected. Persons who might normally make fine Rangers may not necessarily be able to be a Jewel Ranger since the qualifications differ. I don't choose the recipients of the Jewels so much as the Jewels do. They imprint on individuals with great amounts of mental and physical energy and a strong sense of goodness in their hearts. Now that they have found there owners, I can teleport them to my ship.

Skyland- How?

Lucent- The Jewels emit a frequency my sensors can pick up. Zordon is about to join us via the viewing screen over there... Lights up, Omega! (she says to the ship, which raises the light level)

[Moments later, Zordon and Alpha appear on the viewing screen. Then the Prism Ranger goes to a control panel and looks at the screen above it, then up to Zordon.]

Lucent- Do you have location locks as well, Zordon?

Zordon- Yes!

Alpha- Initializing. Beam up!

[In several moments, four young people are beamed aboard Lucent's ship. They are initially startled by Lucent and Zordon's appearance, but get curious when they can see out the catch to see Earth below them. Among the four "Rangers" are an Asian male (Brice); an African American female (Jenii); a Native American male (Evin); and a Latin American female (Deidre, a.k.a. "Daisy").

Brice- Where are we?

Daisy- Are you a part of the Dark Army?

Zordon- No, you are aboard the Prism Ranger's ship. My name is Zordon, I'm the commander of the Power Rangers.

[The youths get confused looks upon their faces. Skyland steps in to clarify.]

Sky- My name is Skyland Parks, I'm the Orange Jewel Ranger. I was chosen to be a Power Ranger the same way all of you were chosen. Each of you have in your possession a crystal, that transforms......

[The four teens look into there pockets for the crystal that they possessed. In the hands of each, it transforms into the respective Jeweled necklace.]

Sky-...It, along with your natural talents, are what have made you a Ranger. You simply now need to learn how to call upon and use your powers.

Lucent- You must first place your jewel around your neck.

[They all do so]

Lucent- Then you call out "(--color-- stone--jewel--) Jewel Ranger power !!" with your hands in a diamond shape in front of your jewel. Then push your hands forward.....(she walks up to Jenii) Jenii, you are the Purple Jewel Ranger, with the power of the Amethyst and Purple Spinel. (to Brice) Brice, you are the Green Jewel Ranger, with the power of the Jade and Emerald. (to Daisy) Daisy, You are the Yellow Jewel Ranger, with the power of Amber and Yellow Spinel. (lastly, she steps in front of Evin) Evin, you are the Blue Jewel Ranger, with the power of the Turquoise and Blue Sapphire......Skyland here is your leader, the Orange Jewel Ranger with the power of the Topaz and Citrine. Though she is younger than you, she is wise for her years.

[At the end of Lucent's sentence, a alert comes in that a monster attack is commencing on a major city of Nigeria, Africa. The Rangers all turn instinctively and call out their morphing calls.]

Skyland- Orange, Topaz-Citrine Jewel Ranger Power!!

Evin- Blue, Turquoise-Sapphire Jewel Ranger Power!!

Daisy- Yellow, Amber-Yellow Spinel Jewel Ranger Power!!

Brice- Green, Jade-Emerald Jewel Ranger Power!!

Jenii- Purple, Amethyst-Purple Spinel Jewel Ranger Power!!

[The five teens morph into their Ranger costumes. The four newer Rangers, seeing theirs for the first time, are momentarily in awe, but quickly regroup and are teleported down to the city to fight the monster. The Prism Ranger accompanies them.]


Part III: The Sixth Emerged from Shadows

[They arrive to find that the lion/gorilla monster has already done some costly damage to the city. Cars are toppled about everywhere and innocent civilians of a society, that has lived in total peace for two generations, run through the streets trying to get away from the rampaging monster who goes around capturing young children by use of a targeting and beam up system. He has already captured hundreds of Nigerian children. The Zordless Rangers pull out their respective weapons and aim at the monster and fire upon him. The monster turns to them and laughs]

Monster- What is this? A band of female Rangers with two token males. Perhaps I should ask your father's permission before fighting you!! (laugh) Whoops!!...That isn't PC is it... How chauvinist of me!! (Roar!!) Oh Well!!

Jenii- Are you all talk or is there fight in you, Monkey-Cat!

Monster- Monkey-Cat!! (deeply insulted) I'm Gorilla and Lion (the monster beats his chest and then roars) I'm no monkey-cat!

Brice- Whatever!

Evin- If you say so!

Monster- Watch it, pickle and blueberry!

[Evin and Brice chuckle at having ticked off the monster]

Prism Ranger- What are we here for? I could be fighting real monsters right now!

Monster- Take this!....

[The monster surges a blast of energy at the Rangers that barely moves them. They shake it off and laugh at him. He is angered and bolts at them roaring, this time a very strong surge of energy shooting from him. All the Rangers are knocked from off their feet, and squirm on the ground, while the monster transports to a nearby park.]

[In the park, the monster sees a young man pushing a little girl on a swing. He goes after the child, but the young man defends the child by karate kicking him away.]

Monster- Give me the child!

Young man- NO!...Get away from my sister!!

Monster- The Dark Army won't hurt her, she'll just grow up to be a soldier for us!

Young man- You cannot have her or any of the other children of Earth!!

Monster- We will have all the children of the Milky Way.

[The young man holds the little girl tightly behind him as he makes a second attack on the monster to scare it away. The monster is stubborn in his attempt to gain this one particular child.]

[The Jewel and Prism Ranger beam to the park and immediately confront the monster, trying to get it away from the young man and his sister. As they fight monster the Jewel Ranger has a strange sensation about the young man with the child. Lucent makes an excuse to leave the fight and seeks out the young man and finds him coming back to the fight.]

Young man- Why have you left the battle, Ranger?

Lucent- To find you, Black Ranger! (She reaches into her pouch and pulls out a 6th crystal which glows a dark grey. She hands it to the young man) My name is Lucent, I'm the Prism Ranger.

Young Man- My name is Xenos....I came back to help you fight the creature after you helped me and my sister escape. I have her hidden where she will be safe. (Xenos looks down at the crystal as it changes into a Black Jeweled necklace.)

[The Prism Ranger quickly puts the necklace around Xenos' neck and tells him how to morph. Once he is morphed, the two rush back to the battle and all the other Rangers but Skyland take it for granted that additional Rangers may show up at any time. Skyland has an impression of who he is and keeps fighting.]

Within the next few minutes, the Rangers defeat the monster. The Nigerian children stolen by the monster were brought back after the Jewel Rangers and the Prism Ranger defeated the monster and reversed his teleportation gun. The Prism Ranger never used even 20% of her strength so that most of the battle is fought and won by the new team of Rangers. This was their first fight as a team, and the first of many to come.

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