Power Rangers and all related materials copyright Saban Entertainment. All original contents copyright Akiko.

By Akiko

The Purple Ranger character was born out of my frustration with Saban's version of PR. I had watched the first couple of seasons casually on-and-off, but really became a fan when they went Zeo. I always admired Trini's character and, for the most part, Kim's. They were strong and could keep up with the guys. Then Zeo came along and we got Kat and Tanya. When they first started, both of their characters were incredibly wimpy. It annoyed me so much that I decided to create my own slightly feminist character, Alexandra, the Purple Ranger.

The feedback I received from Manny's board was incredible. Getting such a positive response, I decided to tackle another project: Making Kat and Tanya's characters stronger. Trini has always been my favorite, so I decided to bring her back, too, in "Think Pink."

The positive responses continued to come in. Readers started asking me more detailed questions about Alex. Does she have a Zord? What does she really look like? What does her helmet look like? And my favorite, are you Alex (answer: not hardly. 😉?

On a roll and totally egged on, I began taking Alex on different adventures. Alex's character is so easy to write that a simple "What if..." question was enough to get me started. I also allow other people to "borrow" Alex for their adventures, if they would like her. I find it a huge compliment to be asked. Thanks! My only limitation is that you keep Alex in-character--don't make her into an ax murderer or a prostitute, please. Besides that, I like to see other people's interpretations of her.

Thanks for egging me on! gn="cenj